Gambling on the Vaccine Market: Financial Reporting Company Makes it Easy to Profit from Worldwide Vaccine Sales
Those looking to cash in on the multi-billion-dollar vaccine racket can now do so with the help of a financial reporting company that keeps tabs on the present and expected future growth of the vaccine market for investment purposes. Kind of like playing the craps table in Vegas, gambling on the successes of the vaccine market (and ultimately on children’s lives) is the latest money-making scheme in the endless merry-go-round of corporate greed.
So while children are becoming permanently injured and dying due to flu shots and MMR vaccines, unscrupulous investors are busy hoping that you and your loved ones won’t make too much of a stink about it and cause vaccine industry stock prices to cut into their fiat windfalls. It’s just about money, money and more money for these people, as they shamelessly gamble on the collective health of the next generation for their next paycheck.
A press release recently issued by PR Newswire explains how the company, Visiongain, provides insights into the forecast sales of vaccines at the world, national, submarket and product levels. Investors can then use this data to play the vaccine market and rake in the big bucks, all on the backs of millions of vaccine-injured children who are being played by the establishment for massive profits.
“Vaccines sector still hold[s] great technological, medical and commercial potential,” announces the press release. “[U]se our predictions for vaccination to expand your business and help your influence… and stay ahead.”
Vaccines are just another gambling game at the casino, and your children are the betting chips
It’s quite sickening if you really think about it — playing the vaccine industry for cash in the same way you would a slot machine or roulette wheel at Caesar’s Palace. If you can accurately calculate the odds and make your bet, then voila, in comes the money. Except slot machines don’t cause autism, and the roulette wheel, at least as far as we know, isn’t responsible for causing permanent neurological damage.
These and other life-changing injuries do result from vaccines, though, which the report likens to “human medicine.” But who really cares — it’s all about the money, and there’s quite a lot of it to be made from vaccines, which are the only products on the market today that are completely shielded from liability and paid for mostly with taxpayer dollars.
They’re also slowly being forced on the populace without informed consent, which makes vaccines anything but “human medicine.” Vaccines can more accurately be categorized as weapons of mass destruction, a Trojan Horse protocol of “medicine” that forever alters the human immune system and leaves it powerless to fight disease naturally and normally.
Many of those injected with vaccines develop autoimmune diseases, in which the body attacks itself, thinking it’s a foreign invader. This is what vaccines do — they override natural immunity and bombard the body with all sorts of confusing antibodies and chemicals that often cause permanent, lifelong damage.
Based on this model, speculators can also predict how many vaccinated children will require further medical care in the form of pharmaceutical drugs and surgery, another high-profit gambling game that’s making a lot of people very, very rich.
“Progress worldwide in vaccines and healthcare will expand vaccination,” adds the press release, illustrating the disgusting return-on-investment approach to pushing the vaccine agenda. “[Y]ou [can] assess developed and developing countries for revenues and potential sales growth.”