Gallup: Job-Satisfaction Is Highest in UAE, Russia, and U.S.

The Gallup World Poll, released on May 1st, surveyed over 1,000 people in each of 128 countries, and found that the three nations with the highest percentage of employees satisfied with their jobs, were UAE, Russia, and U.S. 

In UAE, the lowest percentage, 31%, were seeking full-time employment but not in full-time employment. 58% of citizens who were full-time employed rated their jobs as “Good.” 12% rated them as “Great.”

Russia had 51% seeking but not having full-time work; 35% who had full-time work rated their jobs as “Good”; and 13% had “Great” jobs.

U.S. had 56% seeking but not having full-time work, 32% with “Good” jobs, and 13% with “Great” jobs.

The other nations with the highest jobs-satisfaction were KazakhstanSingapore, and Panama, with 11% in each having “Great” jobs; EstoniaMongolia, and Uruguay, with 10%; and ColombiaCanadaPhilippines, and Mauritius, with 9%. However, Panama had a very high 73% who were seeking but not having full-time employment; Mongolia had a very high 71% who were, and Philippines had an even higher 78% in that category; so, those three actually had fairly poor overall scores, because of their high percentage of citizens who couldn’t obtain full-time employment. 

The nations with the lowest “Great” jobs scores, each nation having only 1% of full-time workers who rated their jobs “Great,” were: TogoTanzaniaCongo Kinshasa, Somalia, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, ItalyChadIranBurkina Faso, and South Sudan

Generally speaking, the performance of European and former Soviet nations was mediocre, and of African and Latin American nations was poor.

Here were the scores in nations where the U.S. had recently invaded, or else overthrown the government by means of a coup: Iraqhad 2% “Great” jobs, and 85% seeking but not having full-time work; Libya had 4% and 79%; Honduras had 5% and 86%; Ukraine had 4% and 66%; and Georgia had 4% and 84%. Only incomplete data were shown for Afghanistan and for Yemen, but each of those two was in the bottom 10% of all nations regarding the percentage who rated their jobs as being even “Good.” No data at all were shown for Syria. But, generally, nations that the U.S. had invaded or else otherwise overthrown, performed less well than was normal for their particular region of the world. Nothing in these data is consistent with the idea that the U.S. Government does anything but harm to the people in foreign countries. Any idea that the U.S. today is anything like the U.S. during the Marshall Plan era, in the wake of World War II, is the reverse of the truth. This is a very different country, out for conquest, nothing else. However, America’s own workers have been doing very well, relative to the workers in other countries. Only the residents of other countries are being harmed by the U.S. Government.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Articles by: Eric Zuesse

About the author:

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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