Friday October 1, 2021 – Saskatchewan Workers Submit to Mass Injections
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A September 16, 2021 Saskatchewan Government Public Health Measure proclaims:
Effective October 1, a proof of vaccination or negative test requirement will be implemented for all Government of Saskatchewan, ministry, crown and agency employees.
Effective October 1, a provincial requirement of proof of vaccination or a negative test is required for public access to: (the Measure lists) bars, gyms, taverns, nightclubs, concerts, casinos, theatres, museums, fitness centres, conference centres, ticketed indoor sporting events and indoor dining establishments.
What percentage of Saskatchewan’s 550,000 waged and salaried employees must submit to injections?
All Canadian provinces employ armies inside education, health, corrections and transportation ministries. Saskatchewan’s state-owned (Crown) commercial corporations augment its public sector. In ballpark terms, “ministry, crown and agency employees” constitute 15% of Saskatchewan’s workforce.
School Divisions will soon purge their ample workforces of the un-vaxxed.
Post-secondary education institutions have already mandated vaccinations.
Service sector (bars, gyms etc.) employees comprise a significant portion of Saskatchewan’s workforce. They too must submit to injections.
Federal Government agencies are major employers in Saskatchewan; as are municipalities. The Feds are on board the vaccination express; as soon will be: all municipal governments; and, all Saskatchewan-based branches of banking, insurance and media companies.
Thus, after this Health Measure hits, most Saskatchewan workers will face: “get-the-jab-or-lose-your-job.”
The Health Measure warns:
Employees that do not provide proof of vaccination will be required to provide proof of a negative test on a consistent basis.
“Consistent basis” is undefined; as is “fully vaccinated.” With forty thousand Saskatchewanians triply-vaxxed, and hundreds sampling Covid-4; what might “fully-vaxxed” come to mean?
On September 28 Big Pharma kicked-off “Flu Season 21.” A chunk of annual influenza vaccine profits come from “booster shots” sold months after the main jabs; to boost customers through the ‘Season.’
Add Covid-3 and Covid-4 jabs to an amped Flu Season pitching cocktail and booster, and one surmises four mass-injection opportunities betwixt Halloween and Valentine’s.
October 2021 marks the month Saskatchewan’s workforce (including 100,000 vaccination resisters) begin accepting, or rejecting, a regime of monthly mandatory injections.
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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense