Francis A. Boyle: On the case against Bush and potential war with Iran
June 18, 2008
George W. Bush could be indicted at the state level for murder with malice aforethought, that according to internationally recognized legal expert Francis A. Boyle of the School of Law at the University of Illinois.
According to Boyle, President Bush deceived US soldiers about the reason for sending them to Iraq. Thus, he argues, the 4100 US soldiers who have died in Iraq thus far were murdered. Professor Boyle sees a variety of cases that could be brought and he believes it would take just one indictment and the whole house of cards would fall.
We also discuss the latest foreboding headlines on Iran. During his visit to Europe President George W. Bush met with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and the two leaders outlined plans for sanctions on a leading Iranian bank plus possible limits on Iran’s ability to ship oil. While in Europe President George W. Bush has referred to a desire for diplomacy with Iran while adding all options are still on the table. Bush announced a new plan to prevent Iran from shipping oil. Shortly after that George Bush and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced a plan to sanction Iran’s largest bank.
The Washington Post and CNN reported this week that Pakistani nuclear scientist A.Q. Khan provided a Swiss smuggling ring with blueprints for an advanced warhead. The reports specifically mentioned that Iran, North Korea, and other countries, could have acquired these plans. A.Q. Khan, Abdul Qadeer Khan, was arrested in 2003, and these and similar stories appear to trace back to a computer and other equipment seized then.
The source for this story was former top U.N. arms inspector David Albright. David Albright has been controversial since 2003 when he continued to argue that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction programs long after others gave up that argument. Albright maintained they may have been smaller than the White House alleged.
The Associated Press has now interviewed A.Q. Khan by phone to Islamabad where he is under house arrest. He told A.P. that David Albright’s report is quote: “All concoction” and “a pack of lies”. He argued that Albright is working for the CIA, and claimed the latest reports are part of a campaign to pressure Pakistan.
The U.S. is of course applying pressure in the form of air attacks in Pakistan near the Afghan border. Tensions are rising and Jane Perlez reported in the International Herald Tribune that Pakistani soldiers and others in the country are enraged about the US air strike that killed 11 soldiers from the Frontier Corps, a paramilitary force Washington has been spending $400 million to train.
Francis A. Boyle is highly skeptical about the report from David Albright.
This is part one of a two part special on the case against George W. Bush and the potential for war with Iran.
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