Latest News and Top Stories

The U.S. Economy is Falling. Towards another Credit Collapse? By Bob Chapman, July 03, 2010
Declare Your Independence! Independent Media, Independent Political Movements, Independent Electoral Activity By Kevin Zeese, July 03, 2010
Dangerous Crossroads in World History: Obama’s New Iran Sanctions: An Act of War By Shamus Cooke, July 03, 2010
The EU Must End the Funding of Israeli Military Research By Global Research, July 02, 2010
The BP Gulf Spill Galvanises Activist Community By Matthew Cardinale, July 02, 2010
Lying and Spying: The Economy is Sinking. The Coming Depression By Danny Schechter, July 02, 2010
Should We Nuke the BP Oil Well? By Washington's Blog, July 02, 2010
VIDEO: Israel is Raping Gaza of Palestinian Gas Reserves By Global Research, July 02, 2010
The US Economy is Stuck in Misery By Joel S. Hirschhorn, July 02, 2010
When War Criminals are Rewarded for Killing People: Tony Blair Awarded the “Liberty Medal” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 02, 2010
The G20 Debacle: The largest Police Mobilization in Canada’s History. By Justin Podur, July 02, 2010
Workers Rights: The Public Sector and the Common Front in Quebec By David Mandel, July 02, 2010
Wall Street is a Crime Scene, Not a Financial “Cyclical Aberration” By Mark Karlin, July 02, 2010
US to Deploy SM-3 Interceptor Missiles in Poland By Alex Brown, July 02, 2010
China opposes US-South Korea joint military exercise By Global Research, July 02, 2010
21st Century Socialism in Venezuela By Eric Toussaint, July 01, 2010
Russia Rejects Espionage Accusations By Global Research, July 01, 2010
Energy Hegemony: Israel Eyes Lebanon’s Offshore Gas Reserves By Rannie Amiri, July 01, 2010
Health Fear Over New Airport Scanners By Global Research, July 01, 2010
Sanctions and War Threats directed against the Tehran Government: Who Cares About the Iranian People? By Kourosh Ziabari, July 01, 2010
Future U.S.-Canada Joint Arctic Security and Control By Dana Gabriel, July 01, 2010
NATO’s Deadliest Month in Afghan War By Global Research, July 01, 2010
A Global Push for Reducing Poverty? Millennium Goals Revisited: Noble Ideas, and Feel-Good Moments By Ramzy Baroud, July 01, 2010
Tremble, Banks, Tremble: The key to Financial Recovery: Restoring the Rule of Law on Wall Street. By Prof. James K Galbraith, July 01, 2010
G20: Fear and Mayhem in Toronto By Lawrence McCurry, June 30, 2010
McChrystal Method Out: Sacked By The Truth By Timothy Reeder, June 30, 2010
VIDEO: Methane Release From the Gulf Oil Spill: What Does It Mean? How Bad Could It Get? By Washington's Blog, June 30, 2010
G20: Demonizing Democracy. Canada’s Police State. By Anita Oǧurlu, June 30, 2010
“Deficit Terrorism” and Economic Warfare By Ellen Brown, June 30, 2010
VIDEO: Target Tehran? Israel, US ‘Prepare to Attack Iran’ By Global Research, June 30, 2010
America’s War: Dereliction Redux: A Call For Integrity By James Gundun, June 30, 2010
G20 in Toronto : A Police State in Defense of Capitalism By Global Research, June 30, 2010
The BP Environmental Catastrophe: Living on a Dying Delta By Dahr Jamail, June 30, 2010
Guess Who Wants to Kill the Internet? By Maidhc Ó'Cathail, June 30, 2010
US Pushing EU for New Iran Sanctions By Global Research, June 30, 2010
Stimulus or Austerity: The People vs. the Banks By Shamus Cooke, June 30, 2010
Gulf of Mexico Presents Unprecedented Toxicity Problems By Kim Evans, June 29, 2010
Jerusalem Politicians Face Expulsion By Jonathan Cook, June 29, 2010
Ending the Monopoly of Ideas: Compulsory Licensing in Intellectual Property By Joshua Fulton, June 29, 2010
VIDEO: BP’s Well From Hell By Adrian Salbuchi, June 29, 2010
G20: Police Agent Provocateurs Again? A Police State in Action By Paul Manly, June 29, 2010
In the Wake of the G20: As Canada’s Democracy Trembles, a New Global Architecture Emerges By Anthony Fenton, June 29, 2010
“Dozens” of US Citizens on Assassination List, White House Adviser Hints By Muriel Kane, June 29, 2010
Economic Crisis: The Next Round of Financial Slaughter By Matthias Chang, June 29, 2010
Corruption Suspected in Airlift of Billions in Cash From Kabul By Matthew Rosenberg, June 29, 2010
Revolution and Repression in America By Andrew Gavin Marshall, June 29, 2010
G20 Riots: Is the Black Bloc a Police Psyops Group? By Rady Ananda, June 28, 2010
Iran Warns it Will Retaliate Inspection of Ships By Global Research, June 28, 2010
Rwanda Genocide: U.S. Citizen Falsely Accused By Keith Harmon Snow, June 28, 2010
Afghanistan: NATO casualties double in first of half of 2010 By Global Research, June 28, 2010
Clinton In Azerbaijan: Testing Waters For Attack On Iran By Global Research, June 28, 2010
Lieberman’s ‘peace’ plan: Strip Palestinians of citizenship By Jonathan Cook, June 28, 2010
On the Destructive Nature of the Global Economic System By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 28, 2010
G20 Police State: Toronto is burning! Or is it? By Judy Rebick, June 27, 2010
Mass Arrests, the Security State and the Toronto G20 Summit By Socialist Project, June 27, 2010
G20 police let rioters run amok and then struck back hard at all activists By David Langille, June 27, 2010
Through the Wormhole: The Secret State’s Mad Scheme to Control the Internet By Tom Burghardt, June 27, 2010
Israel’s Foreign Minister Lieberman’s “Blueprint for a Resolution” By Global Research, June 27, 2010
The Mysterious Death of Dr David Kelly: Damning New Evidence Points to a Cover-up by Tony Blair’s Government By Miles Goslett, June 27, 2010
Leader of Death Squads Wins Colombian Election By Prof. James Petras, June 27, 2010
Political and Social Instability in Kyrgyzstan By Aleksandr Shustov, June 26, 2010
‘Private Security Firms Threaten Afghan Security’ By Global Research, June 26, 2010
Reaching too Far, Delving too Deep: The Well from Hell By Christian A. DeHaemer, June 26, 2010
VIDEO: Rwanda, Congo and Law Professor Peter Erlinder By Ann Garrison, June 26, 2010
China and the Reconfiguration of the World System By Prof. Fabio Massimo Parenti, June 26, 2010
Anti-Iran Bill in House Makes Claims With No Basis in Fact By Jeremy R. Hammond, June 26, 2010
US Ranks Last Among 7 Countries on Health System Performance By Commonwealth Fund, June 26, 2010
VIDEO: The BP “Gulf Syndrome”: Benzene and Corexit Poisoning By Deborah Dupré, June 26, 2010
Canada: Major Military Exercise involving US, Canadian, British and Danish Warships By Global Research, June 26, 2010
VIDEO: The G8 “Solution” to the Crisis is the Cause of Economic Collapse By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 26, 2010
Why was General McChrystal fired? By Barry Grey, June 25, 2010
VIDEO: Is it “Raining Oil” in Metro New Orleans? By Global Research, June 25, 2010
Israel Offshore Gas Finds Trigger Dispute With Lebanon, Cyprus Questions Boundaries By David Wainer and Massoud A. Derhally, June 25, 2010
Consumer Spending is Flat, Unemployment is Rising: The Case for a Second Round of Economic Stimulus By Mike Whitney, June 25, 2010
Militarism and Democracy: the Implications of the McChrystal Affair By Patrick Martin, June 25, 2010
June: Deadliest Month of Afghan War for NATO By Global Research, June 25, 2010
Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon: Righting a Perpetual Wrong By Ramzy Baroud, June 25, 2010
Petraeus’s False Hope By James Gundun, June 25, 2010
Kyrgyzstan: Picking Up the Pieces By Eric Walberg, June 25, 2010
Long US Stay in Afghanistan Foreseen By Global Research, June 25, 2010