Former British Foreign Secretary Praises Idea of a Nuclear Weapons Free Middle East, Israel to Give Up its Nuclear Arsenal


The former British Foreign Secretary, in an opinion piece published in London, today, agrees with newly elected Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, that a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone (NWFZ) in the Middle East, is ‘entirely commendable’.

The obvious problem being that this could ‘only be achieved by Israel giving up its nuclear weapons’ as a quid pro quo to Iran agreeing to scrap its nuclear program.

Bearing in mind that Israel’s nuclear arsenal is un­declared and un­inspected by the International Atomic Energy Agency of the United Nations (IAEA) ­ and is now estimated to exceed 400 nuclear warheads ­ the proposal by Jeremy Corbyn, as endorsed by the former Conservative Foreign Secretary, must make sense. Nothing can be more important than global peace and an end to the threat of a regional nuclear war in the Middle East that would inevitably escalate to threaten tens of millions of lives throughout Europe.

The solution is for the EU to endorse the proposition of a NWFZ in the Middle East ­ to include both Israel and Iran. It is plain, common sense and to reject such an initiative would be to endanger our children, their families and their children in the years to come.

The time for specific political action to ensure the dismantling of Israel’s secret nuclear stockpile, at the same time as the closure of Iran’s nuclear program, is now.

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Articles by: Anthony Bellchambers

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