Florida School Teachers Organizing Gun Control Campaign, Role of Democratic Party Operatives. Media Blackout

Following the February 14, 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman High School a seemingly spontaneous student movement against gun control emerged from Broward County Florida. The students involved in this movement received widespread coverage via major US media outlets. A March 14 “National School Walkout” received national news coverage as school districts across the US effectively compelled their student constituencies to demonstrate for gun control. None of the overwhelmingly positive reportage hinted at the fact that this “movement” has been cultivated and steered by the highest ranking Democratic Party operatives.

On March 21 independent journalist Laura Loomer obtained further confirmation of the astro-turf roots of “Parkland Strong” when leaked audio of a meeting emerged where Broward public school teacher Laura Miller can be heard jovially coaching MarchForOurLives student participants on Democratic Party gun control “talking points”, planned secret meetings with Democratic Party leaders Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, encouraging the students to “raise hell” with President Donald Trump.

As this author noted weeks ago, from the start the allegedly spontaneous student movement that arose shortly after the tragic Parkland shooting appeared to be influenced by powerful Democratic Party operatives, including Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, in addition to lower-ranking Dems like Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, who advocated for gun control in a February 22 “Town Hall” event televised by CNN.

Loomer’s story reveals how a public school district and their employees are directly involved in coaching their students to partake in political lobbying and public demonstrations for one of the Democratic Party’s foremost campaign issues. Parents entrust their children to teachers who are expected to have expertise in their fields. Parents further expect all educators to be role models for their children.

With the above in mind the revelation of a major school district and their teachers inculcating students with political beliefs and motivating them to advocate on policies they have limited understanding of constitutes a major scandal–indeed one that any competent journalist would recognize and report on as widely as her editors would allow.

Yet web searches reveal the exact opposite: a far-reaching blackout of Loomer’s March 21 story, the circulation of which was limited to the alternative news media, regularly disparaged as “fake news” by their mainstream commercial counterparts.

On the other hand, as of this writing there is an abundance of coverage on the March 24, 2018 “March For Our Lives” event coordinated by Democratic Party operatives and enthusiasts, including Broward County school teachers. [This article was first published prior to the March 24 March for Our Lives

Web searches conducted on March 24, 2018, 8:40AM EST

By blacking out Loomer’s bombshell story major US news media further prove their censorial nature and continued decline as mere functionaries carrying out promotional maneuvers that comport with their owners’ political projects and whims.

Such media simply cannot be trusted to report objectively on a variety of political issues. These include not only US foreign policy, but also domestic and public safety concerns involving terrorism and mass shootings.


This article was originally published on James F. Tracy’s blog.

All images in this article are from the author.

About the author:

James F. Tracy was a tenured Associate Professor of Journalism and Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University from 2002 to 2016. He was fired by FAU ostensibly for violating the university's policies imposed on the free speech rights of faculty. Tracy has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the university, with trial set to begin November 27, 2017. Tracy received his PhD from University of Iowa. His work on media history, politics and culture has appeared in a wide variety of academic journals, edited volumes, and alternative news and opinion outlets. Additional information is available at MemoryHoleBlog.com, TracyLegalDefense.org, and jamesftracy.wordpress.com.

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