FDA Confesses: Zero Scientific Evidence of “Monkeypox Virus” or Contagion… Not Even a “Genome” Found by Anyone… Anywhere
Same as with the imaginary "avian influenza virus"... and "SARS-COV-2"

Sarah B. Kotler (“J.D.”) acting as Director, Division of Freedom of Information, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officially confirmed that the people running the FDA have no records authored by anyone, anywhere regarding the monkeypox virus.
1. that scientifically prove/provide evidence of the existence of any alleged “monkeypox virus“, or
2. that even describes the purification of particles that are alleged to be “monkeypox virus” directly from bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of so-called “hosts”, or
3. that describe the purported “genome” of any alleged “monkeypox virus” being found intact in the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of a so-called “host” (as opposed to fabricated in silico, aka a computer model), or
4. that scientifically demonstrate contagion of the illness / symptoms that are allegedly caused by purported “monkeypox viruses” [see pg 6].
“…we have no responsive records.”
Sadly, it looks like logic still isn’t Sarah’s thing, because in her email she wrote (not for the 1st time) (pg 6):
“The FDA does not regulate or treat viruses. The FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices; and by ensuring the safety of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation. Therefore, we have no responsive records.” (emphasis added)
This, despite the fact that “experts” at the FDA approved a quackcine to “prevent monkeypox disease”, are complicit in “Emergency Use Authorizations” of “in vitro diagnostics… related to monkeypox” and provide “Information for Monkeypox Test Developers”, etc.
But hey, who needs scientific evidence when a declaration from Xavier Becerra that “circumstances exist” is so much more convincing and legit… and everyone can just go along with that?
(I’ve asked Sarah to put her response into a signed letter, minus the irrelevant references to “avian influenza”.)
Many more failed FOI responses relating to the fake/false/fraudulent “monkeypox virus” narrative can be found here.
(Note: this information has been sent to ~200 people who work for “the state”, lamestream media, etc. at Canada, Isle of Man, England and the U.S., so that they can’t claim later that they didn’t know.)
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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Christine Massey’s “germ” FOI Newsletter.