Examining the Role of Intelligence Services in Shaping Politics and Perceptions, and the Price We May Pay. With Kit Klarenberg

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“I was asked a wide variety of questions about my political beliefs, why I write, think and say the things that I do. But also specific questions about my reporting and also just completely insane queries about my relationship, or indeed GrayZone’s relationship, with the FSB – which is to say Russia’s federal security service. Of course, these were ludicrous and I almost laughingly dismissed them as the rubbish that they were. And then I am asked, “Why are you reacting so strongly?” “

Kit Klarenberg, relating to his interrogation by UK authorities. (from this week’s interview.)


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Listeners to the Global Research News Hour, and visitors to its partner website Global Research have probably become aware of charges by critics that both these media outlets have a tendency to spit out numerous “conspiracy theories.” Such behaviour casts blame for incidents on elements within U.S., Canada, the UK, and their fellow guardians of the “international rules-based order” (the “good guys”) and letting the real villains (Russia, China, Iran, etc) get away with wrongdoing.

Some examples explored herein include counter-narratives arguing potential government complicity in events such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the major political assassinations of the 1960s, and 9/11. [1]

In his 2013 book Conspiracy Theory in America, Florida State University political scientist Lance deHaven-Smith wrote:

I introduced the concept of State Crime Against Democracy (SCAD) to displace the term “conspiracy theory.” I say displace rather than replace because SCAD is not another name for conspiracy theory; it is a name for the type of wrongdoing about which the conspiracy theory label discourages us from speaking. Basically, the term “conspiracy theory” is applied pejoratively to allegations of official wrongdoing that have not been substantiated by public officials themselves. [2]

When it comes to the task of daring to allege wrongdoing in international affairs on the part of today’s paladins of virtue, and having ample room and sources to back up your argument, few today could match a new super-duper investigative snooper like Kit Klarenberg.

Klarenberg, who has written for a number of publications, puts out intriguing articles on both old and breaking stories at a rate of at least once a week. Former citizen of the United Kingdom currently living in Serbia, much of his work specializes on the actions of United Kingdom intelligence operations. Of particular note, in 2022, he dug up dirt on the left-wing journalist Paul Mason who was colluding with British Intelligence and targeting academics and other people who were putting out the “wrong” points about the Ukraine War. [3]

This was a story that got the attention of this radio host, and evidently also the attention of several UK security people concerned about people putting out the wrong story!

This week, on the Global Research News Hour, Kit Klarenberg appears on the show as a feature guest to chat about some of the feature story topics in his analytical arsenal, from 9/11 and the October 7 attacks on Israel, to the UK based race rioting of last month, to the moment when he was detained by authorities and had his rights as we know them completely thrown away.

Kit Klarenberg is an investigative journalist exploring the role of intelligence services in shaping politics and perceptions. His work has previously appeared in MintPress News, The Cradle, Declassified UK, and Grayzone.  His work has been published at Global Research. His substack is kitklarenberg.com

(Global Research News Hour Episode 440)


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg.

The programme is also broadcast weekly (Monday, 1-2pm ET) by the Progressive Radio Network in the US.

The programme is also podcast at globalresearch.ca .


  1. https://www.globalresearch.ca/conspiracy-theory-foundations-of-a-weaponized-term/5319708
  2. Lance Dehaven-Smith (2013),  p. 9, ‘Conspiracy Theory in America’, University of Texas Press 
  3. https://thegrayzone.com/2022/06/21/british-security-state-collaborator-paul-masons-war-on-rogue-academics-exposed/

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Articles by: Michael Welch and Kit Klarenberg

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