Endorse George Galloway Canada Tour – End the Ban


In response to the Harper government’s banning British MP George Galloway from Canada, we are circulating a mass endorsement of his presentations in Canada (March 30 to April1), and denouncing the censorship and attacks on those who oppose Harper’s policies in the Middle East and Afghanistan. Your names will add pressure to get the government to lift the ban.

We urge you and your organization to sign on as a matter of principle.

Please forward this endorsement to others.


Let Galloway Speak Committee

Le Comité Laissez parler Galloway
[email protected]

For more information on George Galloway’s Canada tour “Resisting war from Gaza to Kandahar”, please visit: (Montreal) 
www.sphr.org  web;
(Ottawa)   http://ottawapeace.blogspot.com   
and (Toronto) http://www.nowar.ca   



We the following Quebec and Canadian organizations, institutions, and individuals endorse British MP George Galloway’s presence in Canada to speak on the Middle East, Central Asia and Canada’s role in these regions.

We have the right to be informed about Palestine, Israel, Afghanistan and Canada’s role in the Middle East and Central Asia, and we have the right to support the Palestinian people.

We find it unacceptable that the Harper government has crossed the line against civil liberties and human rights in banning, censoring and/or threatening its opponents on the Middle East and Central Asia.

We denounce the libeling of those who disagree with the Harper government’s Middle East policies as terrorists, supporters of terrorism, or anti-Semites.

Email your endorsement to: [email protected]

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