End of the Bush Era. A Definition if Evil
“Mr. President, seeing that your terms in office have revolved around your trumped-up ‘Axis of Evil’, I thought it is time for you to understand what true evil is:
Evil is spending upwards of a trillion dollars on war when you could have spent it on alleviating the poverty & misery of billions in 3rd world countries as well as millions in your own country.
Evil is wringing your hands over the right to die of the terminally ill while ordering the dropping of bombs on the heads of healthy children and denying them the right to live and the right to all their limbs and senses.
Evil is mouthing hollow platitudes about ‘truth’, ‘justice’, ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ while lying to the world about WMDs, refusing trials for the accused, supporting puppet dictatorships, and locking up a greater proportion of your population than any other country on Earth.
Evil is sitting on a throne that, deep in your heart, you know you are not worthy of, exploiting it beyond the spirit of The Constitution, and being so addicted to power that as you witnessed the global suffering and chaos that you had unleashed, you obstinately and shamelessly continued your recklessness.
These, Mr. President, constitute the definition of evil which history has now recorded for posterity, using you as an example for future generations.
Sam Nejad. Geraldton, Western Australia.