Empower Yourself to Fight the Power

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The enemies of truth, freedom, and justice are highly mobilized, well funded, and efficiently organized.

The institutional structures of power, whether local, national or global, are effective mechanisms through which the ruling groups of society establish and entrench their influence, build consensus among each other, brainwash and expand their control over the masses and society as a whole. Whether they take the form of think tanks, universities, governments, corporations, militaries, intelligence agencies, NGOs, media conglomerates, international organizations, philanthropic foundations, they are institutions of control and conquest.

Whether that conquest is ideological or physical, the effect is the same: the conquered are oppressed and repressed.

These institutions are financed through the global banking system of collusion between the private banks and quasi-governmental central banks, who control the money supply and value of the change in your pocket, which are in fact a highly concentrated group of institutions and individuals. Never in all of human history have so few controlled so much on such a global scale, nor have so many had so little on an equally global scale.

Never before in history have the mechanisms for absolute total global control and oppression been within such close reach. We are seeing the emergence of this ‘new society’ in which governments are increasingly imperialistic abroad and militaristic at home, as domestic police states are established under the guise of ‘homeland security’, sold on the pretense of protecting people from terrorists, but in actuality are designed to protect the powerful from the people.

Increasingly, civil rights and freedoms are being dismantled for the wider populations: countries and peoples all around the world are subjected to bombings, drone attacks from flying killer robots in the sky named “Predators”, and high-tech military equipment is designed and used to more effectively kill and conquer poor people all around the globe.

In the emerging ‘homeland security states’, technology is being used to spy on people, all internet traffic monitored, phones tapped, cameras recording not only our images, but through biometrics they are categorizing and quantifying our specific individual faces and emotional responses. We are, increasingly, seeing the emergence of a hybrid nightmarish scenario of ‘Brave New World’ meets ‘1984.’ Technology has largely facilitated the advances in these areas and has, for the first time in all of human history, made possible the notion of a truly global police state.

Yet… there is still hope.

The Technological Revolution has not only facilitated a more rapid and effective apparatus for the institutions of power to exploit in methods of oppression and control, but it has simultaneously facilitated the rapid and effective means through which more people than ever before in human history have access to and empowerment through information and communication on a truly global scale.

As a result of the Internet, the traditional institutions of power have lost their monopoly of control over information and communication.

The very same technological advances that make possible their methods of control and conquest are simultaneously making possible their eventual downfall and failure. While the powerful have the money and are highly centralized, the rest of the world increasingly have the means and remain highly decentralized. And while the powerful are few, the rest are many. The Internet and social media have become effective means through which people are able to empower themselves to struggle against and expose the institutions of power that seek to oppress and control them. Naturally, those same institutions seek to influence – whether overtly or covertly – those very same avenues of social media, they are still effective and available for the struggle for liberation from oppression.

Here at Global Research, we have been able to harness these new communications technologies. We are committed to providing free and accessible information to the many in order to expose the few.

Our aim is to struggle against and expose the institutions of power, and to empower the people to take this endeavour into their own hands… and onto their own keyboards.

To continue to provide information and battle the spread of disinformation, Global Research needs your help.

We are aware that the world is in rough economic times, and we have been at the forefront in warning that they are likely to continue to get worse; and so while Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase may be breaking records and their executives signing their own bonuses, the vast majority of the world’s people do not have this luxury. However, there is still something that everyone can do to help in the cause and to help Global Research advance that cause and become more effective in our aims. Whether you are financially comfortable, or living from pay check to pay check, you can empower yourself and empower Global Research to continue and expand our operations.

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