Electronic Harassment, Stalking and Surveillance: Florida State University Shooter Myron May’s Last Words
Says He Was "Targeted Individual"
Image above: author Professor James Tracy
A few days before going on a shooting spree at the Strozier Library on the Florida State University campus in Tallahassee, attorney Myron May calmly and knowledgeably video-recorded his observations and insights regarding what he argued was an organized campaign of electronic harassment, stalking and surveillance he was subjected to. These recordings were released by the Tallahassee Police Department in response to a public records request and are broadcast here for the first time.
Withstanding what he argued was a sophisticated program of continual harassment, May hoped that an extreme act would draw attention to the plight of “targeted individuals.” In this vein he challenged elected officials and mainstream media to address the event and issue rather than explain them away as matters of mental illness.
A 2005 graduate of Florida State who went on to complete law school at Texas Tech University, may was an unlikely profile for a mass shooter. However, analysis of police reports and related documentation obtained from Tallahassee police alongside personal communications from those familiar with May’s temperament and situation suggest that his observations, at the very least, deserve serious consideration.
In addition to several statements by May to his friends and loved ones, which have mostly been excerpted, the remainder of May’s presentation captured on the videos consists of describing various techniques of electronic harassment and gang stalking utilized by government or private contractors involved in organizing the overall regimen. “When I first realized that there was maybe more going on than meets the eye in my particular scenario, and I started to come to the realization that I was a targeted individual,” May recalls,
viruses and malware were downloaded on to my Toshiba laptop. I would literally be working on something on my computer, and all of a sudden my [cursor] would start moving and be clicking on things–totally out of my control. I’m not touching the mouse or anything … It was a very weird experience. Of course, again, it’s designed to cause fear, apprehension, and paranoia.
“The most critical aspect of gang stalking, and kind of the hardest to believe as well,” May observes,
and it’s the lynchpin that hold their whole program together and enables them to keep it a secret from everybody else in society. It’s called ‘electronic harassment. It’s by far the most creepy and frightening weapon in the stalker’s arsenal. Some of this technology is detailed in a book written by Dr. Robert Duncan. This book is called Project Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cybernetic Warfare Revealed. Dr. Robert Duncan actually participated in designing a lot of this technology, and so he details it in this book. And that’s how you know it’s real, because there is a legitimate professional scientist who talks about the technology and its capabilities. I would encourage all of you to read that book if you have questions, and your questioning whether or not this is even possible, read the book and you’ll see that it very much is possible.
May argues that “through nanotechnology [distributed aerially] the control panel stalkers who are basically in an operation center watching the targeted individuals, are able to monitor and induce all sorts of things in a targeted individual. This very freaky, They’re able to manipulate a targeted individuals bodily functions–things like their pain receptors and stress hormones. They’re able to speed up a targeted individual’s heart rate to very rapid speeds.
I have actually been induced to have panic attacks on two separate occasions. This is before I realized I was a targeted individual. I shouldn’t say panic attacks, but rather what I thought were panic attacks. Basically my heart rate just started speeding up very, very rapidly. It was just going at full blast. I thought I was actually having a heart attack. So I went to the hospital. I had the ambulance called to my job. They took me to the hospital. [The hospital staff said,] ‘Oh, nothing’s wrong. Everything’s normal. Your EKG is fine.’ So, I just resolved that I was having panic attacks. Now that I know a little more about the technology I realize that I was not having panic attacks, and this was when the harassment first started, and this was part of the game.”
May explains how such technology is employed to increasingly isolate targeted individuals.
For the individual who doesn’t know they’re a targeted individual, or who doesn’t know how this technology works and fits in to the whole scheme of the targeted individual program, all you know is that you’re hearing voices in your ear. You start to think that maybe you’re schizophrenic, or having some sort of psychotic episode. And if you try to explain to somebody else, “Hey, I’m hearing voices in my ear,” then naturally they’re going to have the same conclusion. They’re going to think, “OK, you’re being schizophrenic,” or “You’re having some kind of hypnotic episode.”
The reality is you’re not. It’s these “voice of god” weapons. And this only serves to isolate the person with their isolation tactics. If you tell a friend or a family member or a co-worker or an acquaintance, “Hey, I’m hearing these voices,” those people are naturally going to want to stay away from you. Because you’re trying to come to them for help, or explain to them something you have, then you’re going to naturally withdraw when you’re pushed away like that. And so, you’re only further isolated.
Through “image induction technology” control panel stalkers are capable of seeing the real and imagined representations that a targeted individual experiences or conjures. “If I’m thinking about something in my memory,” May posits, “something that happened several years ago, and I have an image of that in my mind, they they can actually see that to. Or, if I’m imagining something, and there’s an image that I’m imagining, they can see that too.”
May draws the presentation to a close by appealing to elected local, state and federal officials and mainstream journalists to further investigate and sincerely address the crimes of organized electronic harassment and gang stalking.
I challenge you to not just dismiss me and the stories of other targeted individuals as people having mental illness, but to seriously consider the story and consider the possibility that the story could be true. The story could be real … Research it yourselves. Have your aids and assistants research it. I challenge you to open an investigation. Pass a bill, pass a resolution so that an investigation can be opened. Establish a commission that will look in to bioethics and the treatment of targeted individuals, and not just dismiss it as, ‘These are schizophrenic people suffering from psychosis or some other mental illness,’ because that is not the case. We are subjected to torture daily … I challenge you, as elected officials, to do something that matters in the lives of your constituents and people across this country.
To the media, I challenge you also to research and investigate this issue. Give it a real investigation. Don’t just dismiss it as mental illness. Don’t draw conclusions based on ignorance. Don’t substitute taglines and lazy journalism for doing the real work that you’re supposed to do, which is to look deeply in to an issue and give both sides of it. Research the technology. Dig Deeper. Question the FBI. Question the CIA. Question the NSA. Question the military. Question your government. That’s what you’re supposed to do. And I challenge you to do that. I challenge you to revisit this issue every single year, because it deserves that much.