9/11 and Covid Hoaxes: Disguising Bioweapons as “Medical Cures”

Reflections on the "Death Cult Delusions" Infecting Our Times, 1997-2023

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The link to the author’s 2013 article is:


Clearly there’s a growing array of people out there who recognize that some knowledge of the lies and crimes of 9/11 are important in developing understanding of most of the big things that have happened since Sept. 11 of 2001. True knowledge of 9/11 helps to explain the making of “the death cult” of mass illusion that is currently engulfing us. 

The death cult also draws energy from a treacherous smoke-and-mirrors operation currently swirling around a specious campaign of climate change alarmism. The so-called science behind this scam is as fraudulent and lethal in its own way as disguising the ongoing military-backed bioweapon attack aimed at us, as a benign treatment for a supposedly new kind of coronavirus contagion. 

I regard the 9/11 episode as the basis for one of the classic case studies available to those seeking insight into vital interactions between theory and conspiracy. 9/11 forms an ideal topic especially for thinking people who embrace the importance of honesty and integrity in the pursuit of knowledge.

Such people often eschew the quest for fame and fortune as culture producers in order to investigate forbidden truths about how power is actually transacted at the highest levels. Such truth seeking is often targeted for attack by those who have emerged triumphant in the struggle for wealth and power. The maintenance of wealth and power often depends on keeping secret the realities of how these most coveted of attainments were seized and augmented.

I fail to see how numerous prominent critics and independent authors can be taken as credible when their analysis of the geopolitics of the twenty-first century evades issues swirling around what really happened on 9/11.

Who did it?

Who benefited and why? We require understanding of the true nature of the villainy behind the 9/11 PSYOP if we are to understand the genesis of the bioweapon kill off done in the name of stopping COVID-19.

The study of the 9/11 and COVID hoaxes are necessary building blocks on the way to assessing the high-level crimes being done by those inciting a war on climate change.

The fraudsters pulling off this deception are preaching a false doctrine. They would have us believe the diversionary claim that all the world’s enormous problems can be transcended by conducting a crackdown on carbon emissions. We shouldn’t comply with the billionaires’ plan to impose a vow of poverty on the rest of us. Don’t believe their climate change hocus pocus that our compliance will materialize the mirage of a permanent state of net zero nirvana.

The 9/11 crime should be understood in terms of its antecedents and well as its outgrowths. As I argue in the essay that motivated me to write these reflections, the 9/11 crimes and their ongoing cover up were anticipated by manoeuvres to hide the real circumstances that led to the crash in 1997 of TWA Flight 800.

I am writing this commentary as a kind of introduction to an essay I wrote in 2013 that recently emerged from a digital archive at Veterans Today, currently VT.

Entitled TWA Flight 800 and 9/11, the essay is now available on the Internet and available here.

Many eye witnesses on the NY coastline witnessed the event that probably led to the crash of TWA Flight 800. They saw a missile emerge from the waters of the Atlantic to strike down the loaded passenger plane. A tremendous body of evidence was subsequently compiled by investigative journalists that demonstrates the US Navy remains the number one suspect in this crime.

One of those investigators is Kristina Borjesson. She began looking into the matter in 1997 as a producer of CBS’s hit public affairs show, 60 Minutes. Her insistence at getting to the bottom of the story led her to her termination of employment at 60 Minutes. One thing led to another and Kristina ended up making a major documentary film that I reviewed at some length in “TWA Flight 800 and 9/11.”

I wrote this essay in 2013 at a point in my career when I had attained the rank of Full Professor. I was tenured at the University of Lethbridge in 2003. As I look back now at the contents of this essay, the text encapsulates the sense of liberation I felt at the time.

I had jumped through all the professional academic hoops of tenure and promotion. I was at a moment when I felt fully empowered to write freely in whatever publishing venues that captured my fancy. I would henceforth expound on whatever topic I might choose. I would do so in ways I determined would have the best chance of bringing me closest to the truth.

Those who open the link above will find a number of funny and incisive cartoons created especially for this essay by my very talented friend, Catherine Abel. The opening illustration in one of these cartoons appears over the caption, “Arresting Truthers to Protect the Liars in Power.”

As indicated in the art work glancing backwards and forwards from its publication 2013, the specious response to 9/11 was certainly well exploited by the terms, “terror,” “terrorism” and “terrorist.”

The War on Terror set in motion a dubious trajectory of heavily-politicized languages that quickly found its way from media propaganda into law books and government policies.

The mere invocation of the term, terrorist, by some random official can freeze habeus corpus. The designated terrorist can be apprehended, jailed, tortured and killed, all without a trial. Innocent people are still being killed frequently because they happen to be in an area that someone in authority has decided might contain a person deemed deserving of drone attack.

Terror talk has been endlessly co-opted throughout the spectrum between trash talk and high-end academic tomes.

The terror words have been weaponized for political advantage by many governments. This weaponization has been deployed especially shamelessly by the Israeli government and by Israel First partisans that dominate many branches of the US government.

The irony of it all is stupendous. The world’s most pathological liars tend to be heavily protected while truth tellers dealing with really significant subjects face threats and recriminations at every turn. Similarly the world’s most ruthless terrorists run rapacious orgies of ruination while the many victims of their terror suffer and die needlessly.


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Dr. Anthony Hall is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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Articles by: Prof. Anthony J. Hall

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