“Deep State” Abuse of AI: The Biggest Danger of AI and Yet Nobody Talks About It!


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There are lots of follow-up issues concerning artificial intelligence (AI) – one of the big follow-ups is the concentration of unimaginable power in the deep-state, which AI will enable.

Few people are aware of the level of fog being disseminated from the US deep-state on AI.

Deep-state abuse of AI is the biggest danger of AI. And yet, nobody talks about it!

All the talk about “AI taking over the world” is misdirection. It’s deliberately pointing in the false direction.

The role of big tech is a concern, but the way it is presented is also misdirection – pointing attention away from the deep-state.

After all, big tech – like mainstream media – do what the deep-state orders them to do. That is not public – and may even go against the law !

The Washington Post gives a vivid example of the abysmal public discourse in its report today 21 June 2023 about law-making initiatives on AI – see link.

Read carefully.

It’s all about (A) the “threat of AI taking over” and (B) the scare of “big companies”.

That’s a good cocktail to scare a lot of tech-skeptic conservatives and tech-fearful liberals and make them yearn for whatever liberties law-makers want to write, not for the public, but for the deep-state and themselves against the public.

NOBODY in the political arena talks about the risk which AI poses in the hands of the deep-state – and how to deal with that.

Any sparse talk about the risk of state-use and abuse of AI is always pointed away from the US – usually to “China“. People shouldn’t be fooled.

A system of “social points” for each individual may already exist in the US, soon to be run by AI. It will just not be a thing known to the public. And inside the deep-state, it will be called something “good”, like “individual risk assessment” or whatever. Put this together with “predictive policing” run by AI, to target, harass, and destroy groups and individuals, and you have a very potent cocktail.

I’d like here to remind of the discussions which took place for decades about the internet, and the surveillance state. And be sure, whatever the US does, countries like Canada, Denmark, Sweden, and other pretentious “do-good” countries will support. Denmark broke its own laws to bent-over backwards for build a spy-station for the USA. And notice, that a predominance of the protagonists in the AI top are related to Toronto University in Canada.

Nobody fears that the internet takes over society. But we all know that the internet is used for surveillance and control. Control of US citizens and of everybody else outside the US. Nobody wants to abolish the internet because of that, because we all benefit so much from it. But except for a few who are chased now by the US deep-state, nobody takes the surveillance and control discussion seriously enough to do anything about it.

AI is heading in the same direction.

In the end, the World is better served being multi-polar; not concentrating all power – including all AI power – into the hands of one élite in one state.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Articles by: Karsten Riise

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