Death by Peaceful Protest

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In 1965, a well-meaning lecturer challenged me to discover the real me, and I discovered that not only was I not the genial good guy I imagined myself to be, but the entire world around me was an illusion draped in dark lies and deceit. 

Who had done this? I asked myself; Who was responsible for an education system that forced me to see a world that was not real? I abandoned my career and decided to devote ten years of my life to finding the truth. The sad naivete of youth. Ten years stretched into fifty.

It was not until 2000, aided by the Internet, that I commenced a full-time journey of discovery in which, finally, I made real progress. By 2007, assisted by insiders, I discovered their actual names; a list of global manipulators led by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. By 2010, I had identified 17 elements of their strategic New World Order implementation programme (see which I anticipated would eventually grow to 20 because of their apparent fixation with numerology. This seems to be a byproduct of their belief that they are born to rule. Leadership of the NWO is their preordained destiny.

These early insights provided me with ample time to match their strategies with others of the past, and also provided clues as to chapters of history that have now been thoroughly sanitised, including removal from every public library in the world (2003>) all references to genuine democracies. With a budget of $110 trillion, expense was never an issue. However, my timely searches defeated their schedule.

Today, awareness of these entities and their former 2021 agenda is commonplace, as is the scheduled revision and postponement of NWO to 2030. This has had two effects. In most observers, it has inspired a belief that the World Economic Forum plotters have been outed, and that their fiendish plans can surely be confounded by a now-alerted humanity.

A very much smaller group has nervously looked around for the source of the Elite’s supreme arrogance. Nobody, they reasoned, with that much power and resources, is going to be silly enough to permit a 205 year old plan to be derailed that easily. Thus, there has been much speculation about ultimate weapons: a new virus or bacterium; catastrophic application of HAART; lethal climate change; lethal climate change prevention; ionospheric engineering; nuclear war; a hidden source of lethal toxicity.

This latter real world comprehension requires us to recognise the time and resources that they have available to invest in the global takeover.  We need to step back and review their progress, now exposed by history and context.

The first of these strategies was implemented in the 1930s, the design of the UN by Nelson Rockefeller (unsurprisingly, the modern UN HQ is on Rockefeller land in NY).

The tandem strategy was to nurture a little Indian lawyer named Mohandas, who was identified by the Rhodes Foundation in Africa and cultivated and nurtured by the City of London and, probably, the Tavistock Institute.

Gandhi was guided to create a new philosophy of non-violent peaceful protest, with a predetermined outcome. The British Raj had already decided that Red Coat control of the Empire was obsolete and expensive, so the new plan was to cultivate indigenous ‘leaders’ and to fund their success. Adern, Trudeau, and co are merely the most recent students. Africa and India were the experimental training grounds. Students who rebelled were assassinated. Several Hindu authors have exposed Gandhi’s duplicity and hypocrisy, unfortunately, in the language Hindi.

But why? Why nurture protest?

It was long-ago acknowledged by the Elite, as of the French Revolution, that we greatly outnumber them. So a method was needed to neutralise our numerical advantage. The first chicane to be laid was to design national Constitutions, or to suitably amend those that sprang up spontaneously (i.e. The Rights of Man; a manifesto by Thomas Paine). This is why no national constitution today includes the word ‘democracy’. Paine’s inspired effort was virtually demolished; especially expunged being phrases like “All authority resides in the People”.

Eventual discovery of the revisions spurred creation of the first ten US Bill of Rights… unsuccessfully for ordinary Americans.

The next strategy adopted was to promote ‘Gandhi’s’ philosophy of Non-Violent Peaceful Protest. Nevertheless, from time to time, peaceful protests were permitted to succeed in order to reinforce popular confidence, especially among academics, who then assumed the role of proselytism. Academics, school teachers, and students have been the prime targets of this indoctrination because they have never left school and thus have little experience in the real world and, hence, limited capacity to see through the ruse.

Histories that showed the massacres of peaceful protesters have been thoroughly deleted from public libraries, and History as a school subject has been largely removed from curriculum.

Peaceful Protest was demonstrated as potentially successful by the Canadian Truck Convoy, followed by the US and Belgium versions. A million Aussies converging on Canberra showed the world that indeed, the Great Awakening is really happening and it is only a matter of time before The People force the politicians to capitulate.

“Peaceful Protest is clearly the way to go”, everybody has concluded. Yet, nowhere, has the mRNA jab mandate been abandoned.

The current promotion of Peaceful Protest is led from the shadows and occasionally from the front, and is designed to undermine resistance; as are the useless constitutions and bills of rights. In this way our superior numbers mean nothing as we march happily to our execution, all the way singing of victory.

Looked at in this light, it is not surprising why the two most gullible and naive nationalities, Kiwis and Canadians, were the most suckered by this ruse. In other words, the plan is working perfectly. We are being defeated without a shot being fired.

I am unsure where Riccardo Bosi fits into all this. He talks big but does nothing. If he were genuine he would have responded to the two communications I sent him. He would have sent somebody to soften my later provocations. But he ignores me, which is what I would do in his position if I had an extraneous agenda.

Is he playing a double game? I know from peeking behind the curtains that he is part of the US fundamentalist Christian movement, subscribing to “an eye for an eye” sentiment. He is also ignorant and one-eyed, believing the nonsense about Aboriginal royalty spouted by David Cole in Darwin.

Such suspicions provoke other questions: Is Reiner Fuellmich and the ICC a part of this ploy?

Frankly, I never trust lawyers, whether Gandhi or Fuellmich. Look at the evidence. Why adopt the International Criminal Court when the US does not recognise it? Yet most of the top organisers of the mRNA and IMT/HCQ therapy-banning democide leaders are Americans? None of this makes strategic sense, unless it is all theatre and contrived blind alleys to drain our energy and people power.

Cold reality: we are being killed in our billions, without a shot being fired, because we victims refuse to defend ourselves.

We believe in our doctors because 80 years of radio, TV and movie magic have persuaded us that doctors and nurses are noble, self-sacrificing and good. Cold evidence shows they have been killing us slowly, deliberately, and lucratively for more then eighty years.

We believe our senior politicians because the mainstream media and celebrities unanimously say that we should. Any dissenters are banned from this media. Cold evidence shows the entire public media is owned by the Elite and that the politicians are liars and traitors.

Peaceful protest is promoted very subtly by the MSM and by paid or manipulated provocateurs, either by positive proclamation in some quarters, or by journalists very obviously pretending to not see the large crowds which, psychologically, implies the legitimacy of peaceful protests in the first place.

A little violence is permitted by the police to ensure drama, and to provide excitement and a solid whiff of danger. Actually, the video footage of police slamming a women’s head on the tram tracks and then pepper-spraying her directly in the eyes, probably doubled attendance at the next rally.

We need to understand that the Elite have planned these events and responses for several decades and have employed the worlds best psychologists and crowd motivators since 1967.

Non-violent Peaceful Protest IS the ultimate weapon.

Cold evidence says “Kill or be killed”.


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Articles by: Kato Rivera

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