Death of the Republic on 9/11/01
"For Security Reasons" , "Credible and Unconfirmed Reports"...
I knew it would happen.
I knew that the tenth anniversary of 9/11 would bring back some things I hadn’t seen since the months following that September day in 2001.
There were the flags posted on peoples homes, flags used as markers up people’s walkways, and flags flying from car antennas and pasted on rear view windows.
My community lost eighteen men and women in the WTC towers that day, and they certainly have a right to remember and mourn in their own ways.
I have great compassion for those of my neighbors whose lives were shattered forever, and who suffer with recurring nightmares.
An acquaintance of ours ran like hell down eighty-two floors to get out with his life. He was the only one in his company who survived, and hasn’t been able to hold down a job since.
But this incessant repetition every year at ground Zero of the reading of the dead shown on more than one network TV station, makes me believe that it isn’t so much for their memory, which ultimately is a private thing for each of the families and friends of the departed, but a public display of martyrdom for the benefit of the government, for the purpose of jingoism, the evil twin of true patriotism which in a free country tolerates dissent and minority views.
These martyred dead have no idea that their lives are being appropriated to a cause to which their survivors and most of the rest of us have no knowledge.
Once most Americans wake up from this virtual world which resembles that of The Matrix, and the truth of what is really going on finally is made manifest, it will be too late.
The NFL football season kicked off on 9/11 this year, and I anticipated some garish “patriotic” displays at the games.
I wasn’t disappointed. Aside from the fans wearing all sorts of 9/11 memorabilia, from those ball caps emblazoned with FDNY and NYPD, to the catchy T-shirts saying such things as “Freedom Isn’t Free” under a picture of a bald eagle, to “America, Love it or Leave it”; there was the color guard made up of the four branches of the armed services and as always the singing of the national anthem by some pop star or some winner of American Idol.
But there also was the unfurling at many games of a giant flag large enough to cover the entire 100 yard playing field accompanied by the usual wild drunken cheers, hoots, whistles and cat calls.
It was no accident of scheduling that THE NEW YORK Giants were playing THE WASHINGTON (DC) Redskins, lest some Americans with short memories forgot which were the two cities that were attacked on that day.
It was certainly not a coincidence that George W. Bush tossed the coin at the NY JETS game, which is at the New Meadowlands Stadium a location from which the Twin Tower smoke could be seen on 9/11/2001. But that day was a Tuesday and there were no NFL games that day.
Even the Men’s Final of the US Open between Djokovic and Nadal, on Mon. 9/12 (which was originally scheduled for 9/11, but there were numerous rain delays) among a much more polite crowd than those who go to the NFL games had its own patriotic tributes.
Djokovic, a Serbian, put on an FDNY ball cap while accepting the winner’s trophy.
Nadal, the Spaniard, the runner up, seemed very sincere in his halting English in acknowledging the losses and the sadness among people. He of all people had a true air of sincerity. And when he made his condolences, what the the fans do? THEY CHEERED! You don’t cheer the dead, unless they are no longer conceptualized as once living but as symbols of USA,USA, USA, We’re #1.
But what made me mourn, not only for the lost innocents in my community, but for the death of the Republic, was what began on Friday 9/9 and carried through to a crescendo on 9/11 and then stopped suddenly like a summer thunderstorm on Monday 9/12.
These were those continuing reports on all the mainstream networks and their cable affiliates of “CREDIBLE but UNCONFIRMED” reports of some group of “terrorists” who were coming to somewhere in NYC in some truck or other vehicle loaded with explosives of an undetermined nature to be blown up somewhere in some crowd. One couldn’t get away from these reports and they became incessant.
Mayor Bloomberg came on and told people to go about their lives because these reports, though Credible, were of course Unconfirmed. He even took the subway to work, and made of course, a publicity stunt out of it. It’s nice when a billionaire decides to go underground with the rest of us.
It gives us a sense of community.
But these reports disturbed me for the following reasons
(a) Were this “credible” threat serious, why was the President at ground Zero?
(b) Why did the police only open and check the contents of every fourth or fifth truck ?
That means there is automatically only a 20-25% chance of stopping the perpetrators.
Those are good odds for the perpetrators. If there were a real threat, wouldn’t it behoove the cops to stop EVERY vehicle and search all of them, no matter the inconvenience?
Apparently it makes sense to the TSA to inspect every male and female passenger at the airport. Even little kids and incontinent old women in wheel chairs aren’t given the benefit of the doubt, although the likelihood of them being terrorists approaches zero. Perhaps the TSA should follow the NYPD protocol and only grope or scatter beam every fourth or fifth person – the lines would certainly move faster.
So why was the media harping on this CREDIBLE but UNCONFIRMED (always said as an afterthought by the “news” anchors) threat incessantly for three days?
In my estimation, it was done precisely to keep the public anxiety level as high as possible over that weekend. But more importantly and more sinisterly, it was done to see how the public would react; and the public passed with flying colors. Good sheeple, here have a big mac.
My conclusion is the entire thing was a staged exercise, which heretofore was done on simulated urban environments on military bases.
Some one at the higher levels of Homeland Security decided that it would be a great idea to perform this exercise in the real world to see how people would react to heavily armed police and private security on practically every street corner; how they would react to guard towers in Times Square, resembling those one used to see in films of POW camps run by the Nazis as in Stalag 17 or The Great Escape, ; how they would react to spot checks of bags and luggage at subway and bus stations.
The public is docile. They are easily and it seems almost willingly manipulated.
The New World Order is proceeding with increasing momentum.
I no longer have any illusions that we are living in a democracy.
The Republic died on 9/11/01, and I truly mourn for it, and am deeply concerned and saddened for my grandsons who are going to grow up in a police state.
A democracy requires an educated populace.
Most of the founding fathers were explicit on this matter.
With the public education system in the US being deliberately and systematically destroyed, and the mainstream media concerned with nothing but trivia and the propaganda it is handed to read, there is no hope for an educated constituency any more.
Those who now walk around with Eyes Wide Shut (another film which subtly alludes to the New World Order) will only see clearly when the door on our freedom has been closed, and The Children Of Men ( the third NWO film in my personal trilogy of must sees) will cease to be..