Corriere della Sera’s Dossier on the “Putinians of Italy”. Rand Corp’s 2019 Report: “How to Bring down Russia”
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In Corriere della Sera’s dossier on the “Putinians of Italy”- published on June 5 and signed by deputy editor Fiorenza Sarzanini and Monica Guerzoni – Manlio Dinucci also appears.
The first reference to his activities reads as follows: The 2019 Plan / An article of his claiming how “the Anglo-American attack on Russia and Ukraine was planned in 2019” has become a kind of manifesto “of Russian state media and utilities supporting the invasion of Ukraine.”
The newspaper does not indicate the source of the quoted sentences but, in presenting the dossier, speaks of “material collected by the services.”
This is a complete distortion of reality: in the 2019 article, published in the Manifesto on May 21 under the title “Rand Corp: how to bring down Russia,” the author did not support his own thesis but reported the plan published by the Rand Corporation, a powerful US think tank, entitled “Overextending and Unbalancing Russia.”
What is more, it is absurd that the author was writing in 2019 about a plan of “Anglo-American attack on Russia and Ukraine,” when Ukraine had already included in its constitution the decision to be part of NATO (a topic covered by Dinucci himself in the February 12, 2019 manifesto).
Source: Byoblu
The second reference reads as follows: Passages from his book The War – Our Lives Are at Stake, published by ByoBlu Editions – publisher of a digital channel and TV repeatedly accused of “disinformation,” – were quoted by Putin in his May 9 speech for the Victory Day celebrations.
In the Corriere of June 6, Alessandra Arachi reiterates: Among the people who were allegedly part of the network, according to the security apparatus, is Manlio Dinucci, who wrote a book about the war that Putin himself quoted on May 9 for the Victory Day celebrations.
This is a forgery that reaches demented levels, sufficient by itself to demonstrate the nature of the dossier: an example of trash journalism instrumental to a plan aimed at silencing any alternative voice to that of the political-media mainstream.
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Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy.
He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).