Conservative Victory Will advance Canada’s militarism and cohesion with the U.SA
"If the Conservatives win, we may as well become another U.S. state"
The Conservative victory under a Harper government will advance Canada’s militarism and cohesion with the U.S., and in particular it will accelerate the security and prosperity goals of the Security And Prosperity Partnership (SPP) signed by Bush, Martin and Fox on March 23, 2005 at Baylor University as evidenced by Harper’s stands:
Harper has said he would reconsider the missile defense scheme, move beyond the Kyoto debate by establishing different environmental controls and tone down the “war of words” over lumber. He also wants to spend more on the Canadian military, expand its “peacekeeping” missions in Afghanistan and Haiti and tighten security along the border with the United States. r.
To Paul Martin’s credit, he has trumpeted eight consecutive budget surpluses; but there have been allegations of corruption; and Harper has appeal: he has pledged to cut the red tape in social welfare programs, lower the national sales tax from 7 percent to 5 percent and grant more autonomy and federal funding to Canada’s 13 provinces and territories.
Laureen Browne, a longtime Liberal supporter from Calgary who hasn’t missed an election in 40 years, worries a Harper government would kow-tow to U.S. interests.
“If the Conservatives win, we may as well become another U.S. state and let George Bush make decisions for us,”
A historical analysis reveals that Stephen Harper affirmed the January 2003, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) New Frontiers Project to develop a strategy for shaping Canada’s future within North America and beyond. Composed of the chief executive officers of 150 leading Canadian enterprises, the CCCE has been dedicated to building a stronger world influence for Canada, and believes that Canada’s best path to growth is through openness to the world and deep integration with the United States. The CCCE together with the U.S. Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) has pioneered principles of security and prosperity that culminated in the drafting of the SPP.
Part of the New Frontiers Project is Reinvigorating the North American Defence Alliance. Since September 11, 2001, “security trumps trade” has become a political mantra in the United States. And, there is a perceived need for improved coordination on security well beyond military matters, thus there is to be an integration with NORTHCOM and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, one capable of responding not only to future outbreaks of infectious diseases within Canada, but also of working seamlessly with its American counterpart in addressing health emergencies on a continental basis. New Frontiers: North American Security Prosperity
The New Frontiers Project is a document comparable in scope and significance to the Magna-Carta, or The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies’ A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm.
A Stephen Harper victory would ensure tight integration of Canada into a “One World Government” with the United States. Canada’s military would be used by the Pentagon and NORTHCOM.