Confess to COVID: Just Short of Witch Burning. There Was a Covid “Vaccine” Before the Pathogen…
Despite the lamentations and orders from Geneva or the local capitals of Capital, I refuse to believe that COVID-19 or the putative pathogens are a principal challenge to humanity– except for those using these viruses for policing and/ or culling the population.
Instead I find we are in a situation not unlike that which led to the notorious Non-Aggression Pact concluded between the German Empire under NSDAP rule and the USSR. It is completely understandable that China and Russia want to avoid open war with the Anglo-American Empire. However we in the West must be honest about the criminals that rule us. Just as they did a century ago—and in fact throughout the 20th century– they are preparing a war that will “neutralise” millions on the planet. I leave it to the imagination as to the substance of this euphemism.
So much noise is being made about a vaccine. This is noise but not meaningless noise.
There was a Covid “vaccine” on the shelf before the pathogen was released. By that I do not mean that there was a “cure” or a prophylactic. That would be to mistake the true nature of the “vaccine”. As I wrote in an earlier article what we have is the introduction of a new religious regime.[1] Instead of the “sin” and “heresy”, terms long abandoned by all except the most primitive Christian sects, we have “infection” and “denial of the disease/ resistance to the so-called health measures”.
It is entirely unimportant whether a vaccine does anything at all. The only important quality is that it be distinctive enough so that standard issue chemists/ physicians recognize it as a product they are willing to distribute. This has been assured by the years of indoctrination of the medical profession to obey its masters in the pharma/ chemicals cartel.
The important– and lethal, in social terms– power of the vaccine is that it takes the place of auricular confession and indulgences, for centuries the stock and trade of Christianity. Here it is irrelevant whether one is Catholic and uses a confessional or Protestant and testifies to the congregation. Beginning with the AIDS campaign, the forces — led in the field by Fauci, the CDC and NIH– for viral warfare discovered that they could create and manipulate social stigmatism by associating it with alleged health hazards (somehow this was never used against DuPont or Monsanto…) They were able to create a microcosm of moral terror against homosexuals based on “health risk”, rather than old time religion.
This same strategy was modified and has been rolled out worldwide. Hence the greatest policing forces for vaccination (what James Corbett et al. call “medical martial law”[2]) are not the uniformed services but the private sector and most of all, your neighbour. This is ultimately a religious restructuring of the society based on ancient methods– not so ironically promoted by a man who spent his entire education under the control of Jesuits.[3]
Just as no one can see if god actually granted absolution (or even cared about the alleged sins committed) no one can see– except the clergy– if you are really a sinner and whether you have been saved by absolution through the needle (or patch). But failure to prove that you have been in the confessional or have obtained either absolution or an indulgence will be sufficient to risk being outlawed or in historical Catholic terms, excommunicated. In the Middle Ages, excommunication meant one was denied the right to property, life or anything. Food, shelter, and protection could be denied. One could be robbed or killed with impunity.
Most recently decrees have been promulgated that children must wear masks in school. While it is impossible to deny that COVID has virtually no effect on children, they have been defined as health risks to the adult population. These little creatures although not ill are all potential transmitters of the dreaded pathogens. Yet the real reason for designating children from ages 6 to 11, as “carriers” is nothing more than an alibi for a practice the Church understood centuries ago. Successful indoctrination has to begin before the age of seven. Even the alternative pedagogy of Rudolf Steiner, popular in Germany, is based on “seven-year” cycles. The ideological foundations have to be laid by age seven and boosted by age 14.
Most of the West believes that the paramountcy of “science” meant an abandonment of religion and superstition. The adoption of science as an ideology had little to do with replacing either.[4] Although the entire campaign against the pseudo-pandemic was initiated and is managed from the US—with the WHO as cut-out[5]—very little attention is paid to the way fundamental power transformations have been made in the most religious country in the world– the USA. Even sober analysts are distracted by such circuses as the POTUS election cycle. These circuses are symptoms mistaken for causes.
Because there is a widespread and mistaken belief that “science” prevails over religion as a basis of knowledge, the religious use of science and the exercise of clerical power are not recognized, let alone discussed.[6] Children were taught by the Church to denounce their parents to the Inquisition. The culture of denunciation was always a central part of Church power and we see it reintroduced today in broad daylight with barely a bark.
Along with the “vaccine race” there is also the so-called coviPass scenario.[7] Each vassal regime is to issue a certificate of vaccination/ immunisation. It sounds like the WHO vaccination book travellers take when they leave Europe or North America for the “jungle”. According to this scenario normal life, e.g. leaving one’s residential cell, travel, employment in conventional workplaces, and use of public facilities (although most of these have meanwhile been privatised) will be granted to those who submit to the vaccine(s) and surveillance.
However there is no more normal life for the permanently unemployed, the bankrupt, and the homeless, in short all those whom this action has ruined or will ruin economically.
Hence only people who have a “normal life” will be able to return. The rest will have lost it. Hence whatever life they may be permitted to have, if any, will be subject to prescription by the viral inquisition, dependent on favour or chance.
At the end of July it was announced that 180,000 enterprises collapsed in Portugal alone. That does not count the chain reaction those collapses will cause: not only in unemployment but the ruin of other firms in the supply chain.
180,000 bankrupt firms means conservatively 540,000 unemployed, in addition to those unemployed already under-counted. This is a potential unemployment of 1-2 million in a country with a workforce of about 5 million. Exact government statistics are only available for COVID infections, so estimates here will have to suffice.
Tax receipts have already dropped drastically which also means that the banks will squeeze more out of the State, i.e. budget cuts, leaving next to nothing but promises for those without jobs and uncertainty for those who have them. Portuguese wages range between EUR 500 and 2,000 per month for ordinary work, i.e. about half of what Germans earn (but for a 6-day week and 10-hour day). Of course the cost of living in Germany is high for ordinary workers too. It is only a certain trained sense of superiority that leads workers in Northern Europe to believe they are and will be better off with 250,000 bankruptcies—and counting.
Similar conditions can be expected among the other so-called PIGS, especially since these countries scarcely recovered from the imposed bankruptcy of 2008.[8] Yet none of this counts in the Big Picture, solely dedicated to sustaining the COVID illusion.
The indulgence or similar instrument issued by the Church ostensibly certified the forgiveness of god, divine grace. Of course it was only a license sold for pecuniary and penitentiary benefit. This is what the vaccine together with any “CoviPass” will be. The attention devoted to medical efficacy is a distraction. A vaccine need not do anything. There is no way to prove that one has been protected or cured– except to believe the authorities. All your neighbours and/ or their children will be sure that you confess your sins– because the wages of sin are death.
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[1] Privacy, Auricular Confession and Computer Viruses, DV (25 May 2020)
[3] Anthony Fauci, who despite Donald Trump’s attempts to subordinate him, remains the virus primate in the church of disease, graduated from a Jesuit high school and the Jesuit foundation College of the Holy Cross.
[4] The Marginalist Counter-Revolution, DV (21 July 2020)
[5] It is an unpleasant fact that even the Left is reluctant to acknowledge but the entire UN System is organised based on Anglo-American corporation law. The real decisions—the ones that count—are made by those who own the majority of shares or the controlling shares in the entity. This translates into a US majority in the Bretton Woods machine (IMF/ World Bank) and the UN agencies where the US regime pays the greater part of the budget (e.g. personnel expense). This means that no “well-managed” UN agency can act in ways that would lead to reduction of elimination of funding. It is a matter of public record that the USG and BMGF are the single most important funders of the WHO. This is not merely because of the amount of funding but the fact that no other individual source, whether one or more national contributors, have equal or greater power over the majority shareholders. If more people understood how corporations are ruled in fact, they would not be deceived by the appearance that the US is just one of nearly 200 nations represented in the UN organisation.
[6] Henry C Lea, Superstition and Force. In fact, the idea that arguments could be won or guilt could be proven by scientific evidence is a very recent arrival in Western culture. Despite the popular TV and cinema depictions of supposedly “scientific” investigation, the presumption that the authorities are justified and correct in their accusations or hypotheses is so strong that evidence is presented as the task of affirming the official story, not discovering the truth.
[8] Since everything that ever happened prior to March 2020 has been erased from historical memory—well almost—it should be recalled that PIGS was the common abbreviation used in the mass media to identify Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain, the countries most seriously plundered by the 2008 financial coup.
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