Conference Announcement: Occupation Year 7: What future for Iraq?

Brussels, 18-20 March

In-depth Report:

What future for Iraq?

18-20 March 2009

Organized by the BRussells Tribunal, in cooperation with Vrede, 11.11.11, INTAL, Les Halles de Scaerbeek and the Beursschouwburg

European Parliament

Belgian Parliament

Les Halles de Schaerbeek


Over 100,000 US troops still occupy Iraq though the people — in Iraq and across the world — want them out. In Iraq, untold destruction is mirrored in five million Iraqis made refugees and over one million killed since 2003. While the new US administration has committed to end the war, it is for all who can act to ensure that it ends. Peace in Iraq depends on a sovereign Iraq, and that starts when the occupation ends.

Public opposition to the US-led war on Iraq has faded while the scale of the suffering of the Iraqi people is staggering, and politicians go on debating the pros and cons of ending the illegal US invasion. While the dependence of peace on the withdrawal of foreign troops is easy to articulate, what future exists for Iraq now is less easy to discern. 

On the sad occasion of the 6th anniversary of the invasion, the BRussells Tribunal and its partners will bring this question to the fore in a series of events organized during three days: a hearing in the European Parliament, an informal discussion at the Belgian Parliament, and two roundtable evenings at Les Halles de Schaerbeek and the Beursschouwburg.

“Occupation Year 7: What future for Iraq?” will address crucial themes: from the plight of Iraqi refugees to the future of Iraqi oil; from the humanitarian emergency caused by the war to the steps necessary to realize a democratic and peaceful Iraq. With Iraqi experts across a number of fields, panel discussions will cut through the slogans and expose the core issues.

The occupation of Iraq is intolerable. As the occupation enters its seventh year, the time is now to set a different agenda.

The BRussells Tribunal

1 March 2009

* Registration required for entrance to the European Parliament. To register send name and date of birth to [email protected], before March 10th 2009

EVENTS PROGRAM: 18-20 March 2009


European Parliament

18.03.2009: 14.00-18.00

Session of information on Iraq, Room PHS 7C50 *

Hosted by Vice-president of the European Parliament Luisa Morgantini


14.00: Iraq — A humanitarian disaster

Speakers: Omar Al-Kubaisy and Shannon Meehan


15.30: The question of oil

Speakers: Faleh Al-Khayat and Tareq Al-Duleimi


16.30 Future: What future for Iraq?  

Speakers: Abdul Ilah Albayaty, Omar Al-Kubaisy and Faleh Al-Khayat


* Registration compulsory


Belgian Parliament


12.00: Informal discussion with Belgian parliamentarians organized by Dirk Van Der Maelen


Les Halles de Schaerbeek


20.30: Apaches evening in Les Halles de Schaerbeek: “Iraq – the humanitarian disaster and the campaign of assassination of academics and intellectuals”

 Speakers: Omar Al-Kubaisy, Abdul Ilah Albayaty and Shannon Meehan

moderated by Lieven De Cauter and Hana Al Bayaty

Free entry


De Beurs – Bourse


18.00: Action in solidarity with the Iraqi people and for the end of the occupation of Iraq on the steps of the Beurs.



20.00: Roundtable on Iraq — About oil and occupation

Speakers:  Faleh Al-Khayat, Tareq Al-Duleimi and Abdul Ilah Albayaty

Free entry


All events moderated by Hana Al Bayaty

Organized by The BRussells Tribunal, in cooperation with Vrede, Intal, 11.11.11, the Halles de Schaerbeek and the Beursschouwburg

For more info:

Press contact: Hana Al Bayaty, [email protected], +32 (0)48 887 1408 

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