Climate Change – A Scam of Global Dimensions?
Transcript of an Interview with Russian NTV
In the context of the global controversies about the Western narrative on the so-called “Climate Change” – and the ever more visible merging of this narrative with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) declared post-covid “Great Reset”, NTV, Moscow, aske me for an interview on the subject. Founder and President of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, co-authored recently a book “Covid-19 – The Great Reset” (July 2020) that illustrates in scary details how the Grand Elite of the WEF plans to “transform” the current unfettered capitalism, as we know it, black (for hydrocarbon) and unjust, into a new form of extreme neoliberal capitalism, still black – but painted Green. They call it the New Green Deal. The IMF calls the same “The Great Transformation”.
NTV: You wrote that the noise due to climate change is a terrible fraud. Why do you think so?
Peter Koenig: Interestingly, this absurd but well-established narrative pervades everything in the western climate agenda, and media. The IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or what is called the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change, is composed of renown scientists who are well-paid to continue convincing humanity that climate change is our fault. Actually, the very industry and other culprits, accused of causing global warming, are those who pay for perpetuating the lie, for the propaganda campaign. They have no serious interest in changing the world’s main source of energy, hydrocarbons – into renewable forms of energy. None. “Profit über alles” would be endangered.
There is huge funding behind financing this myth, for example the Soros Open Society Foundation – who finances Greta Thunberg and her travels and organization; and most likely makes sure that her talking points are in line with their interests.
But there are other financiers of this climate myth, like the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and so on. They are all working towards a radical societal or even civilizational change – a One or New World Order.
In other words, there is a totally different agenda behind the Climate Agenda. But in a world of lies and deceit, the people are not supposed to know the truth.
The WEF’s declaration, especially Klaus Schwab’s book, “Covid-19 – The Great Reset” – lays it all bare. It’s the idea of a new world with a single government – and a few transnational corporations that control the world and humanity.
NTV: It is interesting that, as many scientists who observe CO2 now record, its concentration has not decreased at all due to the pandemic. Despite the fact that many businesses were forced to stop working, the number of flights significantly decreased, people began to travel less on gasoline transport, that is, the world actually fulfilled the Greta Thunberg program. It turns out that the dream of young climate advocates and their curators – severe measures to limit the carbon footprint – is complete nonsense?
PK: Yes, it is quite astounding that despite all the hype about man-made climate change, the CO2 level in the atmosphere has not changed at all in the last nine covid-stricken months. It is still around 410 ppm, the same as at the end of 2019.
Yet, the 3-months or more of total lockdown, the very limited economic and energy consuming activities up to this day – one would imagine – may have reduced the CO2 levels in the air. Nope. They didn’t.
That already is an indication that the conventional Climate Change narrative is a fraud – and it is knowingly false. The scientists, who are propagating this flawed-to-the-bone theory, know what they are doing and why.
Scientists who speak the truth – and there are ever more whose conscience tells them to inform the public about the truth – such scientists may lose their jobs, their reputation – their income, their livelihood.
Well, it’s a big scam – that is directed by billions and billions of dollars – to bring about a world where yet more capital, more assets are shifted from where they were created, namely by and from the public – to the top few. Algorithms – Artificial Intelligence – help in selecting and gambling with the countless covid-bankrupted small and medium size enterprises, including airlines, most of which are broke and dependent on Government subsidies. They are systematically bought up for pennies on the dollar by the world’s oligarchs.
This is how the rich get richer and the poor poorer.
But it’s all done under the umbrella of protecting Mother Earth and our climate.
NTV: What factors affect climate change? How important is the role of CO2 in this, and are those who claim that an unprecedented climate crisis will occur in 30 years due to an increase in its concentration correct?
PK: CO2 may also influence the climate, but not man-made CO2. Man-made CO2 contributes probably less than 1 % of all CO2 in the air (0.5% – according to an Australian scientist, who once categorized the man-made proportion as about 0.5%). Most carbon-dioxide is released by the seas, and that again varies considerably by water temperatures – which in turn depend largely on sun activities.
The seas both absorb and release CO2 – they are providing an equilibrium which is essential to conserve biodiversity, the very biodiversity that man’s extreme consumerism is destroying.
Because of this balancing act of Mother Earth, we know the cycle of El Niño in the South Pacific. It used to be between 9 and 12 years. In the last few decades, the cycle has become shorter, about 4 to 7 years.
There is a similar cycle in the Atlantic, called the El Niño’s Little Brother, or the Atlantic El Niño (North Atlantic Oscillation Phenomena). Together, the Pacific and the Atlantic “El Niño” are responsible for well over 50% of climate variability on Earth.
This is not because of man-made CO2, but mostly due to the combination of sun activities and unecological farming that seems to increase rather than diminish.
It’s a complex system that few people understand. And because it is so complex and not easily understood by the public at large, it is possible for the environmental fraudsters to sell us man-made climate change – and to force upon humanity what the World Economic Forum, the WEF, calls the Great Rest, a reformation of capitalism from a depredating “black” – like hydrocarbon – neoliberal capitalism, to a new neoliberal capitalism, still based on “black” energy, just painted Green.
Corporate economic interests have so far prevented research into true and efficient alternative and sustainable sources of energy.
NTV: Today you can see two opposite points of view: some say that the rapid increase in temperature due to anthropogenic factors, while others say that warming occurs according to the Milankovich concept, that is based on a constantly changing earth position vis-à-vis the sun.
PK: Both, I believe, influence climate, and it is difficult to say which one more.
On the anthropogenic side – over the past 60 / 70 years, industrialized agriculture, especially in the US, but also to some extent in Europe, has increased drastically; it is mono-culture based agriculture, over-fertilization, abuse of pesticides — the soil can no longer breathe, overuse of carbon in the soil, not leaving the earth enough time to regenerate.
Carbon is one of the keys to life.
A steady variety of plants not only absorbs carbon-dioxide (CO2), but also releases oxygen in the air. We need both in an equilibrium – and our “modern” agriculture destroys that equilibrium; destroys the very soil which then can no longer sufficiently absorb the sun’s UHV rays, and the sun heat which then reflects back into the atmosphere.
But definitely the traditional established and imposed “Climate Change” narrative is false, is a fraud. – And those who perpetuate it, know it’s a fraud.
The other reason – the Milankovitch hypothesis, is also very valid. The earth is changing constantly her position vis-à-vis the sun. Although it is a rotation, it is a slow elliptical rotation – and in men’s short lifespan, we believe every little change is important in our short lives, and unique, and, like in the case of climate, can be made to believe its caused by man.
Another related factor is the sun’s activities. Actually, they are key in influencing weather and climate on earth, as they also influence the two “El Niños”, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
Already some 20 or 30 years ago, scientists predicted, increased sun activities in the coming decades – sun explosions, radiations – they impact hurricanes and other extreme weather events.
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Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals such as Global Research; ICH; New Eastern Outlook (NEO) and more. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.
Featured image: People hold signs during the March for Science in Melbourne, Australia on April 22, 2017. (Photo: Takver/flickr/ccc)