Childhood Vaccine Injury: Six Months Old Died the Same Day He Received the HepB, Tdap, Rotovirus, Polio and Pneumococcal Vaccines

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Meet Liam, here he is getting his 6 month shots at the Doctor’s office back in 2019. He died that same day.

6 month old Liam Archer Osterhout died the same day he received the HepB, Tdap, Rotovirus, polio and pneumococcal vaccines on his six-month birthday.

Liam was very fussy when they arrived home so his mother gave him Tylenol and nursed Liam to console him and then he fell asleep.

Liam was laid down in his crib and found blue and lifeless less than 30 minutes later.

She rushed him to his Papa, Del, who is a First Responder, and he did all he could to try to revive Liam until the ambulance arrived. Unfortunately, Liam could not be revived.

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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is a screenshot from the video

Articles by: Dr. William Makis

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