Childhood Vaccine Injury: Six Months Old Died 1.5 Days After Her Childhood Vaccines

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Evee Gayle Clobes had her 6-month checkup and scheduled immunizations a day and a half before she passed and was found to be in perfect health, as she was her whole life.

She was giggling, eating solids, and telling me “no” just the night before her passing.


PRELIMINARY autopsy results have been INCONCLUSIVE, the medical examiner stated that no abnormalities were found, no visible reason to the doctor as to why she passed.

She did state that they are running tests to determine if vaccinations were the cause. I do not know what tests exactly yet, but she did agree it was of concern.

Please share Evee’s story.


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Our thanks to Dr. William Makis for bringing this to our attention.

Articles by: Sudden and Unexpected

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