The CEO of Pfizer Is Now the World’s Highest Paid Pharma boss

While Moderna CEO became a multi billionaire during the covid hysteria era.

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Albert Bourla, the notorious snake oil salesman and horse doctor who serves as the CEO of Pfizer, is now the highest paid executive in the entire Pharma industry.

In Vivo has published the total compensation package for Bourla, which last year reached an astronomical $33 million dollars. He has earned just short of $100 million in salary since 2019. On top of that, Bourla has earned tens of millions through the sale of Pfizer stock. At the end of last year, he sold 222,328 shares of Pfizer stock, cashing out over $6 million. He retains about a quarter million shares in the company.

Credit: In Vivo

Under his “leadership” while serving as CEO of Pfizer since 2019, Bourla worked with both the Trump Administration and Biden Administration (along with countless additional nations) to loot billions of dollars from the treasuries of dozens of nations, striking deals in which Pfizer provided a “free vaccine” that redirected all of their costs on to taxpayers instead of Pfizer. On top of that, all of the profits generated from the shots went directly to Pfizer, allowing for the Pharma giant to publish record profits year after year.

Almost all of Pfizer’s profits since the beginning of the covid hysteria era have come from its mRNA shot and horse pills that are branded Paxlovid. Without Covid-19, Pfizer would not have made any net income since 2019.

In exchange for the billions of dollars in taxpayer funds, Pfizer was supposed to provide an immunizing and effective agent that worked to stop the Wuhan sniffles. Pfizer succeeded in bamboozling the masses by committing statistical malpractice and outright scamming. In further hyping the Pfizer shots, Bourla often engaged in fraudulent marketing practices, routinely falsely claiming the Pfizer mRNA shot was akin to a cure to the coronavirus.

Not only did their “vaccine” fail to achieve any upside whatsoever or any demonstrated capability to stop the sniffles, it has shown to display an unprecedented side effect portfolio.

Sadly, Bourla is far from the only Pharma exec to make tons of money through the sale of snake oil products.

Stephane Bancel, the CEO of Moderna, turned into a billionaire during the Covid-19 era, thanks to his large equity stake in the company.

Via Forbes

Bancel also rakes in almost $20 million a year in compensation, per In Vivo.


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Featured image is from Kanekoa the Great

Articles by: Jordan Schachtel

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