The Risks Associated with Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation. Dr. Gary G. Kohls

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The following compilation of scientific studies and analysis by Dr. Gary G. Kohls M.D. was first published in the Preventive Psychiatry E-Newsletter, No. 304, 28 June 2007.


Microwave Radiation Causes Eye Damage – A study published in the journal Bioelectromagnetics showed that the microwave radiation from cell phones causes cataracts and other eye damage by creating tiny air pockets in the lens of the eye.

Microwave Radiation Damages DNA – A four year study conducted by the European Union (EU) by 12 research groups in 7 European countries found that radiation from cell phones harms body cells and damages DNA. The damaged DNA was passed on to subsequent generations of cells, a condition for the formation of cancer.

Cell Phone Usage Causes TumorsA team of researchers at Institute of Environmental Medicine at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, found almost a four-fold increase of the tumors, known as acoustic neuromas, on the side of the head where the phone was most often held. A recent study sanctioned by the World Health Organization found an increased risk of brain tumors in people who have used the phones for 10 years or more.

Cell Phone Usage Disrupts Children’s Brains – A study conducted by the Spanish Neuro-Diagnostic Research Institute in Marbella found that two minutes of cell phone usage disrupted brain function in children for up to an hour after the exposure ended. The abnormal brain function could result in psychiatric and behavioural problems and impair learning ability.

Cell Phone Usage Causes Sterility in Women and might be the reason for birth defects and damaging the growth of embryos. A study of researchers in Switzerland on over 10 000 women between 18 and 25 confirmed tests already made on animals.

Cell Phone Usage Cuts Male Fertility – Research results show that mobile phone usage reduces sperm count and damages surviving sperm.

Microwave Radiation Causes Brain DamageA study headed by Leif Salford, Department of Neurosurgery at Lund University in Sweden and published in Environmental Health Perspectives shows that cell phone use damages neurons in the brain.

The Head Absorbs Radiation – Headaches, nausea, dizziness, short-term memory problems, fatigue, and other complaints resulting from cellular phone use are not due to low-level heating of the brain; instead, they’re apparently caused by the head serving as an “antenna” and brain tissue as a radio receiver, according to two Jerusalem researchers” Thus, precaution must be taken in the use of cell phones, they wrote.

Mobile Phone Signals Affect Brain Activity – A study reported in the Journal of Sleep Research (Blackwell Publishing) found that 30 minutes exposure to electromagnetic fields, as from GSM mobile phones, caused changes to brain activity which lasted long afterwards. Dr Peter Achermann and colleagues from the University of Zurich, and ITIS, in Zurich, found that blood flow increased in areas of the brain on the side nearest the phone, and that this effect lasted for over half an hour afterwards. They also discovered that the brain’s electrical activity (‘brain waves’) was not only affected immediately after the exposure, but that this lasted through much of the subsequent night’s sleep.

Radiation From Cell Phones Makes Cancer Grow Faster – “Italian scientists have raised new health concerns about the safety of using mobile phones, with research showing radio waves from the handsets make cancerous cells grow more aggressively.” Reuters, 10/23/02

Cell Phone Radiation Can Cause Brain Tumors – An epidemiology study conducted by Dr. Lennart Hardell found a higher incidence of brain tumors on the sides of heads used by mobile-phone subscribers to make and receive calls. The study was published in the August, 2002 issue of the European Journal of Cancer Prevention.

Cell Phones Increase Blood Pressure – The June 1998 The Lancet reported that radiation from mobiles caused an increase of blood pressure.

Just as the tobacco industry was able to hold back the truth regarding the health effects of smoking, the cell phone industry has suppressed the truth about cell phone hazards. If you care about your health and the health of your family, take the time to educate yourself and have the courage to act on what you find. Even if you don’t care about yourself you should consider the burden you will place on others by deliberately damaging your health. Who will take care of you when you are too sick to care for yourself?

Reuters report, “FDA to review wireless-phone safety”, April 6, 2006.

Swedish researchers said last month that the use of cellular phones over a long period of time can raise the risk of brain tumors. … Those who heavily used wireless phones had a 240 percent increased risk of a cancerous tumor on the side of the head where they used their phone, they reported.

British research group warns that children under 16 should refrain from using mobile phones because of possible health effects on growing children – smaller heads, less intelligence..

Recent studies confirm that cell and cordless phone can:

  • Damage nerves in the scalp
  • Cause blood cells to leak hemoglobin
  • Cause memory loss and mental confusion
  • Cause headaches and induce extreme fatigue
  • Create joint pain, muscle spasms and tremors 
  • Alter the brain’s electrical activity during sleep
  • Induce ringing in the ears, impair sense of smell
  • Precipitate cataracts, retina damage and eye cancer
  • Open the blood-brain barrier to viruses and toxins
  • Reduce the number and efficiency of white blood cells
  • Stimulate asthma by producing histamine in mast cells
  • Cause digestive problems and raise bad cholesterol levels
  • Stress the endocrine system, especially pancreas, thyroid, ovaries, testes
  • Causes female sterility and birth defects

What you can do to reduce your risk:

  • Simply don’t use a cell phone, wireless network or live near a cell phone tower. Don’t stand close to someone who is using a cell phone.
  • Switch off your phone during the night, and when not expecting ”important” calls.
  • Minimize the length of calls as much as possible.
  • If you know where the nearest cell phone tower is don’t put yourself between it and your phone, otherwise the signal travels straight through your head to get to the tower.
  • Extend the antenna and hold the phone away from the head when possible.
  • In your car use a hands-free kit with an external antenna and keep the phone away from your body. The external antenna should be as far away from you as possible.
  • Don’t stay in hotels with wireless networks or patronize other businesses with wireless networks. Inform your neighbors and friends of the danger of using mobile phones
  • Express your concerns to your employer, landlord, your family and everyone else you know.


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Dr Gary G. Kohls lives in the USA and writes a weekly column, entitled Duty to Warn, for the Duluth Reader, Duluth, Minnesota’s alternative newsweekly magazine. His columns deal with the dangers of American Friendly Fascism, corporatism, Oligarchy, militarism, racism, malnutrition, and Big Pharma’s over-drugging and over-vaccinating agendas as well as other movements that threaten the environment, democracy, civility, health and the sustainability and livability of the planet and the future of the children.

Dr. Kohls is a past member of Mind Freedom International, the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology and the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies and is a signatory to and/or an advocate of the principles of the Great Barrington Declaration, the World Doctors Alliance and Americas Front Line Doctors. His practice of holistic medicine mainly involved helping the survivors of psychiatry that had often been mis-diagnosed, over-diagnosed and always over-medicated with un-approved and un-tested-for-safety cocktails of neurotoxic psychiatric drugs that not only had sickened them but to which they had also become addicted.

His Duty to Warn columns have been re-published around the world for the last decade. They deal frequently also deal with Big Vaccine’s over-vaccinating, Big Medicine’s over-screening, over-diagnosing and over-treating agendas.

Many of Dr Kohls’ columns have been archived at a number of websites, including:;;;; and,%20MD 

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Articles by: Dr. Gary G. Kohls

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