Celebrating Juneteenth. The Rights of African Americans. Barbara Nimri Aziz’ New Children’s Book Entitled “Justice Stories”


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There’s always much to tell about the struggle and more to add our efforts to.

June 19th “Juneteenth”, a US holiday since 2021, it marks the emancipation on this day in 1865 of enslaved Black Americans.

Celebrating their freedom, we strive to support all those still struggling for justice, everywhere — including Nepal.

Thus my launch of JUSTICE STORIES. For children ages 12-15, in English, this history of two extraordinary Nepali women is now available.

Contact me, the author, or order directly from Nepal.


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Barbara Nimri Aziz whose anthropological research has focused on the peoples of the Himalayas is the author of the newly published “Yogmaya and Durga Devi: Rebel Women of Nepal”, available on Amazon

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Justice Stories

By Barbara Nimri Aziz

Publisher: Sangri-La Books


“Stories passed down to us through oral traditions find a new medium through this book by Dr. Barbara Nimri Aziz. The author has preserved the essence of storytelling, seamlessly weaving the lives of two remarkable Nepali women into a pattern that includes the whole world. These women will inspire not only girls in Nepal but anyone who believes in justice.” – Manaslu Gurung

“The long hidden, genuine truth of the struggle for justice waged by two brave ladies, Nepal’s Yogmaya and Durga Devi, will now be exposed internationally, even to the young generation, with this grand effort by a capable, experienced researcher, Dr. Barbara  Nimri Aziz.” — Sukanya Waiba

“This is a captivating book that weaves together the lives of two ferocious and understudied Nepali leaders. By making accessible their legal, spiritual and cultural activism, Barbara Nimri Aziz is a cheerleader for bravery in young women and girls.”
– Sabrina Singh

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Articles by: Barbara Nimri Aziz

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