Video: Detailed Analysis of Trump Assassination Attempt By Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake, July 16, 2024
Guess Who Are the Real Protagonists of Anti-Semitism By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 16, 2024
Selected Articles: RussiaGate 2.0: Donald Trump Has Opted for “Real Peace” Negotiations with a “Foreign Adversary” By Global Research News, July 16, 2024
How the US Government is Failing to Protect Migrant Children from Trafficking and Abuse By Tara Rodas and Clayton Morris, July 15, 2024
Selected Articles: Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump. Secret Service Has Some ‘Splainin to Do By Global Research News, July 15, 2024
Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Barely Escapes an Assassination Attempt By Peter Koenig, July 15, 2024
Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump. Secret Service Has Some ‘Splainin to Do By John Leake, July 15, 2024
“Preemptive Nuclear War”: The Historic Battle for Peace and Democracy. A Third World War Threatens the Future of Humanity By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 14, 2024
The Hiroshima Nagasaki “Dress Rehearsal”: Oppenheimer and the U.S. War Department’s Secret September 15, 1945 “Doomsday Blueprint” to “Wipe the Soviet Union off the Map” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 14, 2024
14 July 2024: “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité” in France with Macron? Historic Crisis of the French Republic. “Ce n’est pas la Révolution” By Stephen Lendman and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 13, 2024
Video: At NATO Summit, Biden Introduces Zelensky as Putin. Gets “His Countries Mixed Up” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 13, 2024
False Flag Operation, The Lie becomes the Truth: “Israel is the Victim of Palestinian Aggression”. According to the ICC, “There Never Was A Genocide”. By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and International Criminal Court, July 13, 2024
Video: “Wiping Gaza Off The Map”: Big Money Agenda. Confiscating Palestine’s Maritime Natural Gas Reserves By Felicity Arbuthnot and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 13, 2024
Why Is the West Preparing for War? Paul C. Roberts By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 12, 2024
Selected Articles: Advise to the UN Summit of the Future: Establish a Global Governance Body to Control All Life Supporting Systems on the Planet By Global Research News, July 12, 2024
This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, July 12, 2024
Pfizer’s “Secret” Report on the Covid “Vaccine”. Beyond Manslaughter. The Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn Worldwide By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 12, 2024
UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer: Was He “Elected” or “Selected”? He Started his Election Campaign in Davos. “Favourite Candidate” of the World Economic Forum (WEF) By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 11, 2024
Selected Articles: Modi’s Visit to Moscow Debunks Myths About Putin’s So-called Isolation By Global Research News, July 11, 2024
Selected Articles: U.S. Plan to “Expand the War Beyond Ukraine”: NATO Buildup in Finland Puts Hostile Anti-Russia Army on Putin’s Doorstep By Global Research News, July 10, 2024
A.I. Systems Which Manipulate The Human Nervous System (Thoughts, Emotions, Perceptions) and Derogate Fundamental Human Rights By Mojmir Babacek, July 10, 2024
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Dr. Charles Hoffe Denounces the Covid Vaccine: “Biggest Disaster in Medical History”. Confronts College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC By Lee Turner, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Mark Trozzi, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 08, 2024
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The West’s Lunatic Woke Agenda By Stephen Karganovic, July 07, 2024
“Democratization” and Anti-Semitism in Ukraine: When Neo-Nazi Symbols Become “The New Normal” By Julie Lévesque, July 07, 2024
“No Guerra-No NATO”. The Florence 2019 Declaration: Our Message to the July 2024 Washington NATO Summit. “NATO EXIT” By Comitato No Nato No Guerra, July 06, 2024
Sabotage of the Kiev-Moscow March 2022 Peace Agreement in Istanbul. The End Game is the Destruction and Privatization of Ukraine By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Nauman Sadiq, July 06, 2024
The DNC Biden Dilemma, Then and Now: “I Tried to Prostitute Myself to Big Donors” (1974), Joe Biden’s “Political Plagiarism” (1988 Presidential Campaign) By Ben Bartee, July 05, 2024
Selected Articles: Finland Gives US Control Over 15 Military Bases, on Russia’s Doorstep By Global Research News, July 05, 2024
The Next Crisis “Bigger than Covid”: Paralysis of Power Supply, Communications, Transportation. The WEF “Cyber Attack” Scenario, “Usher In the Great Reset” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 05, 2024
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Selected Articles: Our Identity as Homo Sapiens Threatened by Synthetic Biology, Humans Fiddle While Humanity Burns, Will It be Near-Term Death or Transhuman Slavery? By Global Research News, July 01, 2024
Video: Israel Destroys Gaza to Control World’s Most Important Shipping Lane? The Ben Gurion Canal Linking the Eastern Mediterranean to the Gulf of Aqaba By Richard Medhurst and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 30, 2024
Will Israel “Do the Dirty Work for Us”? Towards Military Escalation? “Theater Iran Near Term (TIRANNT)”? The War on Iran is No Longer On Hold? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 30, 2024
Israel’s Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons. Stephen Lendman By Stephen Lendman, June 30, 2024
“In a Nuclear War the Collateral Damage would be the Life of All Humanity”. Fidel Castro By Fidel Castro Ruz and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 30, 2024
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History of World War II: Operation Barbarossa, the Allied Firebombing of German Cities and Japan’s Early Conquests By Shane Quinn, June 29, 2024
The Smoking Gun: Who Started the War? Was it Russia or Was it US-NATO? NATO Confirms that the Ukraine “War Started in 2014” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 29, 2024
Russia’s Doctrine of “Peaceful Coexistence”. A Solution to Avoiding WWIII? By Evgeny Chossudovsky, June 29, 2024
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“Wiki-Gate”: Julian Assange Was Framed by the People Who Supported Him By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 25, 2024
Пакс Россия: “Pax Rossiya” Versus “A New American Century” By Peter Koenig, June 24, 2024
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan Suspends and Fines Doctor for Prescribing Ivermectin By Dr. William Makis, June 24, 2024
Selected Articles: It’s the End of the World As We Know It. The American-NATO Rush Toward Nuclear War with Russia. Scott Ritter By Global Research News, June 24, 2024
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Ukraine-Russia: “The Mutual Peace Engagement – Conference” (MPEC). Towards a Peace Agreement – The Alternative Peace Conference in Flühli, Switzerland By Peter Koenig, June 24, 2024
There Never Was a “New Corona Virus”, There Never Was a Pandemic By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 23, 2024
Decoding the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Indoctrinating Your Children Into the New “Fake Sustainable” World Order By Mark Keenan, June 22, 2024
The Digital Revolution of Artificial Intelligence: Beneficial Economic Creative Destruction or Systemic Dehumanization By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, June 22, 2024
The Global Economic and Social Crisis Is a “Crime of Unimagined Proportions” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, June 22, 2024
Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Josefina Fraile, Elana Freeland, Maria Heibel, Claire Henrion, Conny Kadia, Linda Leblanc, and Vilma Rocío Almendra Quiguanás, June 22, 2024
Global Planned Financial Tsunami Has Just Begun By F. William Engdahl, June 22, 2024
America’s Perpetual War: Six Questions By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, June 22, 2024
Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Government Is Supported by the International Community. Adolph Hitler is “The Torchbearer of Democracy” in Ukraine By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 21, 2024
Video: Archbishop Carlo Vigano. A False Pandemic and The Imposition of A False Vaccine. A Criminal Plan of World Depopulation By His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, June 21, 2024
ICC Arrest Warrant for Vladimir Putin for “Kidnapping Ukrainian Children”, Russia Accused of “Genocide-like Deportation” at the Switzerland Peace Conference By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 21, 2024
The Phoney Nitrogen Crisis: The Netherlands Is Ground Zero for Global Famine Agenda. Precipitating “30,000 Farmers Out of Business” By, June 20, 2024
Expanding Middle East War. Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran, The War on Energy, Strategic Waterways By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 20, 2024
America’s “Ethics” of Bombing Civilians After World War II: Massive Casualties and the Targeting of Civilians in the Korean War By Sahr Conway-Lanz, June 20, 2024
Weaponized Gene-Edited Mosquitoes Released in Brazil: Dengue Vaccine Funded by Bill Gates Foundation. Will It Save Lives? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, F. William Engdahl, Jamie White, and Amy Mek, June 20, 2024
The Historical Role of Wisdom: Time to Invite “The Wise Women and Men” Back into American Society. The Insights of the Elders By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, June 19, 2024
This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, June 19, 2024
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America Has Been at War with Russia for More than 100 Years By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 16, 2024
The NeoCons’ Proxy War “Against Ukraine”: Nuclear War is On the Table. The Privatization of Ukraine By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 16, 2024
Video: A Jewish-Russian Proxy President: Zelensky Transformed into a Neo-Nazi. By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Silview Media, June 15, 2024
What Was COVID Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. “Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy”? By Colin Todhunter, June 14, 2024
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