Catalonia Declares Independence
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Catalan President Carles Puigdemont and majority parliamentarians declared Catalonia’s right to be a sovereign independent state.
A 92% referendum “yes” vote demanded it. For democracy to have meaning, it’s essential to enforce the will of the people.
“It is not a personal decision,” Puigdemont explained, adding “(t)his is a special and historic moment having a long outreach.”
Catalans long awaited independence from fascist Spain. Puigdement and parliamentarians seek dialogue with Madrid.
PM Mariano Rajoy earlier ruled it out, saying
“(w)e are going to prevent independence from occurring. That is why I can tell you with absolute frankness that it will not happen.”
It remains to be seen what’s coming. Rajoy may invoke Article 155 of Spain’s constitution, suspending Catalonia’s autonomous status, contravening international law, along with likely sending in thousands of national police, civil guards and soldiers.
Blood in the streets may follow. Puigdemont and pro-independence parliamentarians risk arrest. Perhaps Rajoy intends installing puppet regional rule, replacing Catalonia’s democratically elected government.
Fascist regimes operate this way, trashing democratic values, breaching international law, enforcing police state rule.
For long denied Catalans, declaring independence is one thing, keeping it another.
Puigdemont extended outreach to Madrid, urging dialogue and mediation – at the same time, stressing the only way forward is by respecting the democratic process peacefully.
He proposed suspending independence to pursue it in good faith. Rajoy failed to respond positively.
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