The British Medical ‘Profession’ Is Complicit in the Inoculation of an Unnecessary and Toxic Experimental ‘Vaccine’
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To the Devon Local Medical Committee, to the Medical Director of Torbay Hospital Mr Ian Currie,
to the Chief Medical Officer at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital Professor Adrian Harris,
and to Dr Paul Johnson Chairman of the Devon Clinical Commissioning Group,
Yesterday HMG was pleased to record that 27,000 young adults were logging on for the ‘jab’ in every hour.
I write as a citizen and well educated and experienced doctor against this activity promoted by NHS England and Public Health England with the necessary complicity of NHS doctors in general practice and in the hospitals.
I bear in mind the miniscule mortality rate in the healthy of all ages who have suffered clinically diagnosed Covid_19 illness without significant co-morbidity.
I have already alerted the GMC to the neglect of a friend of mine who suffered definite adverse effects of the AstraZeneca Vaccine on the 10th of March 2021, see this and this.
Previously I wrote to a general practice underlining the ethical and legal duty to ensure informed consent.
Late last year I wrote of grossly inadequate standards of care both at Torbay Hospital – 6 cases, and the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital.
This anecdote prompts me to speak up again and to demand the cessation of all ‘vaccination’ of those under 30, and indeed in those older persons.
The index patient is an acquaintance whom I met yesterday in our local town and whom I have greeted in passing for many years. A 72 yr old, a happy man of humble origin. He knows me, and partly from my having replaced arthritic hips in two of his extended family.
March 2021 – drove to Westpoint ‘Vaccination’ Centre (normal function the Devon Annual Agricultural Show) No informed consent. Both ‘jabbed’ with the AS ‘shot’. No immediate adverse effects. 2 weeks later he noted sudden blindness of his left eye. Seen in the opthalmology department of Torbay Hospital. Not certain what diagnosis was made. But certainly told the blindness was not an adverse effect of the ‘jab’.
More recently, had the second one. 5 days afterwards he became deaf to a severe extent in the left ear. He has long standing deafness in the right and is thus disabled to an extent, and I had to speak loudly to him. His wife has suffered no ill effects.
He knew nothing of the Yellow Card system, going for decades in the UK, a passive system.
In the US, the reporting of adverse ‘events’ to the Centre for Disease Control was studied at Harvard University. Between 1 to 10% were actually received by the CDC. Humans receiving these inoculations of an experimental vaccine in the UK are not made aware of the Yellow Card nor of the importance of reporting adverse effects for those who are to follow.
Although there is absolute censorship in the UK of dissenting voices, of reports of adverse effects, and of the clear benefit of the readily available ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in the acute disease, there is now much information available in the US.
These were received from Peter McCullough MD this am – a senior cardiologist and ‘internist’, and with a deep knowledge appropriately of epidemiology – Fox News.
Tucker and Bopp, see this.
Hannity and Makary and Jarrett, see this.
Ingraham and McCullough, see this.
I add this 15 minute video for wider context (usual ‘social’ platforms in the UK censor all dissenting views and experience):
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