On the Eve of Canada Day: Protesters Clash with Ottawa Police, Several Arrested

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Several protesters have clashed with Ottawa police on the eve of Canada Day right in front of the National War Memorial. At least three have been arrested.

Video captured by Andy Lee shows one man attempting to get away from officers being wrestled to the ground by three who then proceeded to slam his head into the stone sidewalk, with one officer ramming his knee into the back of the protester’s neck and shoulder. A fourth officer arrives and restrains the man’s legs as he begins to scream. and writhes in pain.

After being restrained, the man can be heard breathlessly pleading, “Tell me what to do. I want to cooperate.”

In another brawl, two officers can be seen taking another man down as a friend attempts to free him. Additional officers arrive as reinforcements and push him away. In the distance, a third man is arrested.

Several more police officers arrive and begin sectioning off the area.

In a different video, the man who’d screamed in pain while being arrested can be seen being escorted into a police cruiser.

It is still unclear what brought about the ordeal or whether protesters or police were the first to get physical.


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