Bird Flu Scare Is a Ploy for More Mass Genetic Vaccination

Independent Media Way Ahead this Time: Dr. McCullough with Red Beard David Gornoski

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With the COVID-19 crisis many of us where caught by surprise and before we knew it we were masked, businesses were closed, government checks were printed, and mass vaccination centers were flooded with well-intended citizens. We learned that the intentional amplification of fear, suppression of early treatment, and vaccine-only message from the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex was a strategy to herd the world into global mass indiscriminate genetic vaccination.

Next came monkeypox. Another global, US, and public health emergency. This time we were out in the media well ahead of the complex describing how the zoonotic illness had adopted a gay/bisexual human-to-human spread pattern. We also had wonderful success with the IV and oral drug, tecovirimat. This took all the wind out of the sails of a public monkeypox mass vaccination campaign.

With the prior two outbreaks still present but grip of fear lost, now comes bird flu or highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza. Listen to how this long-format interview develops with red-beard David Gornoski on A Neighbor’s Choice. He shows independent media readily understands what is going on and is not fooled for a minute. When I was on with him, I could not help but think about Oliver Anthony and his hit song Rich Men from Richmond.

The question on the table is: will independent media be sufficiently penetrant to deflate this bird flu false narrative and like monkeypox, allow this one to be a glancing blow and not a full frontal public health assault?


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Articles by: Dr. Peter McCullough

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