Barbaric Jewish Zionist’s Gaza Bombardment; Warning to World’s Future

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From inside the Gaza Strip, Ibtisam Madhi, a Gazan freelance journalist, who specializes in reporting on social issues for The Intercept and +972 Magazine, recently reported how Zionist Israel’s war has intentionally, methodically, perpetrated ruin against thousands of years of rich heritage in Gaza that Palestinian experts decry as cultural genocide.

   Left: 13th Century Qasr al-Basha (Pasha Palace) in Gaza City; Right: Omari Mosque, Oldest in Northern Gaza


Left: Ruins of Qasr al-Basha; Right: Ruins of Omari Mosque


The Great Omani Mosque (al-Masjid Ghazza al-Kabir), the largest and oldest mosque in Northern Gaza’s ‘Old City’, originally was an ancient temple, believed to stand on the site of a Philistine temple going back some 2,500 years, that, originally, was dedicated to Marnas – god of rain and grain. Local legend has it that it once was used by Samson who is said to be buried under the once existing mosque.

Carved on the upper tier of the temple’s columns, that were originally brought from a 3rd century Jewish synagogue in Caesarea Meritina, the columns depicted Jewish cultic objects – a menorah, a shofar, a lulav and etrog – surrounded by a decorative wreath with the inscription “Hananyah Son of Jacob”, in both Hebrew and Greek. 

Eventually, the temple was later transformed into a Byzantine church in the 5th century and in the 7th century was converted into an Arabic mosque during the historical period of the Islamic conquests. In the 10th century, the Arab geographer Ibn Battuta described it as “exquisitely beautiful”.

Though later destroyed by the Mongols in 1260, it was then restored again, following a major earthquake, by the Ottomans in the 15th century that, in turn, was severely damaged by the British during WWI yet, again, restored in 1925, by the Supreme Muslim Council, 

Before it was utterly destroyed by the Zionists in 2023, this Jewish symbol had passed through the centuries as a testament to demonstrate peaceful co-existence between Arabs and Jewish peoples. since turned it into virtual rubble.

In Terms of Degrees of Savagery, Zionism Puts ISIS to Shame

By now, after nearly five months of incessant, indiscriminate, methodical, genocidal pounding of the Palestinians total way of life in their former homelands of Palestine by the conquering Zionists, if not the previous seventy-five years of the same ill-treatment by these new Jewish barbarians of literally every last remnant trace of anything that remotely smacks of the memory or former existence of the Palestinians, in what the Zionists now call Ersatz Israel, the stark reality of it all should be blatantly obvious to anyone who has given what all is happening so much as even half-a-moment of conscious thought to it all. 

For this is one of the worst examples in living memory of mass extermination ever committed against the human race by the human race upon itself.

Courtesy, for sure, of not just the tyrant Bibi Netanyahu and entire invading population of Zionist Jewry’s Settler Colonial Project; but especially of President Biden, one of its main architects, if not its chief architect and conqueror, as well as every: American politician; American citizen, politicians and citizenry, as well as , those of Canada, England, France, Germany, and every other so-called one-time Western politician and nation of the world. Especially if they all still pride themselves on being, or aspiring to becoming, truly democratic, freedom-loving peoples and political states; rather than just the pawns, dupes and cannon fodder of yet the 21st century’s new insidious brand of fascism the world has yet to witness; especially with the impending return of Trumpism and his/its in-coming hordes of MAGA-ITES. Or should one more correctly label them as a new species of human MAGGOTS that feed on dead or dying carrion?

But does anyone, or enough of everyone’s, really care, or is the world simply sleep-walking towards some eventual monumental world, AI-induced conflict that will end up becoming a 1,000 X’s 1,000 ‘Gaza’s’ or ‘Ukraine’s?

Yes, Ukraine another one of those hideous way station stops along the way by the MAGGOTS that feed on America’s and the world’s dead or dying body, intent upon leading us all to hell and damnation.

Keeping up with all the constant carnage is almost too much for the sanity of the human mind to bear; or as Aussie’s, who have such a knack for always slipping in a bit of humorous wisdom in the most dreadful of circumstances, would say in such instances, “How much can a Koala Bear? Or, as still many other so wise humorists among them might also say to all the megalomaniacal war monger politicians and militarists who persist in spewing out so much crap that is leading the world to the edge of the precipice, “Hey mate! Why don’t you finally give your other end a chance for a change?”

Persisting scary images of a future filled with the barbarian ISIS hordes of the recent past returning en masse immediately come to mind.


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Jerome Irwin is a Canadian-American writer who, in previous lives, has been involved in a wide range of diverse and varied worlds, including the Criminology profession with an American police department, and later for a brief-time in the capacity of clandestine communications with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. For decades, in various professional capacities as an educator, researcher, geo-political analyst, and writer. Irwin has sought to call attention to a broad spectrum of world problems pertaining to the degradation and unsustainability caused by a host of environmental-ecological-spiritual-ideological issues that exist between the conflicting world philosophies of indigenous and non-indigenous peoples.

Irwin is the author of the book, “The Wild Gentle Ones; A Turtle Island Odyssey” (, a spiritual odyssey among the native peoples of North America that over the decades has produced numerous articles pertaining to: Ireland’s Fenian Movement; native peoples Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance Movement; AIPAC, Israel & the U.S. Congress anti-BDS Movement; the historic Battle for Palestine & Siege of Gaza, as well as; the many violations constantly being waged by industrial-corporate-military-propaganda interests against the World’s Collective Soul. To examine a portion of the eclectic body of his work goggle: “Jerome Irwin, writer” The author and his wife are long-time residents on the North Shore of British Columbia.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: The oldest mosque in Gaza, the Omari Mosque, was severely damaged in Israeli bombardment, 2 January 2024 (Mohammed al-Hajjar/MEE)

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