Avalanche: Artists, Athletes, Personalities from All Over the World Are Boycotting Israel!

Dublin mayor calls for Irish boycott of 2019 Eurovision in Israel

14 May 2018

Dublin’s mayor on Monday called for Ireland to boycott next year’s Eurovision Song Contest, which is to be held in Israel, in solidarity with the Palestinians.

Micheal Mac Donncha told Dublin Live news site that he would support a boycott of the Israeli-hosted event.

“I would support that, I don’t think we should send a representative,” he said.

Read more at www.timesofisrael.com

French director Jean-Luc Godard among dozens of film professionals to boycott Israel cinema event

The French filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard joined dozens of other film-industry professionals from France who vowed to boycott an event celebrating Israeli cinema.

Godard, a pioneer of the 1960s New Wave cinema and an avowed Marxist who has fought accusations of anti-Semitism, added his name to a May 4 petition calling for a boycott of the France-Israel Season event by the Institut Francais. The state-run organization for furthering French culture abroad scheduled next month’s event in cooperation with Israeli government officials.

Read more at www.jta.org

Head of Portugal’s national theatre endorses BDS, cancels Israel cultural event

May 21, 2018

A Portuguese director and playwright who was scheduled to take part in next month’s Israel Festival, has announced that he is officially joining the Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment movement (BDS).

According to the Israeli Haaretz, Tiago Rodrigues was supposed to perform in Israel twice in the beginning of June but decided to reverse his decision after learning that the festival was part of Israel’s 70th Independence Day celebrations.

Read more at www.middleeastmonitor.com

BDS Victory: Friendly Match Between Argentina, Israel Cancelled

5 June 2018

The Palestinian ambassador to Argentina said to play in Jerusalem would be to disregard the plight of their Palestinian communities.

After an intense campaign by the pro-Palestinian activists and groups calling for a peaceful boycott against Israel, Argentine Football Association (AFA) have canceled their friendly match with Israel, AFA official Hugo Moyano confirmed Tuesday.

Read more at www.telesurtv.net

Shakira abandons plan to play in Tel Aviv

29 May 2018

Palestinians are welcoming the news that Shakira won’t be playing in Tel Aviv this summer.

PACBI, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, said that Shakira’s decision dashes Israel’s hopes “to use her name to art-wash its latest massacre in Gaza.”

Read more at electronicintifada.net

Gilberto Gil cancels Tel Aviv gig

22 May 2018

Palestinians are hailing the decision by Brazilian music legend Gilberto Gil to pull the plug on a performance in Israel this summer.

Meanwhile, dozens of artists are declaring their support for the cultural boycott of Israel following the latest Israeli mass killings of civilians in the occupied Gaza Strip.

Read more at electronicintifada.net

U.S. and U.K. bands boycott Berlin event due to Israeli embassy donation

June 11, 2018

US singer John Maus announced his withdrawal from the Berlin Pop-Kultur music festival due to pressure from the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign.

He is the fourth musical act to boycott the event because the Israeli Embassy is a small sponsor of the August international festival.

Read more at www.jpost.com

After Monday’s Massacre, Boycotting Israel is the Best Way the World Can Fight Back

15 May 2018

May 15, 2018 marks the convergence of three events in Palestine, each with the potential of sparking unrest and violence. The combination of the three portended grave consequences and what happened on Monday with 55 Palestinian civilians gunned down by Israeli soldiers at the Gaza border is confirmation of how dire the situation is. Here, we examine each of these events in their present and historic contexts.

Read more at thewire.in

Pressure grows to cancel “France-Israel Season”

23 May 2018

Demands are growing to cancel the Saison France-Israël 2018 – or France-Israel Season – a series of hundreds of “cultural” events backed by both governments that is set to start next month.

In the first major sign that the pressure is being felt, the French government announced on Wednesday that Prime Minister Édouard Philippe was canceling a trip to open the France-Israel Season.

Already, more than 10,000 people have signed a petition launched this week urging President Emmanuel Macron to cancel the France-Israel Season altogether.

Read more at electronicintifada.net

Palestinian artists and broadcast journalists: Boycott Eurovision 2019!

June 12, 2018

We, the undersigned Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate and network of Palestinian cultural organizations, call on members of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), participating states, contestants and the wider public to boycott the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest to be hosted by Israel. Would the Eurovision have held the contest in apartheid South Africa?

Israel’s regime of military occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid is shamelessly using Eurovision as part of its official Brand Israel strategy, which tries to show “Israel’s prettier face” to whitewash and distract attention from its war crimes against Palestinians.

Read more at bdsmovement.net

Norway declares boycott against Israel is legal


Norway’s Foreign Affairs Ministry says boycotting goods coming from Israeli settlement is legal; Norway’s foreign minister sign document saying boycotting Israel is inappropriate; Several local authorities, municipalities make boycott initiatives; Norway’s high education establishment cast academic boycott on Israel.

Read more at www.ynetnews.com

Articles by: Defend Democracy Press

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