Washington's Blog - Archive

Even Central Bankers Now Admit QE Doesn’t Work By Washington's Blog, January 21, 2015
Islamic State Has Tripled Its Territory In Syria Since U.S. Started Airstrikes By Washington's Blog, January 18, 2015
Racism and Incarceration: African-Americans in US Jails By Washington's Blog, January 17, 2015
Authoritarians Use Paris Terror Attack As Excuse for Power Grab By Washington's Blog, January 17, 2015
Obama Has Killed More People with Drones than Died On 9/11 By Washington's Blog, January 07, 2015
Financial Criminality: Wall Street Manipulates Energy Prices, Gold … and Every Other Market By Washington's Blog, January 04, 2015
If Quantitative Easing Works, Why Has It Failed to Kick-Start Inflation? By Washington's Blog, January 03, 2015
Financial Warfare: Big Banks Conspire with Giant Oil Companies to Manipulate Currency Markets By Washington's Blog, January 01, 2015
The REAL Santa Claus, A “Real Historical Person” By Washington's Blog, December 27, 2014
Seven Reasons Why the “Bad Guys” Keep Winning By Washington's Blog, December 23, 2014
We’ve Known for 1,700 Years that Torture Produces False Confessions By Washington's Blog, December 19, 2014
Torture Architect Tries to Justify Program … Fails Miserably By Washington's Blog, December 16, 2014
US Government Officials Admit: We’ll Torture Again, Unless You Prosecute Us By Washington's Blog, December 15, 2014
Who’s Right … Torture Defenders or Critics? By Washington's Blog, December 12, 2014
Congress Just Passed Legislation Ramping Up Mass Surveillance to Super-Steroid Levels By Washington's Blog, December 11, 2014
U.S. Tortured and Killed Innocent People for the Specific Purpose of Producing False Propaganda By Washington's Blog, December 10, 2014
Torture: An Executive Summary By Washington's Blog, December 09, 2014
War Is Bad for the Economy By Washington's Blog, December 03, 2014
The Idiotic Economic Theory That’s Causing Governments to Blow Up Their Economies By Washington's Blog, December 02, 2014
Big Banks Take Huge Stakes in Aluminum, Petroleum and Other Physical Markets, then Manipulate their Prices By Washington's Blog, November 27, 2014
3 Billion Gallons of Highly-Toxic Fracking Waste Dumped Into California Drinking Water Supply By Washington's Blog, November 23, 2014
Monsanto’s Roundup Glyphosate: Twelve Charts Show Connection Between Roundup and Disease By Washington's Blog, November 22, 2014
Economists and Military Strategists: This Crisis Was Foreseeable … Thousands of Years Ago By Washington's Blog, November 20, 2014
Why Quantitative Easing (QE) May Lead to Deflation By Washington's Blog, November 19, 2014
Crops Are Drenched with Monsanto Roundup Pesticide Right Before Harvest By Washington's Blog, November 17, 2014
“We Are Now In The Longest Continuous Period of War In American History” By Washington's Blog, November 14, 2014
“We Are Now In The Longest Continuous Period of War In American History” By Washington's Blog, November 13, 2014
Big Banks Busted Massively Manipulating Foreign Exchange, Precious Metals and Every Other Market By Washington's Blog, November 12, 2014
Eight Charts Showing the Real State of the American Economy By Washington's Blog, November 11, 2014
Stunning Hypocrisy: Obama Administration Praises Freedom of the Press while Gutting it in the U.S. By Washington's Blog, November 04, 2014
California Could Suffer a Fukushima-Style Meltdown By Washington's Blog, November 02, 2014
“Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” (ADHD) is Actually Correlated with Creativity and Achievement By Washington's Blog, October 31, 2014
Japan Reacts to Worsening Fukushima Disaster By … Reopening Nuclear Plant Next to Active Volcano By Washington's Blog, October 29, 2014
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Finally Admits that Ebola Can Float through the Air … 3 Feet By Washington's Blog, October 27, 2014
Accidents in Germ Labs and the Ebola Pandemic By Washington's Blog, October 23, 2014
Top Ebola Experts: This Strain Is Much Worse Than We’ve Ever Seen Before By Washington's Blog, October 21, 2014
Public Health Expert Explains How to Prevent a Panic About Ebola: Tell the Truth By Washington's Blog, October 19, 2014
Instead of Appointing a Medical Expert, Obama Appoints a Lobbyist as Ebola Czar By Washington's Blog, October 18, 2014
World Health Organization Forced to Admit that Ebola Might Be Spread to Healthcare Workers through Coughing and Sneezing By Washington's Blog, October 16, 2014
Doctors Nationwide Slam the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Handling of Ebola By Washington's Blog, October 14, 2014
The Pentagon’s “Operation Dark Winter”: June 2001 Bioterror Exercise Foreshadowed 9/11 and Anthrax Attacks By Washington's Blog, October 12, 2014
It’s Official: China Dethrones America as Largest Economy By Washington's Blog, October 09, 2014
Is the West Responsible for the Ebola Crisis In Africa? By Washington's Blog, October 09, 2014
New York Times: Some may Carry Ebola without Showing any Symptoms By Washington's Blog, October 08, 2014
ebola virus microscope globalresearch.ca
Top Doctors: Ebola May Become Airborne … And May Already Be Transmissible Via Aerosols By Washington's Blog, October 02, 2014
Most “Prestigious” Financial Agencies Say Global Economy is in Real Trouble By Washington's Blog, October 02, 2014
Turkey and Israel in Liaison with US-NATO are Supporting the Islamic State (ISIS) and Al Qaeda Terrorists In Syria U.S. Allies Support the Terrorists We’re Supposedly “Fighting” By Washington's Blog, September 30, 2014
Obama’s Fake Pretext: “Going After the Super-Evil Khorasans Who are About to Attack Us” By Washington's Blog, September 27, 2014
2,400 Year Old “Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend” Myth has Led to Insanely Stupid U.S. Foreign Policy By Washington's Blog, September 23, 2014
Shale Fracking is a “Ponzi Scheme” … “This Decade’s Version of the Dotcom Bubble” By Washington's Blog, September 19, 2014
The U.S. Has Already Completed Regime Change In Syria (1949), Iran (1953), Iraq (Twice), Afghanistan (Twice), Turkey, Libya and Other Oil-Rich Countries By Washington's Blog, September 18, 2014
Scottish independence globalresearch.ca
The REAL Reason Britain is Freaking Out About Scottish Independence. Scotland’s North Sea Oil Reserves By Washington's Blog, September 17, 2014
Top U.S. Military Official: Our Arab “Allies” Support ISIS By Washington's Blog, September 17, 2014
From the Very Start, the CIA Has Engaged In Covert Terrorism to Give Government Plausible Deniability By Washington's Blog, September 16, 2014
The Smoking Guns of the 2001 Anthrax Attacks By Washington's Blog, September 15, 2014
FBI Whistleblower: Pentagon, CIA, NATO and MI6 Were Masterminds Behind 9/11 By Washington's Blog, September 11, 2014
Never Forget … Countries from Around the World Admit They Use “False Flag Terror” By Washington's Blog, September 11, 2014
Big Banks Manipulated $21 Trillion Dollar Market for Credit Default Swaps…as well as Every Other Market By Washington's Blog, September 11, 2014
Former U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union: The U.S. and NATO Are Provoking the Ukrainian Crisis By Washington's Blog, September 05, 2014
Top NSA Whistleblower: We Need a New 9/11 Investigation Into the Destruction of the World Trade Center By Washington's Blog, August 31, 2014