Washington's Blog - Archive

Top NSA Whistleblower: Only “AFTER the Attack and People Die, They Do The Right Thing. This Should Make It Obvious What Route To Take” By Washington's Blog, December 03, 2015
No, NSA HASN’T Stopped Mass Spying On American Citizens By Washington's Blog, December 02, 2015
Yes, Turkey IS Buying Oil from ISIS By Washington's Blog, December 02, 2015
Top U.S. Air Defense Commander: Turkey’s Shootdown of Russian Jet “Had to Be PRE-PLANNED” By Washington's Blog, November 27, 2015
Why We’re Sliding Towards World War By Washington's Blog, November 25, 2015
Turkish Shootdown of Russian Jet: What You Need to Know By Washington's Blog, November 25, 2015
French soldiers at the Eiffel Tower after the Paris shootings. Photo: Reuters
Five Myths Regarding the Paris Terror Attacks By Washington's Blog, November 21, 2015
Nine Ways to Stop Terrorism By Washington's Blog, November 19, 2015
Andrew Jackson
Federal Reserve Admits It Has No Idea What It’s Doing By Washington's Blog, November 13, 2015
Shocking, Little-Known Facts About Debt. Private Debt Exploding By Washington's Blog, November 12, 2015
Dear Fellow Americans: Do You Have Any Idea What’s Being Done In Your Name In Syria? By Washington's Blog, November 06, 2015
Six Reasons Why China and Russia Are Catching Up with the U.S. Military By Washington's Blog, October 29, 2015
Prolonged Exposure to Even LOW Level Radiation Increases the Risk of Cancer. World Health Organization (WHO) By Washington's Blog, October 29, 2015
Does Red Meat – or “Fake Meat” – Cause Cancer? The US Government Protects Industrial Livestock Production By Washington's Blog, October 27, 2015
The U.S. Government Supplied ISIS’ Iconic Pickup Trucks By Washington's Blog, October 13, 2015
What Eisenhower REALLY Said About the “Military Industrial Complex”. The Complicit Role of the US Congress By Washington's Blog, October 12, 2015
America Has REPEATEDLY Committed War Crimes by Bombing Civilians By Washington's Blog, October 12, 2015
The First Question to Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It a False Flag? By Washington's Blog, September 24, 2015
U.S. and Its Coalition of Mid-East Dictators Kill 13 Times More Yemeni Civilians than Al Qaeda By Washington's Blog, September 24, 2015
The U.S., Britain and Israel have Used Chemical Weapons within the Last 10 Years By Washington's Blog, September 22, 2015
The ISIS Islamic Terrorists are Supported by the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia By Washington's Blog, September 20, 2015
Banks Rig Treasury Market … And Every Other Market As Well By Washington's Blog, September 18, 2015
Veteran Intelligence Professionals Challenge CIA’s “Rebuttal” on Torture By Washington's Blog, September 15, 2015
If You Don’t Think Americans Have Lost Our Freedoms, READ THIS By Washington's Blog, September 12, 2015
Unmasking ISIS. How Was it able to Gain Land, Arms and Money so Quickly? By Washington's Blog, September 12, 2015
Former CIA Boss and 4-Star General David Petraeus: U.S. Should Arm Al Qaeda By Washington's Blog, September 02, 2015
Pentagon’s New “Law of War” Manual “Reduces Us to the Level of Nazis” By Washington's Blog, August 28, 2015
Black Monday “Speculative Rebound”: The Dow Jones Just Made the Largest One-Day Roundtrip EVER By Washington's Blog, August 24, 2015
Fukushima 2.0: Japan Re-Starts Nuclear Plant Near Active Volcano By Washington's Blog, August 18, 2015
Americans Are Finally Learning About False Flag Terror By Washington's Blog, August 14, 2015
Israel Is NOT a Democracy By Washington's Blog, August 07, 2015
CIA Executive Director: CIA Committed Torture By Washington's Blog, August 06, 2015
Obama Sells Out Human Health and the Environment By Making Nuclear Energy a Centerpiece of Climate Policy By Washington's Blog, August 04, 2015
USA, Turkey and Israel Act As Air Force for The Islamic State Terrorists (ISIS) By Washington's Blog, August 04, 2015
“Unidentified Money” and Pervasive Corruption Has Destroyed America By Washington's Blog, August 04, 2015
Turkey Supports ISIS. … Now Declares “War Against ISIS”, But Instead Bombs Its Political Rival, Which Is the Most Effective Force Fighting ISIS By Washington's Blog, July 31, 2015
American Jews Support Iran Deal (So Do Israeli Defense Experts) By Washington's Blog, July 29, 2015
American Jews and Israeli Defense Experts Support Iran Deal By Washington's Blog, July 29, 2015
Risk Experts Who Predicted 2008 Financial Crash Believe GMOs To Be Riskier Than 2008 Crash By Washington's Blog, July 27, 2015
“Nearly 80 Percent of the Food Produced In the US Contains Some Kind of Genetically Modified Product” By Washington's Blog, July 25, 2015
Israeli Military Admits to Supporting Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria By Washington's Blog, July 24, 2015
Israeli Military Admits to Supporting Syrian Jihadis By Washington's Blog, July 24, 2015
Obama Simply Switched from One War Crime Which Increases Terrorism to Another By Washington's Blog, July 21, 2015
Governments Worldwide Will Crash the First Week of October … According to Two Financial Forecasters By Washington's Blog, July 20, 2015
Little-Known History of the Euro: Crisis Was Baked In from the Start By Washington's Blog, July 18, 2015
Encryption in the US: The Founding Fathers Frequently Used it … and it Helped Win the Revolutionary War By Washington's Blog, July 10, 2015
West Coast of North America to be Slammed with 80% As Much Fukushima Radiation As Japan by 2016 By Washington's Blog, June 10, 2015
What Is the “Real Risk” from Terrorism in America? By Washington's Blog, June 09, 2015
What Is the “Real Risk” from Terrorism in America? By Washington's Blog, June 09, 2015
Government Is Using Secrecy As a Weapon. Mass Surveillance on all Citizens By Washington's Blog, June 08, 2015
U.S. Government Is Using Secrecy As a Weapon By Washington's Blog, June 08, 2015
Iraq War Propaganda Redux: U.S. Claims Syrian Government Supporting ISIS By Washington's Blog, June 05, 2015
Systemic Corruption Has Destroyed America By Washington's Blog, June 03, 2015
Even If The Patriot Act Expires, Government Will Keep Spying On All Americans By Washington's Blog, May 28, 2015
From the Very Creation of the Internet, U.S. Spy Agencies Fought to Block Encryption By Washington's Blog, May 26, 2015
Global Sea Ice Back to 1979 Levels … Ice Has “Moved” from Arctic to Antarctic By Washington's Blog, May 21, 2015
TPP Could Criminalize Journalism and Whistleblowing By Washington's Blog, May 21, 2015
Big Banks Busted Massively Manipulating Foreign Exchange … And Every Other Market By Washington's Blog, May 21, 2015
NSA Spying and the Patriot Act: Americans Don’t Trust the Government By Washington's Blog, May 19, 2015
Dramatic Clips: The Mystery Bright Spots On Ceres in the Astroid Belt By Washington's Blog, May 16, 2015