Washington's Blog - Archive

Silence is the Death of Liberty By Washington's Blog, September 15, 2010
Dick Cheney’s Oily Dream By Washington's Blog, September 06, 2010
Will Americans Pay to Bailout Yet Another Foreign Bank … in Afghanistan? By Washington's Blog, September 05, 2010
Government Policy Caused America’s Unemployment Crisis By Washington's Blog, September 04, 2010
BP’s Crude Oil May Be Radioactive By Washington's Blog, September 01, 2010
Financial Backlash: “Quantitative Easing” Will Trigger Another Wave of Mergers and Acquisitions By Washington's Blog, August 31, 2010
War and The Economic Crisis: Mullen: “Debt is Main Threat to U.S. National Security … Pentagon Must Cut Spending” By Washington's Blog, August 29, 2010
Why Are Home Sales Plummeting in America? Huge Waves of Foreclosures Coming down the Pike By Washington's Blog, August 27, 2010
Mercenaries Hired By BP Are Now Applying Toxic Dispersant By Washington's Blog, August 26, 2010
Newly-Discovered Species of Bacteria Claimed to be Breaking Down Oil in Deepwater Plumes in the Gulf By Washington's Blog, August 25, 2010
Portions of the Gulf are So Toxic that Dolphins, Fish, Crabs, Stingrays and Other Animals are “Trying to Crawl Out of the Water” By Washington's Blog, August 23, 2010
Toxic Contamination: Gulf Oil May Not Degrade for DECADES By Washington's Blog, August 22, 2010
BP’s “Cloak of Silence”: Geology is “Fractured”, Relief Wells May Fail By Washington's Blog, August 21, 2010
BP and the Government Are Underplaying the Difficulty of Stopping the Oil Leak By Washington's Blog, August 20, 2010
BP and the Government’s Record of Failure in Capping the Oil Well By Washington's Blog, August 16, 2010
Is Gulf Seafood Safe? By Washington's Blog, August 16, 2010
VIDEO: BP Coverup of Environmental Catastrophe in the Gulf: Dead Birds, Fish, Turtles, and Mammals By Washington's Blog, August 15, 2010
Dead Fish Washing Up Everywhere Due to BP Oil Spill and Dispersants By Washington's Blog, August 14, 2010
VIDEO: Has the Oil Well Really Been Capped? By Washington's Blog, August 12, 2010
Will BP Skip the Relief Well, Declare Mission Accomplished, and Abandon Ship Without Permanently Killing the Oil Leak? By Washington's Blog, August 12, 2010
University Scientists Found Underwater Oil Plumes, the Government Said Shut Up, Don’t Tell Anyone and Tried to Discredit them By Washington's Blog, August 11, 2010
China Calls Our Bluff: The U.S. is Insolvent and Faces Bankruptcy as a Pure Debtor Nation By Washington's Blog, August 03, 2010
China Calls Our Bluff: The US is Insolvent and Faces Bankruptcy as a Pure Debtor Nation By Washington's Blog, July 25, 2010
Abandoning the Capped Oil Well: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? By Washington's Blog, July 24, 2010
Big Storm to Hit Gulf of Mexico … All Oil Relief Operations Will Be Suspended … Cap Will Stay On, Unattended By Washington's Blog, July 23, 2010
Unfolding Ecological Catastrophe: BP refuses to disclose Critical Data: BP Moves Goalpost for the Oil Well Integrity Test: By Washington's Blog, July 22, 2010
No Wonder the Outlook for the Economy is “Unusually Uncertain” … the Fed is Killing It By Washington's Blog, July 22, 2010
VIDEO: Bubbles Visible in Underwater Cams By Washington's Blog, July 21, 2010
As Predicted, BP Tries to Pretend New Leak is a “Natural Seep” By Washington's Blog, July 21, 2010
VIDEO: Geologist: Depletion of Oil Reservoir “Unlikely” By Washington's Blog, July 20, 2010
Oil Pressure Stopping Short of Target … Does that Mean the Well Integrity Test Is Failing? By Washington's Blog, July 19, 2010
VIDEO: Initial Results from Well Integrity Test Are Inconclusive By Washington's Blog, July 16, 2010
BP Has Stopped the Oil From Flowing … But Is It Only Temporary? By Washington's Blog, July 16, 2010
Breaking News: Due to Public Outcry, Coast Guard Rescinds Ban on Reporters and Photographers from Oil Spill By Washington's Blog, July 13, 2010
A Key Piece in the Oil Leak Story: Two Sections of Drill Pipe Lodged in the Blowout Preventer By Washington's Blog, July 12, 2010
VIDEO: Corexit “Ruptures Red Blood Cells, Causes Internal Bleeding” “Allows Crude Oil To Penetrate “Into The Cells” By Washington's Blog, July 10, 2010
In Trying To Cover It’s Own Behind, BP Has Lowballed the Amount of Oil … Which Has Made Everything Worse By Washington's Blog, July 09, 2010
The Relief Wells Are Ahead of Schedule … But Will They Work? By Washington's Blog, July 08, 2010
Should We Nuke the BP Oil Well? By Washington's Blog, July 02, 2010
VIDEO: Methane Release From the Gulf Oil Spill: What Does It Mean? How Bad Could It Get? By Washington's Blog, June 30, 2010
Oil Spill Might Be Making Natural Seeps Larger By Washington's Blog, June 25, 2010
Coverup: BP Has the Technology to Accurately Measure the Amount of Leaking Oil By Washington's Blog, June 23, 2010
Where is the Oil Spill? By Washington's Blog, June 21, 2010
Showdown in the Red Sea: U.S. Sends 11 Warships to Confront Iran. By Washington's Blog, June 21, 2010
BP Tells Cleanup Workers They’ll Be Fired If They Wear Respirators By Washington's Blog, June 18, 2010
VIDEO: BP Admits That – If It Tries to Cap the Leak – the Whole Well May Blow Up By Washington's Blog, June 16, 2010
Unusual Trading in Stock Options Prior to 9/11: Government Destroyed Documents Regarding Pre-9/11 Put Options By Washington's Blog, June 15, 2010
BP Official Admits to Damage Beneath the Sea Floor: Dim Prospects for Stopping the Leak By Washington's Blog, June 13, 2010
Prominent Oil Industry Insider: “There’s Another Leak, Much Bigger, 5 to 6 Miles Away” By Washington's Blog, May 28, 2010
Why Is It So Hard to Stop the Oil Gusher, Why Was Such Extreme Deepwater Drilling Allowed in the First Place? By Washington's Blog, May 25, 2010
Cap and Trade: A Gigantic Scam By Washington's Blog, May 23, 2010
When the Solution to the Financial Crisis Becomes the Cause: Senate Passes Fake Financial “Reform” Bill By Washington's Blog, May 22, 2010
Looming Environmental Catastrophe: Gulf Oil Being Pulled Into Loop Current By Washington's Blog, May 19, 2010
VIDEO: BP’S Criminal Negligence By Washington's Blog, May 18, 2010
California Is More Likely to Default than Iceland or Iraq By Washington's Blog, May 15, 2010
The Bailout of Big American Banks Has Cost Trillions More Than We’ve Been Told By Washington's Blog, May 14, 2010
The European Bailout: Not a Very Promising Start By Washington's Blog, May 11, 2010
European Economic Crash: Are France and Germany In Trouble? By Washington's Blog, May 06, 2010
The Fed Must Be Audited: The Fraudulent Practices of the Federal Reserve By Washington's Blog, May 05, 2010
If We Broke Up Standard Oil, We Can Break Up the Giant Banks By Washington's Blog, April 30, 2010