Washington's Blog - Archive

Quantitative Easing Is Causing Food Prices to Skyrocket By Washington's Blog, January 22, 2011
Martin Luther King Jr.: Stop the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and Stop the Mugging of the Middle Class and Poor by the Wealthy By Washington's Blog, January 18, 2011
Government Says No to Helping States and Main Street, While Continuing to Throw Trillions at the Giant Banks By Washington's Blog, January 14, 2011
Housing Slump Worse than the Great Depression By Washington's Blog, January 12, 2011
Untested Type of Fluoride Used in the Overwhelming Majority of U.S. Water Supplies By Washington's Blog, January 10, 2011
Monetary Backlash: Not Just “Inflation Versus Deflation” By Washington's Blog, January 07, 2011
US Military
Humans Have Intentionally Modified Weather for Military Purposes and Climate Control for Decades By Washington's Blog, January 05, 2011
War Causes Inflation … By Washington's Blog, January 03, 2011
Michael Hudson: Average Stock Held for 22 Seconds and Average Foreign Currency Investment Held for 30 Seconds By Washington's Blog, January 03, 2011
Is Gold – Or Fiat Currency – In a Bubble? By Washington's Blog, December 31, 2010
2011: The Municipal Meltdown. More than 100 US Cities Could Go Bust By Washington's Blog, December 30, 2010
The Double Dip In Housing is Almost Here… By Washington's Blog, December 29, 2010
The Economic Crisis: Worse than the Great Depression? By Washington's Blog, December 29, 2010
Why Is It So Cold? Should the Big Freeze Alter Our Approach to Climate Change? By Washington's Blog, December 27, 2010
Economics Is Simple … The Fat Cats Just Want You to Think It’s Complicated So That You Won’t Demand Change By Washington's Blog, December 23, 2010
The Oil Slick BP Tried To Hide Has Been Discovered By Washington's Blog, December 22, 2010
Reagan’s OMB Director: Bush Tax Cuts “The Biggest Fiscal Mistake in History” Extending Them Won’t Stimulate the Economy By Washington's Blog, December 16, 2010
Prosecuting Wall Street Fraud: The US Economy is A Giant Ponzi Scheme By Washington's Blog, December 14, 2010
The Economy Cannot Recover Until the Big Banks Are Broken Up By Washington's Blog, December 12, 2010
Pentagon Papers Whistleblowers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation By Washington's Blog, December 10, 2010
Targeting Small-Time Crooks: Department of Justice “Crackdown” On Wall Street Is a P.R. Stunt By Washington's Blog, December 09, 2010
WikiLeaks, WikiDrama and WikiGossip By Washington's Blog, December 08, 2010
How to Create Employment and Stimulate the Economy? Obama’s Tax Deal is not the Answer By Washington's Blog, December 07, 2010
Arrest Warrant for “Sex Crimes” Against Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange By Washington's Blog, December 03, 2010
Global Banks and Hedge Funds are the Beneficiaries of the Financial Bailouts By Washington's Blog, December 02, 2010
Scientists Confirm that Dispersants Are Increasing Contamination in the Gulf By Washington's Blog, November 30, 2010
It’s Not Just the “Peripheral” European Countries … Financial Contagion Could Spread to “Core” Eurozone Countries and the U.S. By Washington's Blog, November 28, 2010
Greece → Ireland → Portugal → Spain → Italy → UK → ? Europe’s Financial Domino Effect By Washington's Blog, November 27, 2010
The Federal Reserve Has too Much Power By Washington's Blog, November 25, 2010
The Federal Reserve’s Hidden Agenda: Driving the Country into a Second Depression By Washington's Blog, November 21, 2010
Economic and Social Crisis in America: FDR Wasn’t FDR … Until His Hand Was Forced By Civil Disobedience By Washington's Blog, November 18, 2010
“The Fed Has Spent the Last 15-20 Years Manipulating the Stock Market” By Washington's Blog, November 16, 2010
Is Gold In a Bubble … How Much Further Can It Rise Before It Pops? By Washington's Blog, November 15, 2010
It’s Not the “Great Recession”. It’s the Great Bank Robbery By Washington's Blog, November 11, 2010
Greenspan and the Economic Crisis: “Moral Hazard” and Financial Fraud are the Main Problems By Washington's Blog, November 07, 2010
War Is Sold Just Like Soda or Toothpaste By Washington's Blog, November 03, 2010
Fraud Caused the 1930s Depression and the Current Financial Crisis By Washington's Blog, October 30, 2010
Not Just Stocks: High Frequency Traders Manipulating Futures, Options, Bonds, Currency and Commodities Markets By Washington's Blog, October 29, 2010
Coverup of an Environmental Catastrophe: Reappearance of Huge Plumes of Oil By Washington's Blog, October 28, 2010
Is Today’s Rate of Unemployment Higher than During the Great Depression of the 1930s? By Washington's Blog, October 25, 2010
Media Coverup: Gulf Oil Spill: Mission Accomplished or Ongoing Crisis? By Washington's Blog, October 24, 2010
ForeclosureGate: “Sloppy Paperwork” or “Push Button” Financial Fraud? By Washington's Blog, October 20, 2010
“Cooking the Financial Books”: Mortgages Were Fraudulently Pledged to Multiple Buyers at the Same Time By Washington's Blog, October 19, 2010
Nearly Half of All Americans Believe “The Federal Government Poses An Immediate Threat To Rights And Freedoms” By Washington's Blog, October 18, 2010
Are ALL Mortgage Backed Securities a Scam? By Washington's Blog, October 17, 2010
“The Largest Financial Swindle in World History”. “Counterfeit” Mortgages “Laundered” by the Banks By Washington's Blog, October 13, 2010
Why Is Unemployment Rising? By Washington's Blog, October 10, 2010
IMF Calls for Huge New Round of Bank Bailouts By Washington's Blog, October 08, 2010
Is America Under Attack? … Or Are the Barbarians Inside the Gates? By Washington's Blog, October 07, 2010
We’re In a Global Currency War … But What Does It Mean? By Washington's Blog, October 04, 2010
Volcker: “The Financial System is Broken” and “the Mortgage Market Has Become a Subsidiary of the U.S. Government” By Washington's Blog, October 03, 2010
Crisis of US Monetary Policy: Quantitative Easing Doesn’t Work By Washington's Blog, October 02, 2010
Scientists: 40 Times More Cancer-Causing Toxics in Gulf than Before Spill … Dispersants to Blame By Washington's Blog, October 01, 2010
Did 9/11 Really “Change Everything”? Or Was It Simply an Excuse to Implement Exisiting War Plans By Washington's Blog, September 26, 2010
Use of Corexit in 1978 Oil Spill Delayed Recovery by DECADES By Washington's Blog, September 25, 2010
Nothing Can Escape a Black Hole (Except Water, Gas, Energetic Particles, and ….) By Washington's Blog, September 24, 2010
The Orwellian Concept of Pre-Crime: Five Surprising Facts About Spying In America By Washington's Blog, September 22, 2010
The Debt Crisis in America: Businesses and Consumers are NOT Deleveraging … They Are Going On One Last Binge By Washington's Blog, September 19, 2010
Camouflage and Contamination: What’s Going On In The Gulf? By Washington's Blog, September 17, 2010
China Will Allow Credit Default Swaps, As Long As They Are Not Naked By Washington's Blog, September 16, 2010