Washington's Blog - Archive

Are Banks Raiding “Allocated” Gold Accounts? By Washington's Blog, July 06, 2012
The Biggest Financial Scam In World History By Washington's Blog, July 05, 2012
BANK FRAUD: The Big Losers in the Libor Rate Manipulation By Washington's Blog, July 03, 2012
European and US Governments Encourage Bank Manipulation and Fraud to Cover Up Insolvency By Washington's Blog, July 02, 2012
77% of JP Morgan’s Net Income Comes from Government Subsidies By Washington's Blog, July 01, 2012
Mainstream Economics is a Cult By Washington's Blog, June 30, 2012
Big Banks Have Become Mafia-Style Criminal Enterprises By Washington's Blog, June 29, 2012
Proposed BIS Banking Regulations Would Drive Gold Prices Higher By Washington's Blog, June 27, 2012
SYRIA: Cold War II, Edging Closer to a “Hot War”? By Washington's Blog, June 26, 2012
Radioactive “Dirt” Hits Tokyo By Washington's Blog, June 25, 2012
Who Destroyed America’s Middle Class? Dude, Who Stole My Net Worth? By Washington's Blog, June 23, 2012
Due to International Pressure, Tepco Agrees to Start Removing Radioactive Fuel from Fukushima Fuel Pool By Washington's Blog, June 23, 2012
The Biggest Myth Preventing an Economic Recovery: “Private Debt Doesn’t Matter” By Washington's Blog, June 18, 2012
“Cold War II” Has Begun … In Syria By Washington's Blog, June 13, 2012
THE SPAILOUT: Stock Markets Tumble. Failure of the Spanish Bailout By Washington's Blog, June 12, 2012
FUKUSHIMA: Pacific Ocean Will Not Dilute Dumped Radioactive Water By Washington's Blog, June 01, 2012
Fukushima: Global Nuclear Radiation? California Fish Contaminated with Fukushima Radiation By Washington's Blog, May 29, 2012
Did Facebook Feed Inside Information to the Big Boys … While Leaving the Individual Investor In the Dark? By Washington's Blog, May 22, 2012
Will China Make the Yuan a Gold-Backed Currency? By Washington's Blog, May 21, 2012
Police violence in Chicago By Washington's Blog, May 21, 2012
FINANCIAL IMPLOSION: Global Derivatives Market at $1,200 Trillion Dollars … 20 Times the World Economy By Washington's Blog, May 20, 2012
Will Rogue Fundamentalist Christian Military Leaders Start a Nuclear War in the Middle East? By Washington's Blog, May 19, 2012
FINANCIAL MANIPULATION: Unrestrained Stimulus and Draconian Economic Austerity: Two Sides of the Same Coin By Washington's Blog, May 18, 2012
The Truth About JP Morgan’s $2 Billion Loss By Washington's Blog, May 16, 2012
Ron Paul Has Dropped Out of the Presidential Race … Or Has He? By Washington's Blog, May 15, 2012
No Mayan Apocalypse in 2012 By Washington's Blog, May 14, 2012
VIDEO: Big Oil Is Gaming the System to Keep Domestic U.S. Prices High By Washington's Blog, May 11, 2012
American Politics: “Freedom” to Choose Between Two “Acceptable” Choices By Washington's Blog, May 10, 2012
HYDRAULIC FRACKING: Our Country Is Being Fracked by the Merger of Government and Big Business By Washington's Blog, May 05, 2012
Institutional Corruption Is Killing the Economy By Washington's Blog, May 04, 2012
FRACKING POLLUTING WATER: Our Country Is Being Fracked by the Merger of Government and Big Business By Washington's Blog, May 03, 2012
Osama Bin Laden: Everyone Is Missing the Big Picture By Washington's Blog, April 30, 2012
TORTURE, TRYING TO DEFEND THE INDEFENSIBLE; Torture Cheerleaders Back In the News By Washington's Blog, April 28, 2012
MARKET DISTORTIONS AND PROFIT DRIVEN FINANCIAL INSTABILITY: 84% of All Stock Trades are by High-Frequency Computer Algorithms By Washington's Blog, April 26, 2012
Obama has Prosecuted More Whistleblowers than All Other Presidents COMBINED. But Refuses to Go After White Collar Criminals By Washington's Blog, April 22, 2012
“FIGHT THE NET”: Pentagon Media Psyops and “Black Propaganda” By Washington's Blog, April 20, 2012
Two Years After the BP Oil Spill: IS THE GULF ECOSYSTEM COLLAPSING? By Washington's Blog, April 19, 2012
Japanese Trying to Stabilize Radioactive Fuel Pools, But Are Moving Too Slowly … By a Decade By Washington's Blog, April 18, 2012
THE GIANT BANKS ARE KILLING THE US ECONOMY By Washington's Blog, April 17, 2012
FUKUSHIMA’S UNSTABLE AND DANGEROUS SPENT FUEL POOLS. U.S. Senator Warns Situation Worse Than Reported By Washington's Blog, April 16, 2012
Nuclear Power Is Expensive and Bad for the Environment … It’s Being Pushed Because It Is Good For Making Bombs By Washington's Blog, April 11, 2012
NUCLEAR RADIATION CRISIS: Japan is Poisoning Other Countries By Burning Highly-Radioactive Debris By Washington's Blog, April 09, 2012
The Fuel Pools of Fukushima: THE GREATEST SHORT-TERM THREAT TO HUMANITY By Washington's Blog, April 09, 2012
Unemployment in America: Worst Jobs Report in 5 Months … Thanks to Bad Government Policy By Washington's Blog, April 06, 2012
Has China ALREADY Surpassed the U.S. as the World’s Largest Economy? By Washington's Blog, April 05, 2012
HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT: Testosterone Levels Fall Worldwide By Washington's Blog, April 04, 2012
California Slammed With Fukushima Radiation By Washington's Blog, March 30, 2012
NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS: The Very Real Possibility of A Global Nuclear Catastrophe By Washington's Blog, March 25, 2012
Big Banks Continue to “Suck at the Government” With Never-Ending Stealth Bailouts By Washington's Blog, March 24, 2012
Does Genetically Modified (GM) Food Increase the Incidence of Obesity? By Washington's Blog, March 20, 2012
The REAL Cause of the Global Obesity Epidemic. Are Toxic Chemicals Making Us Fat? By Washington's Blog, March 19, 2012
Indian Bomb: Iranian Terror … Or False Flag? By Washington's Blog, March 11, 2012
Did BP Cause Damage to the Gulf Sea Floor? Ever-Larger “Natural” Oil Seeps from the Giant Macondo Reservoir By Washington's Blog, March 10, 2012
FBI Director: I Have to Check to See If Obama Has the Right to Assassinate Americans On U.S. Soil By Washington's Blog, March 09, 2012
Experts Destroy Rationale for Obama’s Assassination Policy … And Slam Democrats for Supporting It By Washington's Blog, March 08, 2012
VIDEO: 9/11 Commissioner and Co-Chair of 9/11 Inquiry Say in Sworn Declarations that Saudi Government Linked to 9/11 By Washington's Blog, March 02, 2012
Must-Watch Video On Unsafe American Nuclear Plants By Washington's Blog, March 01, 2012
Popular Media Personality: The U.S. Has the Moral Authority to Annihilate Iran Because They’re Evil By Washington's Blog, February 26, 2012
Proof that War Is Bad for the Economy By Washington's Blog, February 24, 2012
Top Social Media Websites Caught Censoring Controversial Content By Washington's Blog, February 23, 2012