Stephen Lendman - Archive

About the author:

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." Visit his blog site at Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.
Trump at Langley, the CIA’s Lion’s Den By Stephen Lendman, January 22, 2017
War and Peace? Trump’s Relations with Russia? By Stephen Lendman, January 21, 2017
Changing of the Guard in Washington By Stephen Lendman, January 20, 2017
Anarchist Group Calls for Inauguration Day Disruption By Stephen Lendman, January 20, 2017
Spying on Americans: Outgoing Obama’s “Privacy Guidelines” on CIA Use of Information on Americans By Stephen Lendman, January 20, 2017
Obama’s Painful Long Goodbye. America’s “Fantasy Democracy” By Stephen Lendman, January 19, 2017
Outgoing CIA Director Hypes Nonexistent Russian Threat By Stephen Lendman, January 18, 2017
Globalization and Social Inequality: Obscene Wealth of Eight Mega-Billionaires By Stephen Lendman, January 18, 2017
One China Policy Nonnegotiable, Says Beijing. America’s Adversarial Policy against China By Stephen Lendman, January 16, 2017
One China Policy Nonnegotiable, Says Beijing. America’s Adversarial Policy against China By Stephen Lendman, January 16, 2017
“Deep State” Ultimatum to Trump: Play Ball or Else By Stephen Lendman, January 16, 2017
Trump’s Policy on Russia and China? By Stephen Lendman, January 14, 2017
Trump’s Policy on Russia and China? By Stephen Lendman, January 14, 2017
Trump’s Pentagon and State Department Nominees Threaten to Wage War on Russia and China By Stephen Lendman, January 14, 2017
Trump’s Pentagon and State Department Nominees Threaten to Wage War on Russia and China By Stephen Lendman, January 14, 2017
Obamacare’s Death Throes: Unaffordable Healthcare, Enriches the Insurance Companies By Stephen Lendman, January 13, 2017
Trump Straight Talk, Calling CNN “Fake News” By Stephen Lendman, January 12, 2017
Obama’s Deplorable Last Hurrah By Stephen Lendman, January 11, 2017
More Anti-Russia “Fake News” Reports… When “Fake New” Becomes “Real News” By Stephen Lendman, January 07, 2017
More Phony Hacking Accusations against Putin and Trump, Objective: “Delegitimize Trump” By Stephen Lendman, January 07, 2017
New Twist on Fake News Russian Hacking Story By Stephen Lendman, January 06, 2017
Obama Obstructing Syria Peace Talks. Washington’s Dirty Hands Supporting ISIS and Al Nusra By Stephen Lendman, January 03, 2017
Will Trump Lift Sanctions on Russia? The Legal Status of U.S. Unilateral Sanctions, Pressures from War Profiteers By Stephen Lendman, January 02, 2017
Fake News? Russia Attacks Vermont? Penetrated the Electric Grid. By Stephen Lendman, January 01, 2017
Trump Praises Putin, Obama Sanctions, Veiled Political Stunt on Behalf of “Team Hillary” By Stephen Lendman, January 01, 2017
US Dirty Tricks in Syria? Obama Administration’s Continued Support for ISIS, Al Nusra By Stephen Lendman, December 31, 2016
“It’s A Plot, The Russians Are Coming”: Obama Illegally Sanctions Russia for Nonexistent US Election Hacking By Stephen Lendman, December 30, 2016
Netanyahu to Be Investigated for Bribery and Fraud By Stephen Lendman, December 30, 2016
“Big Brother” Watches Everyone in America: Obama Signs “Ministry of Truth” into Law By Stephen Lendman, December 29, 2016
Breaking: US Secret Agreement with Palestinians Prior to U.N. Security Council Vote on Israel’s Illegal Settlements By Stephen Lendman, December 28, 2016
Israel Defiantly Set to Approve Thousands More Illegal Settlement Units By Stephen Lendman, December 26, 2016
Security Council Affirms Illegality of Israeli Settlements By Stephen Lendman, December 25, 2016
US Nuclear Proliferation: The One Trillion Dollar Doomsday Nuclear Scenario By Stephen Lendman, December 24, 2016
Were “CIA Dirty Hands” Behind Assassination of Russia’s Ambassador to Turkey? By Stephen Lendman, December 23, 2016
UN to Prepare War Crimes Cases in Syria for Prosecution By Stephen Lendman, December 23, 2016
UN Report Whitewashes Terrorist Attack on Aleppo Humanitarian Convoy By Stephen Lendman, December 22, 2016
Berlin’s Christmas Market Incident a Likely False Flag By Stephen Lendman, December 21, 2016
IMF Head Lagarde Found Guilty of Criminal Negligence By Stephen Lendman, December 20, 2016
Trump Sweeps 304 of 306 GOP Electors, The Campaign to Dump Trump Fizzled. The Only Surprise was Hillary Losing Five Elector Votes By Stephen Lendman, December 20, 2016
What to Expect from Monday’s Electoral College Vote and Aftermath By Stephen Lendman, December 19, 2016
Freedom in America Disappearing in Plain Sight. The Coup Attempt against Trump By Stephen Lendman, December 18, 2016
Pivot to Asia, “Underwater Spying”, US Drones Threaten China By Stephen Lendman, December 17, 2016
FBI Director Comey and DNI Clapper Cave to Pressure: Now Claim Russia Helped Trump By Stephen Lendman, December 17, 2016
“Silly Rhetoric and Laughable Nonsense”: Obama Vows Retaliation Against Russia for Nonexistent US Election Hacking By Stephen Lendman, December 16, 2016
“Fake News” on Aleppo Liberation, Western Media Lies and Fabrications. The Words “Terrorists” or “Al Qaeda” are Not Mentioned By Stephen Lendman, December 15, 2016
Russophobia and Anti-Trumpism Running Wild in America By Stephen Lendman, December 15, 2016
Peace in Aleppo, No More Terrorists, “No Need for a Ceasefire”. Another Politically Motivated UN Security Council Session on Syria By Stephen Lendman, December 14, 2016
The December 19 Electoral College Vote : Anti-Trump Coup Attempt Underway? By Stephen Lendman, December 14, 2016
Celebrations have Started in Aleppo: Freed From the US-Supported Terrorist Scourge By Stephen Lendman, December 13, 2016
Pro-Hillary Dark Forces Plot Anti-Trump Coup? By Stephen Lendman, December 13, 2016
Trump’s Key Geopolitical Test as President By Stephen Lendman, December 13, 2016
US Facilitates Transfer of Terrorists from Mosul into Syria: Palmyra Again Reportedly Seized by ISIS By Stephen Lendman, December 12, 2016
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s “Stop Arming Terrorists Act” By Stephen Lendman, December 11, 2016
ExxonMobil Chief Rex Tillerson to Be Named Trump’s Secretary of State? “Has Close Ties to Putin” By Stephen Lendman, December 11, 2016
Neocons Urge War on Iran By Stephen Lendman, December 11, 2016
“Fake News”, PropOrNot and the Return of McCarthyism By Michael Welch, Barrie Zwicker, Chris Cook, Dave Lindorff, and Stephen Lendman, December 10, 2016
More Russia Bashing Over Nonexistent Cyberattacks By Stephen Lendman, December 10, 2016
“Real Mass Protests”: Americans Should Follow the Example of South Koreans By Stephen Lendman, December 10, 2016
Trump Debunks Notion of Russia Interfering in America’s Electoral Process By Stephen Lendman, December 09, 2016
Obama Formally Approves Arming Terrorists in Syria By Stephen Lendman, December 09, 2016