Stephen Lendman - Archive

About the author:

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." Visit his blog site at Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.
Big Pharma’s Hazardous to Health COVID Vaccines By Stephen Lendman, December 11, 2020
SCOTUS Showdown Over Stolen Election 2020 By Stephen Lendman, December 10, 2020
COVID Vaccines: Protection or Biohazard? By Stephen Lendman, December 09, 2020
Biden/Harris to Name Hawkish General Lloyd Austin as “War Secretary” By Stephen Lendman, December 08, 2020
Bolivarian Social Democracy Triumphs in Venezuelan National Assembly Elections By Stephen Lendman, December 08, 2020
Threat of More Illegal US Sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream 2 Pipeline By Stephen Lendman, December 07, 2020
US War Department Vaccination Cards By Stephen Lendman, December 04, 2020
Is Trump Right? Was Election 2020 Rigged? By Stephen Lendman, December 03, 2020
US Department of Justice (DOJ) Coverup of 2020 Election Fraud By Stephen Lendman, December 02, 2020
Wall Street Crowd to Run Biden’s Neoliberal Agenda By Stephen Lendman, December 02, 2020
Disputed Election 2020 Results in Key Swing State Pennsylvania By Stephen Lendman, December 02, 2020
Millions of Americans Vulnerable to Eviction By Stephen Lendman, December 02, 2020
Initial Iranian Response to Assassination of Its Top Nuclear Scientist By Stephen Lendman, December 01, 2020
Israel Behind Assassination of Top Iranian Nuclear Scientist? By Stephen Lendman, November 30, 2020
Election 2020 Fraud: Philadelphia Federal Appeals Court Rejects Trump’s Challenge By Stephen Lendman, November 30, 2020
Mask-Wearing: Ineffective, Potentially Hazardous. To be Mandated in the US? By Stephen Lendman, November 30, 2020
Anti-Iran Saber Rattling By Stephen Lendman, November 27, 2020
No Thanks on Thanksgiving During US-Engineered Economic Collapse By Stephen Lendman, November 27, 2020
US Propaganda War on China By Stephen Lendman, November 26, 2020
Beyond Orwell and Huxley: Brave New World Unfolding? Compulsory Vaccination, Digital Passports? By Stephen Lendman, November 25, 2020
Neoliberal Janet Yellen: Biden/Harris Regime’s Choice for Treasury Secretary By Stephen Lendman, November 25, 2020
Big Lie that Won’t Die: Russiagate Still Around By Stephen Lendman, November 24, 2020
Sidney Powell No Longer a Trump Campaign Legal Team Member? By Stephen Lendman, November 24, 2020
Biden/Harris Regime’s “War Cabinet” Taking Shape By Stephen Lendman, November 24, 2020
Trump’s Legal Team’s “VenezuelaGate”? Alleged Bolivarian Vote-Rigging in Venezuela? By Stephen Lendman, November 22, 2020
Possible US Strike on Iran? By Stephen Lendman, November 20, 2020
The Great US Election 2020: Political “Grand Theft” Exposed. Evidence of Fraud Abounds By Stephen Lendman, November 20, 2020
New START Dead or Revivable Under a Biden/Harris Administration? By Stephen Lendman, November 20, 2020
A Preview of How a Biden/Harris Regime May Operate. “Hired Guns” and the Role of “Registered Lobbyists” By Stephen Lendman, November 20, 2020
Covid Vaccine, Hazardous to Human Health? Big Pharma’s Rush to Cash in on Multibillion Bonanza By Stephen Lendman, November 19, 2020
US Election 2020: The Moment of Truth Approaches By Stephen Lendman, November 18, 2020
US Not Part of World’s Largest Ever Trade Deal By Stephen Lendman, November 17, 2020
US Coup d’Etat? Joe Biden “President-Selected” Not Elected. Evidence of Systemic Fraud By Stephen Lendman, November 16, 2020
US Election 2020: Illegitimate by Systemic Fraud By Stephen Lendman, November 15, 2020
The “Most Secure” Election in US History? Despite Mounting Evidence of Brazen Fraud in Key Swing States By Stephen Lendman, November 14, 2020
Trump to End His Tenure with a Bang, Not a Whimper By Stephen Lendman, November 14, 2020
Extrajudicial Regime Change: The American Way at Home and Abroad By Stephen Lendman, November 12, 2020
Agreed on Armistice in Nagorno Karabakh? Brokered by Moscow By Stephen Lendman, November 11, 2020
Continuity Follows All US Elections. Despite Evidence, Trump’s Legal Challenges are Likely to Fail By Stephen Lendman, November 11, 2020
US Election 2020: The Shame of the Nation. Duopoly and Electoral Fraud. “Democracy in America is Pure Fiction” By Stephen Lendman, November 10, 2020
Banana Republic USA. Dirty Politics and Rigged Elections: Evidence of Fraud in Swing States By Stephen Lendman, November 09, 2020
Fantasy Democracy in Action: Biden Defeats Trump? Who is The Real Jo Biden? By Stephen Lendman, November 09, 2020
US Election Theft 2020? Election Results are “Shady” By Stephen Lendman, November 08, 2020
US Hypocrisy, Not Democracy. Governance of, by and for “The Rich, Well-Born and Able” By Stephen Lendman, November 06, 2020
“Fantasy Democracy”: US Election 2020. Electoral Fraud?? By Stephen Lendman, November 05, 2020
Five Swing States to Decide US Presidential Election By Stephen Lendman, November 05, 2020
Trump’s Executive Order to Manipulate the Minds of US Schoolchildren By Stephen Lendman, November 04, 2020
Stock Market Indicator in US Presidential Elections By Stephen Lendman, November 04, 2020
The Threat of a Biden/Harris Regime in Power By Stephen Lendman, November 03, 2020
Is Joe Biden Cognitively and Physically “Unfit to Serve”? Both Trump and Biden are Unfit for the Highest Office By Stephen Lendman, November 03, 2020
No Letup in US War on Iran by Other Means Ahead By Stephen Lendman, November 02, 2020
Will Trump and Biden Refuse to Concede if Defeated? By Stephen Lendman, November 02, 2020
Will Trump Surprise Pollsters and Hostile Media by Defeating Biden? By Stephen Lendman, October 30, 2020
The Scourge of Islamophobia in France By Stephen Lendman, October 29, 2020
Manufactured Pandemic and Economic Collapse a Boon for Billionaires By Stephen Lendman, October 28, 2020
US versus Russia in Syria. “A Fake ‘Revolution’ Using Islamic Gangs” By Stephen Lendman, October 28, 2020
China’s Foreign Ministry Responds to Hostile US Actions and Rhetoric By Stephen Lendman, October 28, 2020
US Sanctions: Shooting Blanks Against the Resiliency of Targeted Nations By Stephen Lendman, October 27, 2020
Trump Regime Approves Large-Scale Taiwan Arms Purchase. Another Blow to Bilateral Relations with Beijing By Stephen Lendman, October 27, 2020
Sudan “Normalizes” Relations with Israel? Trump “Arranged the Deal” By Stephen Lendman, October 26, 2020