Scott Ritter - Archive

The Ukrainian “Death List”. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, September 06, 2022
Getting It Wrong on Ukraine. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, September 05, 2022
Video: Ukraine War. “Is Russia in Trouble”? Scott Ritter Interviewed by Judge Napolitano By Scott Ritter and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, September 02, 2022
The Only Thing Keeping US and China From War Is Running Dangerously Thin By Scott Ritter, August 23, 2022
NATO-Russia Proxy War: Revealing Signs of a Fading America: Scott Ritter, Michael Hudson By Michael Welch, Prof Michael Hudson, and Scott Ritter, August 20, 2022
Sen. Chuck Schumer’s War on Free Speech. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, August 08, 2022
Scott Ritter: Lithuania’s Brinkmanship against Russia By Scott Ritter, July 05, 2022
Scott Ritter: Turkey Rains on NATO’s Parade By Scott Ritter, June 17, 2022
Scott Ritter: Phase Three in Ukraine By Scott Ritter, June 04, 2022
Scott Ritter & Ray McGovern on Ukraine, Russia, China By Scott Ritter and Ray McGovern, May 30, 2022
Scott Ritter: Live-Action Role Play. America’s Legionnaires in Defense of Ukraine By Scott Ritter, May 18, 2022
Biden Is Sending Ukraine Billions of Dollars of Weaponry It Can’t Use Properly By Scott Ritter, May 09, 2022
Kramatorsk Train Station Attack: The Key to Finding the Perpetrator Lies in this Overlooked Detail By Scott Ritter, April 22, 2022
Russia, Ukraine and the Law of War. Crime of Aggression: Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, March 31, 2022
“Russia is Succeeding Wildly in its Objectives!” Scott Ritter on the War in Ukraine By Michael Welch and Scott Ritter, March 29, 2022
The Post-Ukraine Reality of US-China Relations By Scott Ritter, March 28, 2022
Video: NATO Too Weak to Face Russia? Scott Ritter on Russian Offensive By Scott Ritter and Richard Medhurst, February 28, 2022
Why a War May be the Only Solution Americans Can Bring to this Conflict By Scott Ritter, February 24, 2022
As an Ex-US Intelligence Officer, I Believe an American Sub Did Violate Russian Waters By Scott Ritter, February 21, 2022
A War with Russia Would be Unlike Anything the US and NATO Have Ever Experienced By Scott Ritter, February 07, 2022
Countdown to Apocalypse: A Dark Future for Ukraine? By Michael Welch, Scott Ritter, Dmitriy Kovalevich, and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 23, 2022
What War with Russia Would Look Like By Scott Ritter, January 11, 2022
Thirty Years On, I Miss the ‘Evil Empire’ By Scott Ritter, January 02, 2022
Biden’s Hypocrisy Summit By Scott Ritter, December 13, 2021
Video: American Admiral Claims US Is on the Brink of Nuclear War with Russia and China. Oh, Really…? By Scott Ritter and RT News, November 30, 2021
The US Cannot Defend Taiwan, and China Knows It By Scott Ritter, October 11, 2021
US Reputation Is in Tatters, It’s Time to Bring Those Responsible for Afghanistan Disaster to Account By Scott Ritter, September 03, 2021
Biden Wants NATO to Project the Strength It Doesn’t Have By Scott Ritter, June 16, 2021
US’ New “Foreign Malign Influence” Center Is Just Official Cover for American Intelligence Interference in Domestic Politics By Scott Ritter, May 03, 2021
US to Withdraw from Afghanistan after Two Decades of War Leaving Behind a Tortured Wasteland and Having Accomplished… Nothing. By Scott Ritter, April 16, 2021
The Pending Collapse of the ‘Rules-based International Order’ Is an Existential Threat to the United States By Scott Ritter, April 01, 2021
The Ides of March: False Pretexts Galore in the Wars on Yugoslavia and Iraq By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Scott Ritter, Živadin Jovanović, James Bissett, and Scott Taylor, March 27, 2021
Biden and Blinken’s Unprovoked Attacks on Russia and China Backfire… Because If You Live in a Glass House, Don’t Throw Stones By Scott Ritter, March 22, 2021
Biden’s Tough-guy Flexing at ‘Soulless Killer’ Putin Would be Funny if the Consequences Weren’t So Serious By Scott Ritter, March 19, 2021
Ten Years On, the US Still Promotes Failed Regime-change Policy in Syria By Scott Ritter, March 17, 2021
Continued Israeli Airstrikes on Syria Are Testing Moscow’s Patience, Jerusalem Would Do Well Not to Poke the Russian Bear By Scott Ritter, March 05, 2021
The US Airstrike on Syria: Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss, and the Boss before that By Scott Ritter, March 01, 2021
NATO’s Expanding Role Hides the Reality of a US Empire in Decline By Scott Ritter, February 22, 2021
Tearing Down the Edifice of American Democracy By Scott Ritter, February 12, 2021
In Confronting Russian ‘Aggression’, Biden Forgets He Is the Problem, Not the Solution By Scott Ritter, February 09, 2021
Why the Biden Administration Has Set Itself Up for Failure on the Iran Nuclear Deal By Scott Ritter, February 04, 2021
Israel’s Gift to Joe Biden, 52 Days Before He Even Takes Office: War with Iran By Scott Ritter, November 30, 2020
The Return of the Obama ‘Adults’ in a Joe Biden Administration Is Likely to Spell Ruin for America By Scott Ritter, November 16, 2020
Why Bob Woodward’s ‘Rage’ Is a Lie Built on a Lie, and What Trump vs ‘Military Messiah Syndrome’ Really Is About By Scott Ritter, September 22, 2020
US Is Willing to Dismantle the UN Security Council to Put Pressure on Iran By Scott Ritter, August 27, 2020
Biden’s Speech Stirs Up Sense of Déjà Vu – Same Old Lies Disguised as New Promises, Little More than a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing By Scott Ritter, August 24, 2020
US-German Relations Are Beyond Repair as Result of Decades-long Clash of Views & Ideas. Troop Pullout Is Only a Symptom By Scott Ritter, August 05, 2020
Turkey Will be the Death of NATO: Its Recent Clash with Fellow Member France Off the Coast of Libya Is an Early Symptom By Scott Ritter, July 20, 2020
America Declaring China’s Territorial Claims Illegal Is All Bark & No Bite. The US Is Militarily & Economically Impotent By Scott Ritter, July 17, 2020
The UN Has Found that the US Killing of Qassem Soleimani Broke International Law. It’s Right, but Nothing Will Happen as a Result By Scott Ritter, July 09, 2020
New York Times Takes Anti-Russian Hysteria to New Level with Report on Russian ‘Bounty’ for US Troops in Afghanistan By Scott Ritter, June 30, 2020
NATO’s Colonization of Ukraine Under Guise of Partnership By Scott Ritter, June 15, 2020
NATO’s Call on ‘Like-minded Nations’ to Stand Up to the Rise of China Is Just a Desperate Bid for Global Relevance By Scott Ritter, June 12, 2020
Rod Rosenstein
Is Putin Laying a Petroleum Trap for Trump? By Scott Ritter, April 15, 2020
The Staggering Collapse of U.S. Intelligence on the Coronavirus By Scott Ritter, March 25, 2020
How Turkey Lost a Battle of Wills, and Force, to Russia By Scott Ritter, March 11, 2020
New Putin-Erdogan Deal Is Sugar-coating the Turks’ Surrender By Scott Ritter, March 09, 2020
The Threat of a Nuclear War Between the US and Russia Is Now at Its Greatest Since 1983 By Scott Ritter, March 04, 2020
Even NATO Is Unwilling to Touch Turkey’s Idlib Mess with a Ten-foot Pole By Scott Ritter, March 01, 2020
Step to Nuclear Doomsday: US Puts Low-yield Nukes on Submarines to Counter Made-up Russian ‘Strategy’ By Scott Ritter, February 10, 2020