Sara Flounders - Archive

Ukraine: Russian Trucks Deliver Food — and Leave By Sara Flounders, August 30, 2014
Egypt Complicit in Israeli Siege on Gaza By Sara Flounders, August 07, 2014
Imperialism and Elections in Syria, Egypt and Ukraine By Sara Flounders, June 05, 2014
The Encirclement of Russia: US-NATO Military Deployments Could Start New Cold War By Sara Flounders, April 26, 2014
Why are Nazi and Confederate flags on display in Kiev? By Sara Flounders, March 05, 2014
Will Iran’s Landmark Nuclear Deal be Torpedoed by Corporate Interests? By Sara Flounders, December 09, 2013
What’s at Stake with the Iran Nuclear Treaty? Intrusive Measures on Iran’s Sovereignty By Sara Flounders, December 07, 2013
New Report Reveals 30 Million People Enslaved Worldwide By Sara Flounders, October 19, 2013
Human Trafficking: The Second Largest Industry in the World By Sara Flounders, October 17, 2013
Anti-War Delegation to Syria. Ramsey Clark, Cynthia McKinney, Sara Flounders By Sara Flounders, September 19, 2013
The Iraq War: Ten Years of U.S. Crimes against Humanity By Sara Flounders, March 21, 2013
U.S. Secret Prisons and the Guantanamo Trials, Systematic Torture By Sara Flounders, January 30, 2013
Six hospital evacuations in NY-NJ. Hospitals closed for a Drone weapons site By Sara Flounders, November 08, 2012
Non-Aligned Movement meets in Iran, defies U.S. By Sara Flounders, August 30, 2012
GRTV: Arms & Cash Flow to Syria Rebels Must Stop to End Violence By Sara Flounders, July 11, 2012
Demonstrations in over 80 cities and 6 countries say: NO WAR, NO SANCTIONS, NO INTERVENTION, NO ASSASSINATIONS ON IRAN! By Sara Flounders, February 06, 2012
Miscalculation, Provocation or a Staged False Flag Op.? Resist U.S. War Threats on Iran By Sara Flounders, January 21, 2012
Murder of Gadhafi is next step to wider U.S. wars in Africa By Sara Flounders, October 24, 2011
VIDEO: Tallying the Death Toll of NATO’s Vicious War on Libyan Civilians By Sara Flounders, October 01, 2011
Syria: Obama Threatens U.S. Military Intervention By Sara Flounders, August 19, 2011
Libya: Demonization and Self-determination By Sara Flounders, July 24, 2011
LIBYA – Behind the Phony ICC ‘Rape’ Charges: ARE NATO FORCES PREPARING A GROUND ATTACK? By Sara Flounders, June 10, 2011
Siria y el imperialismo de EE.UU. By Sara Flounders, May 25, 2011
A Síria e o imperialismo dos EUA By Sara Flounders, May 25, 2011
The Bin Laden Assassination and the Limits of U.S. Power By Sara Flounders, May 12, 2011
Syria and US Imperialism By Sara Flounders, May 06, 2011
Terror and the Osama bin Laden assassination By Sara Flounders, May 04, 2011
Barcos de guerra cerca de Libia: crece el peligro de intervención militar imperialista By Sara Flounders, March 05, 2011
As U.S. warships near Libya, Danger of Imperialist Military Intervention Grows By Sara Flounders, March 02, 2011
Libya and Imperialism By Sara Flounders, February 24, 2011
September 11: Thousands March Against Racism and Anti-Muslim Bigotry By Sara Flounders, September 13, 2010
The Pope, Pedophilia and the Class Struggle By Sara Flounders, April 26, 2010
Pakistanis Protest Conviction of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui By Sara Flounders, February 20, 2010
Globalization Batters Bangladesh By Sara Flounders, February 19, 2010
Pentagon’s Role in Global Catastrophe: Add Climate Havoc to War Crimes By Sara Flounders, December 19, 2009
Obama’s War: Why is the Largest Military Machine on the Planet Unable to Defeat the Resistance in Afghanistan and Iraq By Sara Flounders, December 02, 2009
The Pentagon Budget: Largest Ever and Growing By Sara Flounders, November 19, 2009
Iran and the G20 meeting: Creating a Crisis to Cover Divisions By Sara Flounders, October 01, 2009
The Tunnels of Gaza By Sara Flounders, February 11, 2009
Palestine Inspires Global Resistance! By Sara Flounders, January 17, 2009
Thousands at Congress Affirm Palestinian Right To Return By Sara Flounders, December 22, 2008
Israel invades Gaza again; Palestinian resistance continues By Sara Flounders, November 18, 2008
Will NATO’s Expansion Bubble Burst? By Sara Flounders, September 28, 2008
U.S. hidden hand pushes Ossetia war By Sara Flounders, August 15, 2008
Myanmar Cyclone. U.S. hostility hampers relief By Sara Flounders, May 16, 2008
Rising opposition in Europe: U.S. plans for NATO run into a wall By Sara Flounders, May 09, 2008
Communists sweep elections in Nepal By Sara Flounders, April 30, 2008
Washington gets a new colony in the Balkans By Sara Flounders, February 28, 2008
U.S. occupation at Root of Violence in Iraq By Sara Flounders, February 12, 2007
Why Sudan rejects UN troops By Sara Flounders, September 15, 2006
The U.S. Role in Darfur, Sudan By Sara Flounders, June 06, 2006
Milosevic’s Death: A Political Assassination blamed on the Victim By Sara Flounders, March 16, 2006
The trial of Saddam Hussein: Anti-war movement must reject colonial ‘justice’ By Sara Flounders, December 10, 2005