Nauman Sadiq - Archive

Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: Epitome of Erdogan’s Neo-Ottomanism By Nauman Sadiq, October 05, 2020
‘October Surprise’: Trump Incapacitated from Electioneering. POTUS and FLOTUS Tested Positive for Covid-19 By Nauman Sadiq, October 02, 2020
Islamic State’s New Caliph Snitched for US Military in Iraq By Nauman Sadiq, September 22, 2020
Russiagate and Russophobia: Where Law Ends, Tyranny Begins By Nauman Sadiq, September 22, 2020
Trump Administration Announces ‘Third Party’ Sanctions on Iran By Nauman Sadiq, September 21, 2020
Rise of Trumpism and Geoeconomic Pivot to China By Nauman Sadiq, September 20, 2020
Trump Had Contemplated Ordering the Assassination of Bashar al-Assad By Nauman Sadiq, September 19, 2020
Sign of Things to Come: Biden Patronizes Britain over Brexit By Nauman Sadiq, September 17, 2020
Gulf-Israel Accord: The Kings Have No Clothes By Nauman Sadiq, September 16, 2020
Donald Trump: The Frenemy of the Islamic World By Nauman Sadiq, September 15, 2020
Reality Check: Is Trump a Stooge of Putin? By Nauman Sadiq, September 13, 2020
Senator John McCain: The ‘Charlie Wilson’ of Syria War By Nauman Sadiq, September 13, 2020
Alexey Navalny, Novichok and Western Psy-ops By Nauman Sadiq, September 08, 2020
Will Trump Pardon Snowden and Assange if Re-elected? By Nauman Sadiq, September 08, 2020
Will Trump Administration Abandon NATO Alliance if Re-elected? By Nauman Sadiq, September 04, 2020
Germany Alleges Alexei Navalny Poisoned with Nerve Agent Used in Salisbury By Nauman Sadiq, September 03, 2020
How Pakistan’s Military Created Rift Between Imran Khan and Modi? By Nauman Sadiq, September 01, 2020
Saudi Oil Attack and Choreographed Protests in Iran-aligned Countries By Nauman Sadiq, December 18, 2019
“The Good Terrorists”: How U.S. Airstrikes Helped Prop Al-Qaeda in Syria’s Idlib? By Nauman Sadiq, December 14, 2019
White Helmets Founder Was Allegedly Assassinated, Turkish Report By Nauman Sadiq, December 11, 2019
Release of Western Hostages and Prospects of Peace in Afghanistan By Nauman Sadiq, November 19, 2019
After Al-Baghdadi, Islamic State Is Being Headed by Shura Council By Nauman Sadiq, November 18, 2019
Who Was the Founder of the White Helmets? Was He Killed by the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh)? By Nauman Sadiq, November 15, 2019
Iran Nuclear Deal and the Attack on Abqaiq Oil Facility By Nauman Sadiq, November 06, 2019
How Islamic Jihadism Was Conceived as Antidote to Communism? By Nauman Sadiq, November 05, 2019
Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh) Exacts Revenge on Turkey for Selling Al-Baghdadi Out By Nauman Sadiq, November 04, 2019
The Missing Pieces of the Al-Baghdadi Execution Puzzle By Nauman Sadiq, November 04, 2019
How Does Controlling Syria’s Oil Serve Washington’s Strategic Objectives? By Nauman Sadiq, November 04, 2019
Who Is the Unknown Jihadist Named as Islamic State’s New Caliph? By Nauman Sadiq, November 01, 2019
Who Was the “Bigger Terrorist”: Al-Baghdadi or Osama Bin Laden? By Nauman Sadiq, October 30, 2019
Many have begun to refer to the Islamic State group as Daesh. | Photo:
Caliph Al-Baghdadi’s Successors and Islamic State Affiliates By Nauman Sadiq, October 29, 2019
Al-Baghadi and the U.S. Special Ops Raid. Hurras al-Din Regrouping of Islamic State in Syria’s Idlib? By Nauman Sadiq, October 28, 2019
ISIS Chief Al-Baghdadi Killed on Turkish Border while Fleeing Idlib By Nauman Sadiq, October 28, 2019
Why Did Trump Give the Green Light to Turkish Intervention in Northern Syria? Framed by Russia? By Nauman Sadiq, October 23, 2019
The Unspoken History of the Holy Roman Empire. Its Germanic Origins By Nauman Sadiq, October 15, 2019
Pakistan: How the Traditional Power Structure Undermines Democracy in Developing World? By Nauman Sadiq, March 04, 2019
US Troops Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Underlying Cause of Friction Between India and Pakistan? By Nauman Sadiq, February 27, 2019
Does Pakistan Have the Capability to Eradicate Terrorism? By Nauman Sadiq, February 27, 2019
Dangerous Escalation Between Nuclear-armed Rivals India and Pakistan By Nauman Sadiq, February 26, 2019
US Will Retain Several Hundred Troops in Syria Despite Withdrawal By Nauman Sadiq, February 25, 2019
Political Correctness and the Immigration Debate By Nauman Sadiq, February 23, 2019
Terrorism and Insurgency: The Semantics of Political Legitimacy By Nauman Sadiq, February 22, 2019
Education and the Capitalist Myth of Equality of Opportunity By Nauman Sadiq, February 21, 2019
Imran Khan’s “Socialist Revolution” in Pakistan By Nauman Sadiq, February 20, 2019
Postmodernism: A Realm Beyond Renaissance Humanism By Nauman Sadiq, February 19, 2019
Pakistan’s War on Terror and Ouster of Nawaz Sharif By Nauman Sadiq, February 18, 2019
Is Democracy Consistent with Islam? By Nauman Sadiq, February 16, 2019
Pakistan: Is Imran Khan’s ‘Movement for Justice’ a Liberal Political Party? By Nauman Sadiq, February 15, 2019
How Islamism Was Conceived as Antidote to Communism? By Nauman Sadiq, February 15, 2019
How the Syrian Conflict Sparked the New Cold War? By Nauman Sadiq, February 13, 2019
Kashmir Insurgency: The Spillover of the Soviet-Afghan Jihad By Nauman Sadiq, February 13, 2019
Have Islamic State’s Jihadists Joined Al-Nusra Front in Syria’s Idlib? By Nauman Sadiq, February 09, 2019
Islamic State’s Chief Al-Baghdadi Survived a ‘Coup’ by His Fighters By Nauman Sadiq, February 09, 2019
Al-Nusra Front: Islamic State’s Breakaway Faction in Syria’s Idlib By Nauman Sadiq, February 08, 2019
Why Is Islam the Fastest Growing Religion of the Modern Era? By Nauman Sadiq, February 07, 2019
Petro-Islam: The Nexus Between Oil and Terrorism By Nauman Sadiq, February 05, 2019
Afghanistan: From “Soviet” Occupation to American “Liberation” By Nauman Sadiq, February 04, 2019
Tracing Islamic State’s Weapons Back to Western Capitals By Nauman Sadiq, February 04, 2019
Does the US Provide Covert Support to the Islamic State in Afghanistan? By Nauman Sadiq, February 03, 2019
Washington’s Playbook for Waging Proxy Wars in the Middle East By Nauman Sadiq, February 02, 2019