Rep. Ron Paul - Archive

What Did Washington Achieve in Its Six Year War on Syria? By Rep. Ron Paul, December 20, 2017
Is North Korea Really a ‘State Sponsor of Terrorism’? By Rep. Ron Paul, November 28, 2017
Why Are We Helping Saudi Arabia Destroy Yemen? By Rep. Ron Paul, November 21, 2017
Neocons Hijack Trump’s Syria Policy By Rep. Ron Paul, October 31, 2017
How to End the Korea Crisis By Rep. Ron Paul, September 26, 2017
Oppose Fascism of the Right and the Left By Rep. Ron Paul, August 23, 2017
Attack Venezuela? Trump Can’t Be Serious! By Rep. Ron Paul, August 16, 2017
North Korea or Iran…Where Will President Trump Attack First? By Rep. Ron Paul, July 31, 2017
Why Are We Attacking the Syrians Who Are Fighting ISIS? By Rep. Ron Paul, June 13, 2017
President Trump: Toss Your Generals’ War Escalation Plans in the Trash By Rep. Ron Paul, May 15, 2017
President Trump: Cancel Your Saudi Trip, Play More Golf By Rep. Ron Paul, May 08, 2017
Candidate Trump: ‘I Love Wikileaks.’ President Trump: ‘Arrest Assange!’ By Rep. Ron Paul, April 25, 2017
After Trump’s Syria Attack, What Comes Next? By Rep. Ron Paul, April 11, 2017
Did the US Government Spy on Trump? Of Course. It Spies on All of Us! By Rep. Ron Paul, March 31, 2017
Military Escalation: Why Trump’s Syria ‘Surge’ Will Fail By Rep. Ron Paul, March 15, 2017
Good News: Washington Frozen Out of Syria Peace Plan By Rep. Ron Paul, January 04, 2017
Trump’s Promised ‘New Foreign Policy’ Must Abandon Regime Change for Iran By Rep. Ron Paul, December 07, 2016
Why Does It Look Like The U.S. Is Rescuing ISIS? By Rep. Ron Paul, June 23, 2016
Video: “Diplomats” Urge War. 51 State Department Officials Call For US-led War against Syrian Government and its Russian Ally By Rep. Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams, June 21, 2016
Military Escalation: The US Congress is Writing the President a “Blank Check for War” By Rep. Ron Paul, January 26, 2016
We Must Oppose Obama’s Military Escalation in Syria and Iraq! By Rep. Ron Paul, October 28, 2015
US Intelligence Confirms US “Deliberately Helping ISIS”: “Bomb the Kurds Not ISIS”. Ron Paul By Rep. Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams, August 27, 2015
The Seamless Web Of Liberty By Rep. Ron Paul, August 21, 2015
Death Penalty: The Ultimate Corrupt, Big Government Program By Rep. Ron Paul, June 16, 2015
New Military Spending Bill Expands Empire But Forbids Debate on War By Rep. Ron Paul, May 20, 2015
Political Murders in Kiev, US Troops to Ukraine By Rep. Ron Paul, April 20, 2015
Police State America: Internet, Rip? Non-Elected Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Claims Power to Regulate the Internet By Rep. Ron Paul, February 27, 2015
US Taxpayers Will be Robbed to Arm Poroshenko By Rep. Ron Paul, February 05, 2015
New Cold War: Anti-Russia Resolution Full of Propaganda – Condemns Russia for Doing Exactly What the US Does By Rep. Ron Paul, December 08, 2014
H. Res. 758: Reckless Congress ‘Declares War’ on Russia By Rep. Ron Paul, December 06, 2014
Why Won’t Obama Just Leave Ukraine Alone? By Rep. Ron Paul, August 06, 2014
What the Mainstream Media won’t Report about Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 By Rep. Ron Paul, July 25, 2014
Leave Ukraine Alone! By Rep. Ron Paul, April 12, 2014
Why Are We At War in Yemen? By Rep. Ron Paul, August 12, 2013
Obama Signals Start of US War in Syria By Rep. Ron Paul, June 16, 2013
More War, “Kill Courts” at Home. The Real Meaning of Obama’s National Security Speeches By Rep. Ron Paul, May 28, 2013
“It will Lead to War”, Statement on H.R.4133, The US-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012 By Rep. Ron Paul, May 14, 2012
Crisis of the Federal Budget: The so-called congressional “Super Committee” By Rep. Ron Paul, November 22, 2011
Iraq – An End or an Escalation? By Rep. Ron Paul, August 31, 2010
An Act Of War: The US Congress is Actively Pushing for War on Iran By Rep. Ron Paul, April 24, 2010
VIDEO: Criminalization of the State: Assassinations and Torture Ordered by the US Government By Rep. Ron Paul, March 03, 2010
VIDEO: USA is Bankrupt, Quit Buying Bombs or We’re Done By Rep. Ron Paul, January 27, 2010
Iran Sanctions are Precursor to War By Rep. Ron Paul, December 22, 2009
Who Wants War? By Rep. Ron Paul, December 08, 2009
Fed Independence or Fed Secrecy? By Rep. Ron Paul, July 13, 2009
International Bailout Brings Us Closer to Economic Collapse By Rep. Ron Paul, June 24, 2009
Global Warming Consensus Challenged: “Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide” By Rep. Ron Paul, June 17, 2009
VIDEO: Torturing the Rule of Law By Rep. Ron Paul, May 26, 2009
Bombed If You Do, Bombed If You Don’t By Rep. Ron Paul, December 17, 2007
The World’s Reserve Currency By Rep. Ron Paul, January 04, 2007
It Can’t Happen Here By Rep. Ron Paul, June 18, 2005
The Real ID Act, Preamble to the Homeland Security State By Rep. Ron Paul, February 13, 2005
US Legislation to Invade Sudan: Hands Off Sudan! By Rep. Ron Paul, August 03, 2004