Rep. Ron Paul - Archive

We Are All Canadian Truckers Now! By Rep. Ron Paul, February 01, 2022
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell: America’s Most Dangerous Unknown Man By Rep. Ron Paul, January 26, 2022
Omicron: The Lockdowners’ Last Stand By Rep. Ron Paul, December 22, 2021
Fauci on your Phone? By Rep. Ron Paul, December 14, 2021
Biden’s ‘Democracy Summit’ Is a Joke By Rep. Ron Paul, December 07, 2021
Biden’s Numbers Tank…as US Rattles Sabers at Russia By Rep. Ron Paul, November 23, 2021
Federal Reserve Failure By Rep. Ron Paul, November 16, 2021
Great News: Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Is Falling Apart! By Rep. Ron Paul, November 09, 2021
Resist the Unique Patient Identifier! By Rep. Ron Paul, November 02, 2021
Will Biden Start Nuclear War with China over Taiwan? By Rep. Ron Paul, October 26, 2021
The Biggest Federal Reserve Scandal By Rep. Ron Paul, September 28, 2021
‘Justice for J6 Rally’: A Set-Up or a Psy-Op? By Rep. Ron Paul, September 21, 2021
Authoritarianism Pandemic Is the Real Threat By Rep. Ron Paul, September 07, 2021
Afghanistan: A Tragically Stupid War Comes to a Tragic End By Rep. Ron Paul, August 31, 2021
Kabul Has Fallen – But Don’t Blame Biden By Rep. Ron Paul, August 18, 2021
It’s Saigon in Afghanistan By Rep. Ron Paul, July 06, 2021
HMS Defender versus the Russian Military: The Danger of Believing Your Own Propaganda By Rep. Ron Paul, June 29, 2021
The Road to Authoritarianism Is Paved with Fiat Currency By Rep. Ron Paul, June 22, 2021
How Texas Killed COVID By Rep. Ron Paul, May 25, 2021
Big Government and Big Inflation By Rep. Ron Paul, May 18, 2021
COVID Authoritarians Abuse Children By Rep. Ron Paul, May 11, 2021
Will Special Interests Allow America’s ‘Longest War’ to Finally End? By Rep. Ron Paul, May 04, 2021
Global Taxes – Global Stagnation By Rep. Ron Paul, April 13, 2021
Why Is the Biden Administration Pushing Ukraine to Attack Russia? By Rep. Ron Paul, April 06, 2021
Second Amendment in the Firing Line By Rep. Ron Paul, March 30, 2021
Want a Job? Get a Shot! By Rep. Ron Paul, March 23, 2021
The Federal Reserve is Enabling Biden and Congress’ Destructive Economic Agenda By Rep. Ron Paul, March 09, 2021
Biden’s Syria Attack: An Actual Impeachable Offense By Rep. Ron Paul, March 02, 2021
Unintended Consequences and the Texas ‘Big Freeze’ Energy Disaster By Rep. Ron Paul, February 23, 2021
Trump Acquitted (Again), but Trump Hatred Continues By Rep. Ron Paul, February 16, 2021
The Trump Political Show Trial By Rep. Ron Paul, February 09, 2021
Libertarian “Domestic Terrorists”? By Rep. Ron Paul, February 02, 2021
When Fascism Comes, It Will be Wearing a Mask By Rep. Ron Paul, January 26, 2021
The Unwelcome Return of the Real Purveyors of Violence By Rep. Ron Paul, January 19, 2021
Video: Ron Paul: This Worries Me Much More than Covid By Rep. Ron Paul, December 14, 2020
The Crack-Up at the Federal Reserve Is Coming. Decline of US Dollar, Rejection of Its World Reserve Currency Status By Rep. Ron Paul, December 08, 2020
On Coronavirus, We Must Not Allow Politics to Dictate Science By Rep. Ron Paul, November 24, 2020
Will Biden Listen to the Science? By Rep. Ron Paul, November 17, 2020
Powerful Presidents Are Incompatible with Liberty By Rep. Ron Paul, November 10, 2020
No Vaccine for Tyranny By Rep. Ron Paul, November 03, 2020
‘Iraq War Diaries’ at Ten Years: Truth Is Treason By Rep. Ron Paul, October 27, 2020
Troops Coming Home from Afghanistan? Depends on Who You Ask. By Rep. Ron Paul, October 20, 2020
Can the US Federal Reserve End Racism? Eliminate Disparities in Income, Employment and Wealth? By Rep. Ron Paul, October 14, 2020
The War on Assange Is a War on Truth By Rep. Ron Paul, September 22, 2020
Public Debt Is the Real Pandemic: $3.3 Trillion Federal Deficit, Largest in US History …. By Rep. Ron Paul, September 15, 2020
Anthony Fauci Is Out, “Sidelined” by Trump. Enter Dr. Scott Atlas to the Coronavirus Task Force By Rep. Ron Paul and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 18, 2020
Coronavirus Is the New ‘Terrorism’ By Rep. Ron Paul, August 11, 2020
Europeans Are Waking Up to Government COVID Tyranny. Why Are We Still Asleep? By Rep. Ron Paul, August 04, 2020
Fedcoin: A New Scheme for Tyranny and Poverty By Rep. Ron Paul, July 28, 2020
Big Holes in the Covid ‘Spike’ Narrative By Rep. Ron Paul, July 21, 2020
Will the Federal Reserve Cause the Next Riots? By Rep. Ron Paul, July 14, 2020
The Media Is Lying About the ‘Second Wave’ By Rep. Ron Paul, June 30, 2020
The Federal Reserve Is Getting Desperate to Jump Start the Economy By Rep. Ron Paul, June 23, 2020
Is the ‘Second Wave’ Another Coronavirus Hoax? By Rep. Ron Paul, June 16, 2020
Request for Compassionate Release of Julian Assange By Clare Daly, Rep. Ron Paul, Yanis Varoufakis, and et al., June 15, 2020
Coronavirus Shows Why We Need Separation of Medicine and State! By Rep. Ron Paul, June 09, 2020
Listen to the Doctors, End the Lockdowns By Rep. Ron Paul, June 02, 2020
Video: Dr. Ron Paul’s Urgent Coronavirus Message for Every American By Rep. Ron Paul, May 27, 2020
Listening to the Coronavirus ‘Experts’ Has Led to Death and Despair By Rep. Ron Paul, May 19, 2020
Authoritarians Using Coronavirus Fear to Destroy America By Rep. Ron Paul, May 12, 2020