Rima Najjar - Archive

Israel Was Forced on Palestinians . Trump Deal is a US Rubber Stamp of the Status Quo By Rima Najjar, May 15, 2019
The Zionist Idea Has Never Been More Terrifying than It Is Today By Rima Najjar, May 11, 2019
British government
Once Again, Palestinians Are Shafted by The British Government, Responding to Pressures from pro-Israeli Lobby By Rima Najjar, September 06, 2018
With Help from Their Jewish Israeli Friends: A Palestinian Political Initiative (In the Making) By Rima Najjar, June 21, 2018
The More Plausible and Reasonable History of Palestine and Israel By Rima Najjar, June 19, 2018
Israel and Its Spokespeople Can “Justify” Only Through Lies and Deflections By Rima Najjar, June 11, 2018
The Saudi Prince and the Palestinian Paupers By Rima Najjar, May 03, 2018
History of the Palestinian Nation: Why Oranges Stick in My Throat By Rima Najjar, April 25, 2018
“Just Shut Up and Die or Disappear”: Reaction of Israelis to the Gaza Massacres By Rima Najjar, April 10, 2018
Israel’s “Security”: The Official Mantra to Defend Israel’s Crimes against Palestinians By Rima Najjar, April 06, 2018
The Jewish State Itself Is Unjustifiable and Inexcusable – Not Just What’s Happening in Gaza Now By Rima Najjar, April 02, 2018
Palestine Sovereignty and the “Peace Process”. What is the End Game? “A Nation is not Defeated Until its Will to Resist is Completely Snuffed” By Rima Najjar, March 23, 2018
The Palestinian People Are Not Fooled Anymore By Rima Najjar, February 21, 2018
An Exodus of “Jewish Settlers” from Palestine Is Inevitable By Rima Najjar, February 12, 2018
Palestine and the Issue of “Jewish Identity” By Rima Najjar, February 06, 2018
The Palestinian Struggle Is Not About Rights Within a Legitimized Israel; It’s About Liberation and Self-Determination By Rima Najjar, January 24, 2018
“Ethical Decolonization”and the Restoration of all Palestinian Rights and Reparations By Rima Najjar, January 20, 2018
Yes, Palestinians Teach Their Children to Hate the Jewish State By Rima Najjar, January 07, 2018
Jewish Identity Politics and the Struggle to Liberate Palestine By Rima Najjar, January 03, 2018
Ahed Tamimi Is Part of the Palestinian Generations R – for Return By Rima Najjar, December 23, 2017
On Hanukkah 2017, Light a Candle for Palestine! By Rima Najjar, December 20, 2017
It’s Not Simply Jerusalem, It’s All of Palestine By Rima Najjar, December 12, 2017
Palestine and the Balfour Declaration, Explained in Eight Memes
 By Rima Najjar, November 05, 2017
Zionism: The Ideological Cover-up to Jewish Colonization of Palestine By Rima Najjar, October 02, 2017
The Illegal Occupation of Palestine: UN Must Take a Leaf From the Global Grassroots BDS Movement By Rima Najjar, September 21, 2017
Understanding Zionism and the Liberation of Palestine By Rima Najjar, September 13, 2017
70 Years On, Palestinians Are Still Locked in the Same Position. “The Right of Return”, The Palestinian Refugee Problem By Rima Najjar, August 03, 2017
Anti-Semitism Is Not the Issue; Palestine Is By Rima Najjar, August 01, 2017
“If Israel Placed Roses Instead of Metal Detectors in al-Aqsa Mosque, We Would Still Reject Them” By Rima Najjar, July 22, 2017
Israel in Palestine as “Dysfunctional Judaism” By Rima Najjar, July 17, 2017
Palestinian Resistance and the Israeli Terror State By Rima Najjar, July 13, 2017
Why Israel Has a Law that Gives Police the Power to Block Certain Websites From Israelis By Rima Najjar, July 06, 2017
Israel’s Illegitimate Tactics Against Palestinian Armed Resistance vs. Legitimate Global Security Concerns By Rima Najjar, June 29, 2017
Palestinians Are Seeking Justice in Jerusalem – Not an Abusive Life-long Mate By Rima Najjar, June 27, 2017
Persuading Jews Worldwide to Convert to Zionism By Rima Najjar, June 23, 2017