RAWA - Archive
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA). Message from Afghan Women
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August 21, 2023
The US and Her Fundamentalist Stooges Are the Main Human Rights Violators in Afghanistan
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March 07, 2023
Estados Unidos Necesita a los Talibanes para Justificar Su Presencia Militar en Afganistán
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March 15, 2018
US War Crimes against Women: The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA): Interview
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March 08, 2018
EUA Precisa do Taliban para Justificar Presença Militar no Afeganistão
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January 25, 2018
Afghanistan: US Occupiers and NATO, Their Puppets, the Taliban and ISIS Are the Cause of the Current Disaster!
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October 10, 2017
Os ocupantes dos EUA e seus fantoches da OTAN, e as hienas do Taliban e do Estado Islamita são a causa do atual desastre no Afeganistão!
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October 09, 2017
Ataque Suicida em Cabul. EUA Deve Retirar-Se para que a Haja Paz no Afeganistão: Entrevista com RAWA
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June 30, 2017