Peter Koenig - Archive

The World Economic Forum Concludes Not with a Bang, but with a Whimper. “Improving the State of the World”, Really? By Peter Koenig, August 13, 2022
Confronting One World Order (OWO) Globalism. The Rise and Fall of the Beast By Peter Koenig, August 10, 2022
Video: The Implementation of the QR Code for Absolute Control. Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig and Kla TV, August 09, 2022
“Climate Change”, Food Shortages: Coordinated Destruction of Humanity by the World Economic Forum and Its “Elite Cult” By Peter Koenig, August 06, 2022
Senator Kyrsten Sinema Has Been Bought. Another Democrat Pressured into the Fake Climate Narrative. Open Letter to New York Times By Peter Koenig, August 05, 2022
Breaking: Taiwan — Nancy Pelosi Has Landed By Peter Koenig, August 03, 2022
Video: Is the Biden Administration Really Foolish Enough to Send Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, or Is It Just a Balloon of Hot Air? Don DeBar and Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig, Don DeBar, and Press TV, August 02, 2022
Silent Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Great Reset, the Fear Campaign and “Engineered Weather”? By Peter Koenig, July 30, 2022
Russia to Exit WHO, WTO and Other UN Agencies? By Peter Koenig, July 28, 2022
Engineered Inflation in the Eurozone and Worldwide: Are We in the Midst of WW-III: Execution of the Great Reset? By Peter Koenig and Jerome Hughes, July 26, 2022
World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab: “We have the Means to Improve the State of the World.” The Pandemic Treaty By Peter Koenig, July 25, 2022
Video: Interview mit Wirtschaftsexperte Peter König: Mit dem QR-Code zur absoluten Kontrolle By Peter Koenig and Kla TV, July 19, 2022
The West Against Russia: The Strategy Is Being Played Out in Ukraine. “Socio-Economic Suicide” in the EU. Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig and GEOFOR, July 18, 2022
A Chaotic Upside Down World: Endless Wars, Food Shortages, Eugenics and the “Digitization of Everything”: The WEF Agenda 2030 By Peter Koenig, July 18, 2022
Switzerland’s Secretive Banking System and the WEF’s “Great Reset”: First in “You’ll Own Nothing and You’ll be Happy”? By Peter Koenig, July 17, 2022
Kissinger and the War in Ukraine: The Messenger and the Master By Peter Koenig, July 16, 2022
Japan: Shinzo Abe’s Assassination – A Hidden Agenda? Enforce a One World Order (OWO) By Peter Koenig, July 15, 2022
The Dollar vs. the Yuan: Global Inflation, The Federal Reserve and China’s Measures to Stabilize Her Economy By Peter Koenig, July 11, 2022
Kissinger y la guerra en Ucrania: El mensajero y el amo By Peter Koenig, July 06, 2022
Turkey Aligns with NATO against Russia By Peter Koenig, June 30, 2022
The WHO as a “Proxy World Government”? Abolition of the Nation State? Say NO to “Global Tyranny” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel and Peter Koenig, June 28, 2022
Ukraine’s War vs. WHO’s Pandemic Treaty. “Who Rules over Health and Disease decides over Life and Death”. By Peter Koenig, June 23, 2022
Die Schweiz, das geheime Bankensystem und der “Great Reset” des WEF: Ist die Schweiz Nummer Eins in “Du wirst nichts besitzen und du wirst glücklich sein”? By Peter Koenig, June 21, 2022
Who Owns the World? By Peter Koenig, June 10, 2022
Die WHO als „Stellvertreter-Weltregierung“? Abschaffung des Nationalstaates? Sag NEIN zur „globalen Tyrannei“. Die WHO greift nach Macht über das Land und die Welt By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel and Peter Koenig, May 30, 2022
World Economic Forum (WEF): Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Opening Speech, Money Weapons Advisors, — Standing Ovation By Peter Koenig, May 28, 2022
Reporting From Davos: WEF’s Klaus Schwab Talks with Pfizer’s Albert Bourla: “We rather prevent the disease by vaccination, than cure it.” By Peter Koenig, May 27, 2022
Famine is the Name of the Game By Peter Koenig, May 21, 2022
Nordic NATO Expansion – Or NATO Implosion? By Peter Koenig, May 19, 2022
Video: The World Health Order (WHO) and the “Global Pandemic Treaty”: The Back Door to “Global Tyranny” By Peter Koenig, May 18, 2022
Russia – Ukraine War: A U.S. Proxy War Against Russia. U.N. Security Council Has Called for Peace Negotiations By Peter Koenig and GEOFOR, May 13, 2022
Pandamned: A Documentary on the Lies, Atrocities and Coming Tyranny of the COVID Plandemic By Peter Koenig and Marijn Poels, May 12, 2022
Ukraine-Russia and the World Economic Forum (WEF). A Planned Milestone Towards “The Great Reset”? By Peter Koenig, May 11, 2022
Ukraine: How to Reach a Peace Agreement. China Could Play an Important Role as a Moderator By Peter Koenig, May 09, 2022
Delinking from Dollar Dominated Trade: Circumventing US Sanctions. Iran–Venezuela Energy Cooperation By Peter Koenig and Press TV, May 05, 2022
Countering “The Great Reset”. “Exit Globalization”, Refuse “Digital Tyranny” and “Global Governance” By Peter Koenig, May 03, 2022
The Shanghai Lockdown. Seen from Another Angle By Peter Koenig, April 22, 2022
The World Health Tyranny: Towards the WEF “Great Reset of Misery” By Peter Koenig, April 21, 2022
Ukraine-Russia: Towards a “Hot War”? Advancing the Agenda of the Great Reset? By Peter Koenig, April 15, 2022
Story Reads Almost as a Joke: Russia’s S-400 Air Defense System Contemplated by US-NATO to “Defend Ukraine against Russia” By Peter Koenig, April 04, 2022
COVID Out of the Door – What’s Next? Marburg, Ebola or Worse? By Peter Koenig, April 02, 2022
China – European Union (EU) Cooperation Summit at the Height of the Ukraine War. Towards a Greater Eurasia By Peter Koenig, April 01, 2022
Who are the War Criminals? Ukrainian Soldiers Torturing Russian Prisoners of War By Peter Koenig, March 31, 2022
Did Moderna Manually Add “Ingredients” to COVID Jabs? Dr. Daniel Nagase By Peter Koenig and Dr. Daniel Nagase, March 25, 2022
Iran: How to Circumvent Sanctions – Now and in the Future By Peter Koenig and Press TV, March 21, 2022
“Sudden Death of Corona Crisis” Versus “Sudden War with Ukraine” By Peter Koenig, March 20, 2022
Video: Ukraine. A Bombshell of Truth. Lara Laugan By Peter Koenig, March 18, 2022
Russia-Ukraine: A Light at the End of the Tunnel? By Peter Koenig, March 17, 2022
Extensive US-EU Sanctions on Russia: Boomerang and Economic Backlash throughout the European Union By Peter Koenig and Press TV, March 16, 2022
Kiev’s Secret Order for a March Offensive Against Donbass? By Peter Koenig, March 10, 2022
Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation als Weltregierung By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel and Peter Koenig, March 07, 2022
The QR Code: “Apocalypse”, COVID Vaccine and the “Mark of the Beast” By Peter Koenig and Michael Mustapich, March 03, 2022
Will Ukraine See the Light, Restore its Sovereignty. Negotiations are the Solution By Peter Koenig, March 01, 2022
Triumph of the Beast vs. Triumph of the People By Peter Koenig, February 24, 2022
“COVID-19 The Great Reset” – “Delete” Humanity By Peter Koenig, February 19, 2022
The Coronavirus Vaccine: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”. Vaccination as a Platform for “Digital Identity” By Peter Koenig, February 03, 2022
The Philosophy of “Venceremos!”, We Shall Overcome: Canadian Freedom Convoy against Covid-19 Mandates By Peter Koenig, January 31, 2022
The COVID-Omicron Crisis: The Roadmap Towards a Worldwide Financial Crash, Inflation, Digitization By Peter Koenig, January 22, 2022
COVIDLAND, a Documentary Film: Review and Analysis by Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig, January 21, 2022
Kazakhstan: NATO’s New Frontier? Attempted Coup? History and Analysis of “Color Revolutions” By Peter Koenig, January 12, 2022