Peter Koenig - Archive

Gaza Versus The Hague: The ICJ Failed Again – A Case of “Political Correctness”? By Peter Koenig, January 29, 2024
WEF “Global Solutions”, But for Whom? The WEF Prescribed “Climate Activism” By Michael Welch, Peter Koenig, Julian Rose, and Elizabeth Woodworth, January 27, 2024
Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine By Peter Koenig, January 24, 2024
Limits to Growth, Climate Change, Digitization of Everything and Worldwide Censorship — All Leading to WEF and the Behemoth Cult Commanding It By Peter Koenig, January 22, 2024
The WEF Davos 2024 Circus: Their One Objective is to “Massively Reduce World Population” By Peter Koenig, January 22, 2024
“Building Trust”?: The World Economic Forum Is the West’s Perfect “White-Collar Euthanasia Agent” By Peter Koenig, January 18, 2024
Israel Confronted at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Does it Matter? Will It Effectively Take on Israel for its Atrocious Crimes? By Peter Koenig, January 11, 2024
The WEF and WHO – Are They Running a Death Cult? A WHO / Pharma controlled Worldwide Tyrannical “health system” By Peter Koenig, January 06, 2024
Gaza War: “I Wish I Could Have Died with Them.” By Peter Koenig, January 05, 2024
Genocide and the Cost of the Israel-Gaza War. “Israel is Wiping herself Off The Map. Such a Country Cannot be Allowed to Exist”. Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig, January 05, 2024
Video: Digital Tyranny and the Rockefeller-Gates WHO “Vaxx-Certificate Passport”: Towards a World War III Scenario By Peter Koenig, December 31, 2023
Towards Digital Tyranny? Beware of the QR Code, Remember Agenda ID2020? By Peter Koenig, December 30, 2023
Israeli Forces Raiding West Bank Cash Machines and Banks, Depriving Palestinians of their Means of Survival. What is the Trigger That “Starts Peace”? By Peter Koenig, December 29, 2023
Israel’s Crimes and Atrocities Committed in Gaza By Peter Koenig and Press TV, December 28, 2023
“The Worst Days in Gaza” By Peter Koenig, December 15, 2023
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): The Weaponization of Money? WHO’s Health Tyranny: Towards a Totalitarian World Government? No Way! By Peter Koenig, December 14, 2023
The Climate Scam Revealed by COP28 By Peter Koenig, December 12, 2023
Israel’s “Final Solution” for the Palestinians Did Not Start in 2023. “The Terror to Eliminate Palestinians from their Homeland” Started in the 1930s By Peter Koenig, December 11, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: The Big Picture. Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig and Mike Adams, December 09, 2023
Look Up! Wake Up, People! You Are Being “Suicided in Warp Speed”. By Peter Koenig, December 06, 2023
Dollarization of Argentina – Or Not? Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig, December 03, 2023
Beyond Orwell’s 1984, 5G and the Launching of 6G: “Easy to Take Down a Society that Is Digital”. 
 UNCTAD Attempts Accomplishing this Doom Scenario By Peter Koenig, December 02, 2023
The 2023 APEC Conference: “Working Towards a Joint Future with Benefits for All”. Strained US-China Relations, Biden Meets Xi By Peter Koenig, November 24, 2023
Argentina – A Political Earthquake By Peter Koenig, November 22, 2023
The Plan: WHO’s Ten Years of Infectious Diseases (2020 to 2030), Leading to World Tyranny By Peter Koenig, November 18, 2023
Undoing the Doubters of the Climax Hoax. Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig, November 15, 2023
“The Horror, The Horror” in Gaza. Chris Hedges. What Is the UN Good for? Where Is the Human Rights Commission When It Is Needed? By Chris Hedges and Peter Koenig, November 13, 2023
Israel’s Killing Fields. Albert Einstein‘s Foresight? By Peter Koenig, November 12, 2023
Gaza: US and the West Support Israel’s Crimes Against Humanity By Peter Koenig, November 06, 2023
Gaza. Don’t Let them Get Away with It. “War Escalation in the Middle East Does Not Stop” … By Peter Koenig, November 01, 2023
An All-out War May Have Just Begun in the Middle East By Peter Koenig, October 29, 2023
Israeli Genocide – No End and the World Looks On By Peter Koenig, October 25, 2023
Switzerland: Landslide to the Right. Why? By Peter Koenig, October 24, 2023
Nobel Prize 2023 for Inventors of mRNA Vaccine. Propaganda for a Fake “Vaccine”. Reward for Triggering a Worldwide Upward Trend in Mortality? By Peter Koenig, October 21, 2023
Beijing’s Third Belt and Road Forum: Projecting a “Human Kind of Community with a Shared Future” By Peter Koenig, October 20, 2023
Burkina Faso’s Nuclear Power Deal with Russia. Is Moscow Displacing Paris and Washington? By Peter Koenig, October 19, 2023
Explosive: Israel Bombing Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza, at Least 500 Dead, Hundreds Injured By Peter Koenig, October 18, 2023
Second Nakba: The Start of Monumental Destruction of the Middle East? By Peter Koenig, October 17, 2023
Video: Ready for the Economic Crash? Reiner Fuellmich with Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig and Reiner Fuellmich, October 12, 2023
The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Netanyahu’s “False Flag”, Connecting the Dots – and More By Peter Koenig, October 11, 2023
Israel-Palestine and the Acceleration of Eternal Wars. Israel’s “Long War… Working Towards Greater Israel” By Peter Koenig, October 09, 2023
El cerebro es el campo de batalla del futuro: el objetivo del Foro Económico Mundial es “alterar al ser humano” By Peter Koenig, October 09, 2023
La horrible agenda secreta de la ONU y la OMS: esclavización total de la humanidad a través de una “dictadura sanitaria global” By Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, Mike Davis, and Peter Koenig, October 07, 2023
Is Trudeau Selling Out Canada to the World Economic Forum? By Peter Koenig, October 05, 2023
BRICS: A Window to the Light? Or the Latest Make-Believe Deception? By Peter Koenig, September 26, 2023
Explosive — Analysis of Causes for Disability and Death by COVID Vaccines By Dr. Anita Baxas and Peter Koenig, September 23, 2023
Syria and China – A New Pole in the Middle East? By Peter Koenig and Press TV, September 21, 2023
“The Chips War”: The West versus China By Peter Koenig, September 17, 2023
Problem. Reaction. Solution. Wildfires About More than CO2 Induced Climate Change? By Michael Welch, Peter Koenig, and Prof. Anthony J. Hall, September 16, 2023
Turkey-Syria Earthquake: Is This An Act of Terror? By Peter Koenig, September 16, 2023
Morocco – Earthquake Preceded by Mysterious Blue Lights By Peter Koenig, September 14, 2023
Division Versus Unification: G20 Meeting in India By Peter Koenig and Press TV, September 12, 2023
The Hypocrisy of Sanctions By Peter Koenig, September 12, 2023
9/11 – The Onslaught of an Endless War on Humanity By Peter Koenig, September 12, 2023
The Criminal Insanity of Climate Change: Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) Create Forest and Bush Fires, Destroying Entire Cities and Igniting Boats in the Sea. By Peter Koenig, September 06, 2023
Gabon Joins the Club of Military Putchers By Peter Koenig, September 01, 2023
Niger Military Coup: There’s More Than Meets the Eye. Wagner -Niger -Washington… What’s the Connection? By Peter Koenig, August 30, 2023
Argentina on the Political Brink – Again By Peter Koenig, August 24, 2023
BRICS: A New World Economic and Trading Force? By Peter Koenig and Press TV, August 23, 2023
China vs. Taiwan – A Constant US Provocation By Peter Koenig and Press TV, August 14, 2023